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Dr David Ribeiro, CEO February 3rd, 2016.

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1 Dr David Ribeiro, CEO February 3rd, 2016

2 Who we are Award-winning biotechnology company founded in 2013 as a spin-out of Queen’s University Belfast MISSION: Utilise our proprietary ProteaseTag™ technology to develop a range of products for the capture, detection and measurement of active protease biomarkers of disease Secured close to £1M in grants to date: NISP Connect 25K Award (2013), Proof of Concept Awards (Invest NI) Horizon 2020 Phase I Award (2014) Confidence in Concept (Medical Research Council) Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (USA) Seed Investors: QUBIS (25%) & NetScientific plc (56%)

3 Identification of an active problem
Active proteases are of biomedical and pharmaceutical importance Diagnostic and prognostic value: Drug targets and Biomarkers of disease activity

4 Innovative solutions to an active problem
ProteaseTags™ Irreversibly capture a specific active protease Provide tools for the detection and quantification of the activity of a single protease species within a complex biological sample Potential to be incorporated into a number of technology platforms

5 Active markets requiring smart solutions

6 The Opportunity Protease Target: Neutrophil elastase (NE)
Established biomarker of infection & inflammation/therapeutic target Predictive of lung function decline Market: CF & COPD Both progressive lung diseases with cycles of inflammation/infection Early identification of an impending exacerbation “Golden window” Product: NEATstik™ (Neutrophil Elastase Airways Test) First-to-market, Point-of-Care test Rapid, easy testing at clinic OR within home Improve patient health/outcomes Reduce hospitalisations and total health costs

7 NEATstikTM could change clinical practice
7 NEATstikTM could change clinical practice Current Practice NEATstikTM Symptom-led Increase in respiratory symptoms Sputum production, colour & microbiology Risk of emergency hospital admission 2 weeks i.v. antibiotics Routine monitoring Early detection of NE prior to escalation of symptoms Prodromal phase up to 2 weeks Pre-emptive home treatment Oral antibiotics NEGATIVE OUTCOMES Hospitalisation Invasive treatment Increased frequency of exacerbation Progressive deterioration of patient High costs POSITIVE OUTCOMES Reduction in need for hospital beds Oral treatments at home Reduced exacerbations* Rate of pulmonary decline stalled Benefits to patients and healthcare provider *A reduction of 5% in COPD exacerbations would be expected to save the NHS £16million pa

8 Pharma customers secured:
8 ProteaseTag™ Active NE immunoassay Pharma customers secured: First sales & reorders First in class product Research use only (RO) tests: high throughput, lab-based tests Customer: Academic laboratories, pharma and clinical research organisations (CROs) supporting clinical trials

9 Development of a novel assay for the detection of active Neutrophil Elastase in patients with COPD
NE was measured in 20 matched sputum samples from COPD patients when stable and during exacerbation Levels of active NE were found to double at exacerbation Significantly, active NE when measured by ProteaseTag™ Immunoassay showed a higher number of associations with other markers of inflammation such as IL1-b and TNF-a than when measured using a standard NE substrate Moffitt KL, Walker, B, Chalmers, J, Ribeiro, D and Martin, SL, P102, British Thoracic Society, December 2015

10 Product Pipeline 10 Activities Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct NE Immunoassay Commercialisation Product A Immunoassay for Pulmonary Fibrosis Development Product B Immunoassay for CF and COPD Product C Immunoassay for ARDS 2015 2016 2017

11 2016: Organogram (from end of June)
CEO CSO (part-time) Senior Project Manager SALES & MARKETING Manager MSL Technical To be appointed Q1 2016 To be appointed Q2 2016 Technical (Chemist) technical 11

12 12 Key 2016 Activities Complete NEATstik development and initiate CE marking process by end of 2016 Maximise usage of NE Immunoassay Invest in infrastructure to minimise reliance on third party suppliers Progress R&D pipeline to enable further commercial immunoassay launches during Series A fundraising round planned for 2H 2016

13 CONTACT Dr David Ribeiro ProAxsis Ltd 63 University Road
13 CONTACT Dr David Ribeiro ProAxsis Ltd 63 University Road Belfast BT7 1NF Phone: +44 (0) Follow us on Linked In and

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