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Capnography By Lafe Bush
OBJECTIVES Define Review the respiratory cycle
Capnography, ETCO2, Capnometry Review the respiratory cycle Discuss waveform interpretation Discuss disease specific waveform presentation
Terminology review ETCO2 – Partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide at the end of an exhaled breath PACO2 - Partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli PaCO2 - Partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood PETCO2 – Partial pressure of CO2 at the end of expiration (a-ET)PCO2 – Arterial to end-tidal CO2 tension/pressure difference or gradient PvCO2 – Partial pressure of CO2 in mixed venous blood V/Q ratio – Ventilation to Perfusion ratio PACO2: Partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli (average of all CO2 in alveoli) PaCO2: Partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood. PETCO2: Partial pressure of CO2 at the end of expiration (correlates to ETCO2) (a-ET)PCO2: Arterial to end-tidal CO2 tension/pressure difference or gradient PvCO2: Partial pressure of CO2 in mixed venous blood
Terminology Review Cont.
Ventilation - moving air into and out of the lungs Capnography - the continuous analysis and recording of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations in respiratory gasses (waveform and number) Capnometry - the analysis of the gas with no waveform (number only) Respiration - the process of providing oxygen to the body and removing CO2 Metabolism - the process of by which an organism obtains energy Aerobic = Glucose with oxygen Anaerobic= Glucose without oxygen Ventilation is normally a passive process however when receptors
Respiratory Cycle Minute ventilation – total volume of gas entering the lungs per minute Tidal Volume (Vt) volume of gas moved in one breath (approx. 5-7 ML/KG (500 ML) Dead Space (Vd) – volume of gas that does not reach the alveoli and does not participate in respiration (2ML/ KG (150LM) Anatomical Alveolar Physiological Alveolar Ventilation (Va) – volume of gas that reach the alveoli and participates in gas exchange (350 ML) (Vt – Vd = Va) Anything that decreases the Vt only effects the Va not Vd Anatomical dead space = trachea, bronchioles, and area not involved in gas exchange. Physiological is due to a reason such as Atelectasis, injury, VQ mismatch. Anatomical dead space cannot change so as Vt changes one must be remembering of the fact that dead space is the same.
Respiratory cycle We initiate a breath when exhalation is complete and the pressure in the chest has become equal with the atmospheric pressure. Sensors in the respiratory center of the brain send messages via the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm to initiate another breath. As we take the next breath oxygen enters into the respiratory system and travels to the lungs and down to the alveoli. As the alveoli expand the alveolar membrane thins out (much like a balloon) allowing oxygen to diffuse into the red blood cells and carbon dioxide to diffuse into the lungs. This process occurs as a result of diffusion (gases in an area of higher concentration moving to an area of lower concentration) this is known as pulmonary respiration. The oxygen has now crossed into the pulmonary vein which then carries it to the left atrium then to the left ventricle where it is pumped out to the muscles and organs. The process for cellular respiration is similar to the process above where oxygen diffuses into the cell while carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cell mostly in the form of bicarbonate. The Co2 is then carried back to the lungs via the venous system and it is excreted.
Respiratory Cycle In order for this previous process to work we must have three functioning components. We must have metabolism, perfusion, and ventilation. Metabolism = which is the creation of energy using oxygen and glucose. Should something affect the body’s ability to produce energy or we would cease to exist. Perfusion Requires adequate blood volume including adequate red blood cells and hemoglobin's available to carry the oxygen Intact pulmonary capillaries which are not blocked or damaged such as PE or pulmonary contusion Efficient pump Ventilation without ventilation there would be no intake of oxygen or elimination of CO2 which would eventually cause a destruction of all the prior processes and ultimately cause death.
PETCO2 In adults PETCO2 is lower than the PACO2 (average of all alveoli) by 2-5 mmHg The difference between the two is the dead space Reduction in cardiac output will result in decreased PETCO2 an increase in (a-ET)PCO2 and a decrease in ETCO2 Increased cardiac output will result in increased PETCO2 decreased alveolar dead space and a decreased (a-ET) PCO2 and an increased ETCO2 Recently, using Fick's Principle, attempts were made to determine cardiac output non-invasively implementing periods of CO2rebreathing during which CO2 partial pressure of oxygenated mixed venous blood was obtained from the measured exponential rise of the PET value. In addition, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide elimination, end-tidal PCO2, oxygen saturation, and tidal volume were determined. The results are encouraging in patients with healthy lungs.9 Whereas the results are controversial when the lungs are diseased.10 Under normal circumstances, the PETCO2 (the CO2 recorded at the end of the breath which represents PCO2 from alveoli which empty last) is lower than PaCO2 (average of all alveoli) by 2-5 mmHg, in adults.1-8 The (a-ET)PCO2 gradient is due to the V/Q mismatch in the lungs (alveolar dead space) as a result of temporal, spatial, and alveolar mixing defects. In healthy children, the (a-ET)PCO2gradient is smaller ( mm Hg) than in adults.9-14 This is due to a better V/Q matching, and hence a lower alveolar dead space in children than in the adults.9 The (a-ET)PCO2 / PaCO2 fraction is a measure of alveolar dead space, and changes in alveolar dead space correlate well with changes in (a-ET)PCO2.4 An increase in (a-ET)PCO2 suggests an increase in dead space ventilation. Hence (a-ET)PCO2 is an indirect estimate of V/Q mismatching of the lung.
