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SILP Transition Planning Process & Time Lines
Major Stages & Timelines of SILP Transition
Preparation For Transition Initiative County/regional orientation of local teams about transfer, roles, responsibilities. State RFP for Choice and Benefits Counseling (June-July 2006) Individual Screening Information gathering in each County to determine waiver eligibility, target movement option and determine level of counseling support needed. (May-August 2006) Customer Preparation, Initial Choice Counseling & Possible Referral for Benefits Counseling Local teams expected to be doing initial group meetings with customers about choices with user friendly tools presenting the pros and cons of choices. Contracted resources available (scheduled) to assist as needed. Individuals needing more intensive counseling support must agree to participate. (September–November 2006) Provider Preparation for Brokerage Services Local brokerage or trade association may assist residential providers with limited experience with Support Services. (July-November 2006) Individual Transitions Movement to Supported Living targeted November 2006-January Brokerages may initiate individual planning with targeted customers in October 2006, with Brokerage start dates December-April 2007. Intensive Benefits Counseling Completed for Individuals Individuals needing Benefits Counseling are expected to be transferring in March and April 2007. Clean Up 2
SILP Transition: A Team Effort
Activity Lead Responsibility Screen Medicaid Eligibility County Review Monthly Budget & Living Expenses SILP Provider Review Present Supports Team Employment Status Review & EPD Screening Employment Provider 3
SILP Transition: A Team Effort
Activity Lead Responsibility Review of Present Potential Rates County Identification Need Choice & Benefits Counseling Team Tools & 1:1 Support Available Brokerage Planning Brokerage 4
Screening Phase I: Review Medicaid Eligibility
Medicaid Review Counseling Possible Options 1. a. No Meets Level of Care Criteria (Based on Title XIX Form or SC Review) Review LOC with Kathy Richards, SPD GF Level Only Brokerage Support Services Waiver Basic Benefit ? Yes 2. b. Meets Medicaid Resource Eligibility Criteria Countable Resources below standard $2000 On Waiver or below $5000 EPD County Review and Follow Up Resource Strategies (no employment) Trust Spend Down OR Choose ? No Yes Comprehensive Services SL with higher rate Maintain DD 54 rate Project possible residential off- set prior to choice counseling 3. c. No Meets Medicaid Financial Eligibility Criteria Income up to 300% SSI SSI, DAC, or Pickle OK SSDI only and SSDI plus work income above $ will need choice and or benefits counseling County Review and Possible Benefits Counseling Strategies for Employment EPD PASS Residential Offset ? If ALL 3 Criteria are met, Possible SL Placement 5
Screening Phase II: Review of Monthly Budget and Living Expenses
Complete Individual Budget Form Identify basic living expenses, i.e., present use of earned & unearned income Screening Phase II: Review of Monthly Budget and Living Expenses Step 1: Complete Monthly Budget Worksheet based on actual income and expenses in the most recent “typical” month. Step 2: Analyze monthly budget Q1.: Is income above $1809 (300%)? If yes, individual requires eligibility and other counseling and may then only be eligible for Brokerage Services. Q2.: Are basic expenses presently above the $603. (100% SSI) allowed for room, board, personal allowance? YES NO Individual may adjust expenses to within the limits and consider Supported Living Decreasing expenses Section 8 subsidy Considering allowable medical expense deduction Okay to consider Supported Living OR Individual can maintain present budget and go to Brokerage Support Services Q3.: What adjustments be made in expenses to a) Bring costs to $603. And b) Lessen service contribution Go to Benefits Screening & Counseling 6
Screening Phase III: Review Present Needs & Supports
1. Identify Health & Safety Issues (review information from 12/05 screening) Notes: 2. Identify Residential Supports Needed Notes: 3. Identify Employment Supports Needed (complete) Notes: 4. Identify Issues Related To Choice & Decision Making and On-going Case Management Support Needs Notes: 7
Screening Phase IV: Focus Present and Future Employment Goals
Present DD 54 Provider or other team member completes Employment Status Review and EPD Screening Note: Employment and Budget Forms are available electronically so they can be shared with Choice and Benefits Counselor at a later stage, if approved by individual 8
Screening Phase V: Review Present & Potential Rates or Benefits
1. Present Supports DD 47 $_______ + DD 54 $_______ = $_______ 2. Comprehensive Rates Possible DD 51 rate $_______ + DD 54 $_______ = Residential rate does not include vacancy factor, no increase in DD 54. 3. Brokerage Support Services Benefit Level [ ] General Fund Only $320. Per month Not Medicaid Eligible Basic Benefit Medicaid Eligible Difference between expected benefit and present supports? + $_______ or - $_______ Are there other employment related work incentives to consider? (Employment Screening Tool) _____ Yes _____ No 9
Screening Phase VI: Identification: Level of Choice/Benefits Counseling
Level I: Simple Brokerage [ ] Individual SILP only meeting, all waiver eligibility criteria (Maintain or increase in budget with move to Brokerage) Supported Living Individual meets all waiver eligibility criteria and can make an informed choice about SL (no or very low residential offset) Level II: Choice Counseling and Mid Level Benefits Counseling Working individual meets all criteria for EPD (Level III Employment Screening Tool) and that brings residential off-set to an acceptable level Brokerage/SL Individual above resources, not employed or interested in working, will use “typical “spend down” or trust approaches to address Medicaid eligibility. Level III: Intensive Individual Benefits Counseling (may involve writing a PASS Plan) Present fixed monthly budget expenses exceed 100% SSI or $ creating a conflict between living expenses and residential offset Working individual whose “residential offset” may be lessened through PASS plan (meets criteria Part IV of Employment Screening Tool) Working individual who is expected to have a benefit level of $320. Individual has issues related to monthly support needs, resources, and or financial eligibility. Individual desiring to work and presently will have Support Service General Fund benefit level 10
Setting The Local Transition Schedule
This is done in conjunction with SPD contact Factors that will influence the schedule Which transfers are relatively easy? What works with the Brokerage? How much Benefits Counseling do we need and when will it be available? 11
Individual Preparation For Transition
General Preparation By September 2006 tools for assistance Script for local meeting Pros and Cons How to “talk about Benefits planning” Assistance with Individual Choice and Benefits Counseling Phone Onsite PPSS Plan development 12
Building Brokerage Plan (Residential & Employment)
Community Inclusion Type of service Hours of support per month (face to face staff time) Outcomes achieved Future goals In Home Supports Type of service Hours of support per month (face to face staff time) Outcomes achieved Future goals Employment Type of service Hours of support per month (face to face staff time) Outcomes achieved Future goals Review of Present Service Plan (ISP) Define services based on categories for Brokerage Support Services 1. Identify Health & Safety Issues May be information that was gathered for review in December 2005 2 13
Provider Preparation
Residential Provider Preparation for Supported Living
1. 2. 3. 4. 15
Residential Provider Preparation for Brokerage Services
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16
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