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Improving Student Success with Mathematics Pathways at Scale

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1 Improving Student Success with Mathematics Pathways at Scale
Connie Richardson and Jeff Shaver Course Program Specialists, Mathematics Madison, Wisconsin January 18, 2017

2 Definition of math pathway
. . . a mathematics course or sequence of courses that students take to meet the requirements of their program of study. The concept of math pathways applies to all students.

3 DCMP Vision All students have equitable access to and the opportunity for success in rigorous mathematics pathways that are aligned and relevant to their future aspirations, propelling them to upward economic and social mobility. The DCMP seeks to ensure that ALL students in higher education will be: Prepared to use mathematical and quantitative reasoning skills in their careers and personal lives, Enabled to make timely progress towards completion of a certificate or degree, and Empowered as mathematical learners.

4 Wisconsin context

5 Wisconsin context Selections from the institutional-level emphasis
Improving student retention, success, and completion Producing more degree holders while maintaining and enhancing quality Preparing students for life, career, and the responsibilities of citizenship Expanding connections with businesses and other employers to develop programs that meet changing workforce needs 2020FWD-Framework_spreads.pdf

6 Guided Pathways Connections
Creating clearly structured, educationally coherent program pathways that lead to students’ end goals. Rethinking instruction and student support services in ways that facilitate students’ learning and success as they progress along these paths. - Bailey, Jaggars, Jenkins 2015

7 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
Institutions implement structural and policy changes quickly and at scale. Institutions and departments engage in a deliberate and thoughtful process of continuous improvement to ensure high- quality, effective instruction. 7

8 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
Institutions implement structural and policy changes quickly and at scale. Mathematics pathways are structured so that: All students, regardless of college readiness, enter directly into mathematics pathways aligned to their programs of study. Students complete their first college-level math requirement in their first year of college. 8

9 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
Institutions and departments engage in a deliberate and thoughtful process of continuous improvement to ensure high-quality, effective instruction. Students engage in a high-quality learning experience in math pathways designed so that: 3) Strategies to support students as learners are integrated into courses and are aligned across the institution. 4) Instruction incorporates evidence-based curriculum and pedagogy.

10 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
Quick structural change Mathematics pathways are structured so that: 1) All students, regardless of college readiness, enter directly into mathematics pathways aligned to their programs of study. 2) Students complete their first college-level math requirement in their first year of college. Continuous improvement Students engage in a high-quality learning experience in math pathways designed so that: 3) Strategies to support students as learners are integrated into courses and are aligned across the institution. 4) Instruction incorporates evidence-based curriculum and pedagogy.

11 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
All students, regardless of college readiness, enter directly into mathematics pathways aligned to their programs of study. Any remaining developmental courses based on aligned content. Students complete their first college-level math requirement in their first year of college. The vast majority of students are placed into college-level in the first semester.

12 Dana Center Principles for Pathways
Strategies to support students as learners are integrated into courses and are aligned across the institution. Develop habits of mind; grow students’ sense of belonging 4) Instruction incorporates evidence-based curriculum and pedagogy. Conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, application Critical thinking, communication, determining validity of an argument

13 Support your work Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Resource Site:

14 Emerging Texas Math Pathways

15 Emerging Indiana Math Pathways

16 Sample Math Pathways List

17 Underprepared students
Prerequisite vs. co-requisite courses Reducing the developmental sequence helps but co-req at scale will yield the best results BUT just-in-time remediation is only useful if it is the appropriate content! Content Mathematical content supports the college-level course Additional content related to growth mindset, how to study in college, how to collaborate, etc.

18 Implementing a common cut score
Use your placement tool to determine support, rather than to sort. Non-algebraically-intense pathways should still be rigorous Pathway chosen by interest, not by score Placement tools have not been updated to represent the pathways movement

19 A Model Pathway Advise and Assess Pre-Major Advising Choose
Meta-major Social Sciences STEM Lib. Arts, Humanities Gateway Math in 1st year Stats College Algebra QR Coreq Coreq Coreq Major Major Major Choose Major Adapted from Complete College America 2016

20 What is the “right math”?
Burdman, P. (2015). Degrees of freedom: Diversifying math requirements for college readiness and graduation. Oakland CA: Learning Works and Policy Analysis for California Education.

21 Transfer and Applicability

22 Partner discipline discussions

23 Contact information General information about the Dana Center: Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Resource Site: To receive monthly updates about the DCMP, contact us at: Amy Getz (implementation, state-level work): Connie Richardson (math courses): Nancy Stano (professional learning):

24 About the Dana Center The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin works with our nation’s education systems to ensure that every student leaves school prepared for success in postsecondary education and the contemporary workplace. Our work, based on research and two decades of experience, focuses on K–16 mathematics and science education with an emphasis on strategies for improving student engagement, motivation, persistence, and achievement. We develop innovative curricula, tools, protocols, and instructional supports and deliver powerful instructional and leadership development. 2016

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