ETCO2 Values 35-45mmHg normal > 45mmHg Hypoventilation
↓ RR = ↑ CO2 <35mmHg Hyperventilation ↑ RR or decreased perfusion = ↓CO2 Normal ETCO2 readings are equal to MMHG When your respiratory rate decreases gas exchange decreases and ETCO2 increases. When your respiratory rate increases gas exchange will increase and ETCO2 will decrease. These are important factors to remember and can often be a hard thing to wrap your head around.
Normal Capnogram At the end of inspiration, assuming that there is no rebreathing, the airway and the lungs are filled with CO2-free gases. Carbon dioxide diffuses into the alveoli and equilibrates with the end-alveolar capillary blood (PACO2 = PcCO2 = 40 mm Hg). The actual concentration of CO2 in the alveoli is determined by the extent of ventilation and perfusion into the alveoli (V/Q ratio). The alveoli with higher ventilation in relation to perfusion (high V/Q alveoli) have lower CO2 compared to alveoli with low V/Q ratio that would have higher CO2. As one moves proximally in the respiratory tract, the concentration of CO2 decreases gradually to zero at some point. The volume of CO2-free gas is termed respiratory dead space and here there is no exchange of oxygen (O2) and CO2 between the inspired gases and the blood. As the patient exhales, a CO2 sensor at the mouth will detect no CO2 as the initial gas sampled will be the CO2-free gas from the dead space. As exhalation continues, CO2 concentration rises gradually and reaches a peak as the CO2 rich gases from the alveoli make their way to the CO2 sensing point at the mouth. At the end of exhalation, the CO2concentration decreases to zero (base line) as the patient commences inhalation of CO2 free gases. The evolution of CO2 from the alveoli to the mouth during exhalation, and inhalation of CO2 free gases during inspiration gives the characteristic shape to the CO2 curve which is identical in all humans with healthy lungs.1 Any deviation from this identical shape should be investigated to determine a physiological or a pathological cause producing the abnormality. Phase I = respiratory base line no carbon dioxide Represents the CO2-free gas from the airways (anatomical and apparatus dead space). Phase II = the beginning of exhalation Consists of a rapid S-shaped upswing on the tracing (due to mixing of dead space gas with alveolar gas).where gas that was not involved in respiration is being eliminated (dead space). Alpha angle is the transition from phase II to III and is an indirect indication of V/Q status of the lung Phase III = Consists of an alveolar plateau representing CO2-rich gas from the alveoli. It almost always has a positive slope, indicating a rising PCO2 and is due to the following reasons: Beta angle is transition from phase III to 0 The nearly 90 degrees angle between phase III and the descending limb in a time capnogram has been termed as the beta angle.5 This can be used to assess the extent of rebreathing.5 During rebreathing, there is an increase in beta angle from the normal 90 degrees. As rebreathing increases, the horizontal baseline of phase 0 and phase I can be elevated above normal.5,7-9 Occasionally, other factors, such as prolonged response time of the capnometer compared to respiratory cycle time of the patient, particularly in children, can produce increase in the beta angle with the elevation of the baseline of phase 0 and phase I, as observed in rebreathing. Any factors (such as cardiac output, CO2 production, airway resistance, functional residual capacity) that affects the V/Q ratio of the lung can influence the height and slope of phase III Phase IIII or 0 = inspiration and is noted as a sudden down stroke as no ETCO2 is being exhaled.
