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Building a Semantic Parser Overnight

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1 Building a Semantic Parser Overnight

2 Overnight framework

3 Which country has the highest CO2 emissions?
Which had the highest increase since last year? What fraction is from the five countries with highest GDP?




7 Training data


9 The data problem: The main database is 600 samples (GEO880)
To compare: Labeled photos: millions מאיפה הדאטא הקיים מגיע?

10 Not only quantity: The data can lack critical functionality

11 The process Domain Seed lexicon Logical forms and canonical utterances Paraphrases Semantic parser

12 The data base: Triples (e1, p, e2) e1 and e2 are entities (e.g., article1, 2015) p is a property (e.g., publicationDate)

13 Seed lexicon For every property, a lexical entry of the form <t → s[p]> t is a natural language phrase and s is a syntactic category < “publication date” → RELNP[publicationDate]>

14 Seed lexicon In addition, L contains two typical entities for each semantic type in the database <alice → NP[alice]>

15 Unary TYPENP ENTITYNP Verb phrases VP ( “has a private bath”) Binaries: RELNP functional properties (e.g., “publication date”) VP/NP transitive verbs (“cites”, “is the president of”)

16 Grammar <α αn → s[z]> α αn tokens or categories, s is a syntactic category z is the logical form constructed

17 Grammar <RELNP[r] of NP[x] → NP[R(r).x]> Z: R(publicationDate).article1 C: “publication date of article 1”

18 Crowdsourcing X: “when was article 1 published?”
D = {(x, c, z)} for each (z, c) ∈ GEN(G ∪ L) and x ∈ P(c)

19 Training log-linear distribution pθ(z, c | x, w)

20 Under the hood

21 Lambda DCS Entity: singleton set {e} Property: set of pairs (e1, e2)

22 Lambda DCS binary b and unary u join b.u 𝑒 2 ∈ 𝑢 𝑤 𝑒 1 , 𝑒 2 ∈ 𝑏 𝑤

23 Lambda DCS ¬u 𝑢 1 ∪ 𝑢 2 𝑢 1 ∩ 𝑢 2

24 Lambda DCS R(b) (e1, e2) ∈ [b] -> (e2, e1) ∈ [R(b)]

25 Lambda DCS count(u) sum(u) average(u, b) argmax(u, b)

26 Lambda DCS λx.u is a set of (e1, e2): e1 ∈ [u[x/e2]]w R(λx.count(R(cites).x)) (e1, e2), where e2 is the number of entities that e1 cites.

27 Seed lexicon for the SOCIAL domain

28 Seed lexicon article publication date cites won an award

29 Grammar Assumption 1 (Canonical compositionality): Using a small grammar, all logical forms expressible in natural language can be realized compositionally based on the logical form.

30 Grammar Functionality-driven Generate superlatives, comparatives, negation, and coordination

31 Grammar

32 Grammar From seed: types, entities, and properties noun phrases (NP)
verbs phrases (VP) complementizer phrase (CP) “that cites Building a Semantic Parser Overnight” “that cites more than three article”

33 Grammar

34 Grammar

35 Grammar

36 Paraphrasing “meeting whose attendee is alice” ⇒ “meeting with alice” “author of article 1” ⇒ “who wrote article 1” “player whose number of points is 15” ⇒ “player who scored 15 points”

37 Paraphrasing “article that has the largest publication date ⇒ newest article”. “housing unit whose housing type is apartment ⇒ apartment” “university of student alice whose field of study is music” ⇒ “At which university did Alice study music?”, “Which university did Alice attend?”

38 Sublexical compositionality
“parent of alice whose gender is female ⇒ mother of alice”. “person that is author of paper whose author is X ⇒ co-author of X” “person whose birthdate is birthdate of X ⇒ person born on the same day as X”. “meeting whose start time is 3pm and whose end time is 5pm ⇒ meetings between 3pm and 5pm” “that allows cats and that allows dogs ⇒ that allows pets” “author of article that article whose author is X cites ⇒ who does X cite”.

39 Crowdsourcing in numbers
Each turker paraphrased 4 utterances 28 seconds on average per paraphrase 38,360 responses 26,098 examples remained

40 Paraphrasing noise in the data 17%
noise in the data 17% (“player that has the least number of team ⇒ player with the lowest jersey number”) (“restaurant whose star rating is 3 stars ⇒ hotel which has a 3 star rating”).

41 Model and Learning numbers, dates, and database entities first

42 Model and Learning (z, c) ∈ GEN(G ∪ Lx) 𝑝 𝜃 ( z, c | x, w) ∝ exp(φ(c, z, x, w) >θ)

43 Floating parser

44 Floating parser

45 Floating parser

46 Floating parser

47 Model and Learning Features

48 Model and Learning 𝑥,𝑐,𝑧∈𝐷 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝 θ 𝑧,𝑐 𝑥,𝑤 −𝜆 𝜃 1
𝑥,𝑐,𝑧∈𝐷 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝 θ 𝑧,𝑐 𝑥,𝑤 −𝜆 𝜃 1 AdaGrad (Duchi et al., 2010)

49 Experimental Evaluation

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