Drug OD Chocking (partial) Respiratory failure Air trapping disease COPD Asthma <35 mild, tiring, > 50 tired (better do something) Opiate which are central nervous system depressants. Come from opium poppy plant or a synthetic makeup. “opioid overdose triad”. The symptoms of the triad are: pinpoint pupils unconsciousness respiratory depression. Respiratory depression comes from the CNS involvement which controls our ability to breathe Chocking Where part of the respiratory tract is blocked ultimately decreasing the Vt and amount of air available for gas exchange. Emphysema- decrease in alveolar membrane surface area so less gas exchange, more air then lung space causes problems with diffusion, and decrease to pulmonary blood flow. As the walls weaken the lungs cannot recoil and air is trapped. Chronic Bronchitis –is the overproduction of mucus in the respiratory tract causing air trapping bellow. Asthma Initial trigger release of chemical mediators like histamine which causes the airways to swell. The second phase is the cells from the immune system attack the mucosa causing more swelling . Second phase is why we use steroids as it is usually not responsive to bronchodilators. This phase may start days or hours before the inflammation and may be noted on the waveform before the patient experiences severe SOB.
Hyperventilation (anxiety) Can be used to train patient Mucus Plug Bronchospasm Hyperventilation is due to an increased respiratory rate and the blowing of excessive CO2. Patients can be shown the waveform and corresponding respiratory rate which may give them something to concentrate on and help to lower respiratory rate. Mucus plug can occur in patients with a trach or intubated patients and block gas exchange Acute bronchospasm may not allow for gas exchange and can cause a decrease in ETCO2 (in extreme cases)
Pain Increased heart rate = increased metabolism Hyperthermia Malignant hyperthermia will present with sharp increases in ETCO2 Shivering Increased metabolism Pain increases metabolism and thereby increases PETCO2 which correlates to an increase in CO2 elimination.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ETCO2 <30 with a >BS = in children Bradycardia < ETCO2 due to decreased metabolism Tachydysrhythmias Seizures <ETCO2 due to respiratory arrest
Severe Sepsis Hypovolemic shock Cardiogenic shock Pulmonary embolism Sepsis = Because of a decrease in the release of serum bicarbonate HCO3 the less acid is converted and brought to the lungs for elimination. This coupled with an increased respiratory rate causes a decrease in ETCO2. Pulmonary embolism will cause an increase in dead space and thereby reduce ETCO2.
LIMITATIONS OF ETCO2 Critically ill patients often have rapidly changing dead space and V/Q mismatch Higher rates and smaller TV can increase the amount of dead space ventilation High mean airway pressures and PEEP restrict alveolar perfusion, leading to falsely decreased readings
Pulse Oximetry Oxygen Saturation
O2 content/o2 capacity x 100 SPO2 changes lag up to several minutes in patients hypoventilating or apneic Temperature sensitive Hemodynamic sensitive Oxygen combines with hemoglobin and is measured as oxygen saturation. Hemoglobin carries approximately 97% of the oxygen the remainder is carried in the plasma. Pulse oximetry measures what is going out to the body ETCO2 measures what is coming back.
Is there a waveform? Is baseline flat or moving upward? Expiratory upstroke? Alveolar plateau? Inspiratory downstroke? Five things you need to have height frequency rhythm baseline shape
FLAT WAVEFORM Capnograhy equipment not connected
Cardiac arrest/respiratory arrest Missed intubation / Extubation Ventilator disconnection Remember the old days of the monitor going flat and making sure your patient was still connected before starting CPR Make sure your patient did not go into respiratory or cardiac arrest Make sure your ETT was not moved For transports make sure the ventilator did not come disconnected.
EXPIRATORY UPSTROKE Air trapping disease = Prolonged or sloped
Alpha angle > 90° should make you consider a V/Q mismatch Increased ETCO2 = Rise in upstroke Relief of air trapping Co2 delivery can be delayed for reasons such as COPD where the air is trapped in the lower airway causing the air to be released slowly and unevenly. The air that is exhaled last will have higher concentrations of CO2 in it which can be seen in the plateau phase. Rise in ETCO2 will cause a rise in the height of the upstroke ROSC, pacing capture, better ventilations Relief of air trapping will cause the upstroke to be straighter
ALVEOLAR PLATEAU Air trapping = Rising plateau
Curare cleft = small dip Pneumothorax = Decreasing plateau Right mainstem intubation = biphasic waveform ETT cuff leaking = Downward slopping plateau
Asthma, COPD, Anaphylaxis vs. CHF Hypoventilation due to various medical reasons Shock Hyperventilation syndrome Differentiation between air trapping diseases / Pneumonia / CHF Effectiveness of treatments Stable vs. unstable in patients with tachy/brady dysrhythmias Ventilatory status of seizure patients Progressing shock Hyperventilation
ETT surveillance during transport and movement Control of hypo/hyperventilation CPR compression efficacy Early signs of ROSC Coming out of paralysis/sedation ETT size/cuff inflation
TYPES OF DEVICES Semi – Quantitative capnometry Quantitative Waveform
Only tells you if there is ETCO2 or not. No number or waveform Quantitative Only gives a number no waveform Waveform Gives number and waveform Semi – Quantitative = the old type applied to the end of the ETT and would change color Purple problem Yellow good. Purple -- EtCO2 < 0.5% • Tan -- EtCO2 0.5-2% • Yellow – EtCO2 >2% Normal end-tidal CO2 is >4%; hence, the device should turn yellow when the endotracheal tube is inserted in patients with intact circulation.
Easy to connect Can be used in awake patients Patient position is not a factor Can be used in conjunction with oxygen administration Mainstream No sampling tube (dead space) No problem with water or other fluids in the sensor No problem with pollutants entering the connector site No delay in recording Only utilized with ventilators
Life Pack Monitor And ETCO2
Waveform disappears during charging LP sweep speed 12.5 mm/sec print out 25mm/sec M sweep speed 6.25 mm/sec 4 second screen shot Shows CO2 for the last 20 seconds ETCO2 must be > 3.5 to be displayed RR is an average of the last 8 breaths Because the monitor needs the energy when charging the waveform will become dashes. As soon as the shock is delivered the waveform will reset automatically within 20 seconds (LP) Make sure to print out a strip as the waveform on the monitor will be compressed and could be different than actual. M = zoll m series be careful with hypoventilating patients watch for differences between # and waveform height
Normal Wave Form Square box ETCO
OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY Shark fin waveform
With or without prolonged expiratory phase Can be seen before patient realizes symptoms Indicative of asthma, COPD, or allergic reaction
INCREASED METABOLISM Acute change of > 10 – 15 mmHg
Decreased respiratory rate Decreased VT Increased Metabolic rate Rise in body temp
Hyperventilation Shortened period between respirations
ETCO2 < 35 mmHg CNS changes Hyperventilation PE VQ mismatch
LEAKING ETT CUFF Angled, sloping down stroke on the waveform
In adults can mean ruptured cuff or small ETT Pediatrics indicates small ETT
WAKING UP TO SOON Curare Cleft is when paralysis wears off
Patient is taking a small breath that is causing the cleft Re-paralyze
REVIEW What does A - B represent What does B - C represent
What does C - D represent What does D - E represent A – B = Represents the exhalation of dead space containing no CO2 proceeded by inspiration B – C = Emptying of conducting ariway and beginning of alveoli emptying C – D = Alveolar plateau gentle rise as etco2 is released D - E = Inhalation
Question ETT dislodgement Respiratory Arrest
Question Bronchospasm
Question Rebreathing
QUESTION Curare cleft
CASE STUDY Pt awake and alert in exam room at Vanguard Medical. Presents w/ 3 week HX of bronchitis, and asthma. Finished oral steroids. Has been using inhaler. Denies fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Non productive cough with diffuse wheezing. Spo2 100% RA. Etco2 is 12. Carpal-pedal spasms present. Staff gave 1 albuterol Rx prior to ALS arrival. Pt calmed, and encouraged to breathe through her nose. Duo- neb d/c as we are unable to give w/o O2 and that was making her hyperventilation and finger spasms worse. ALS given per erp order, and PT transported w/o incident. Report to ern.
CASE STUDY 25yo male complaining of difficulty breathing. Patient has been using his inhaler for the past hour with no improvement. Patient states he has been intubated 1 time before, several years ago. Patient was in obvious distress speaking in 1-3 word sentences. HR 120; BP 163/92; SPO2 94; RR 30; ETCO2 55
CASE STUDY Patient treated with albuterol/atrovent Epinephrine
Solu-Medrol Magnesium Ketamine and CPAP
Case Study 42 YO female found unresponsive in Walmart bathroom.
Grimaces to painful stimuli RR 6 HR 96 BP 118/46 SPO Blood Sugar 142 Pupils dilated Lungs clear What appear to be track marks to arms ETCO2 41
Case Study
Case Study Wife stated that the patient awoke today not feeling well, complaining of shortness of breath. The patient wife also stated that the patient was drooling which is new and had an unsteady gait while attempting to walk. Patient complained of pain in his left calf for the past two days. After getting up this morning, the patient ate breakfast and went back to bed. The patient slept most of the day and awoke about two hours ago. The patients breathing became worse and the wife called The patient has garbled speech but this was from a previous CVA. The patient denies chest pain, nausea, or vomiting. Skin cool, dry, lungs clear except for very slight expiratory wheeze right apex. 164/96 107 (sinus tachycardia) Spo2 85% room air 90% 15 LPM via NRFM
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