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Published byLindsey May Modified over 7 years ago
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Code Amendment
City Council September 19, 2016
Existing TOD Ordinance (PMC 17.50.340)
Adopted in 2005 Intended to reduce dependence on automobiles and encourage transit use TOD Standards and restrictions Applies to projects located within ¼ mile of a Gold Line Station platform & designated Central District Transit-Oriented Area Requires parking reductions for non-residential projects Establishes parking minimums and maximums for multi-family residential projects Prohibits certain land uses
Map of Existing TOD areas
Initiation of the Proposed Amendment
September 19, 2011 City Council meeting: Stakeholders in the east Pasadena area raised concerns regarding the existing TOD Ordinance and its impacts on businesses near the Sierra Madre Villa station October 24, 2011 City Council meeting: The City Council initiated an amendment to the existing TOD Ordinance by directing staff to: Review the entire TOD Ordinance, not just parking requirements for the Sierra Madre Villa station area Bring forward an amendment in coordination with the General Plan Update
Initiation of the Proposed Amendment
City Council directed staff to consider the following as part of the amendment: Parking standards Required entitlements Change of use in existing developments Additions to the existing prohibited use list Appropriateness of ¼ mile radius
Proposed Amendments 1. Changes to the parking requirements
2. Creation of optional half-mile TOD areas (except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area) 3. Changes to the required entitlements 4. Other technical changes
Changes to Parking Requirements
Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Increase the maximum parking allowed for larger residential units from spaces to 2 spaces per unit Reduce the maximum parking allowed for smaller residential units from spaces to 1 space per unit All TOD areas, except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Provide an option to increase the parking reduction for non-residential projects by an additional 10 percent: From 25% to 30% for office uses (excluding medical offices) From 10% to 20% for all other non-residential uses No entitlement required to utilize the additional reduction
Changes to Option to Exceed Parking Maximums
Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Allow projects to exceed the maximum parking requirement through a parking demand study and an approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit All TOD areas Commercial Off-Street Parking will be subject to additional standards, such as: Minimum number of parking spaces available for public Location of the spaces Hours of operation
Optional Half Mile TOD Area
Pasadena has used quarter-mile radius since the TOD Ordinance was adopted in 2005 Half-mile radius is recognized as the industry standard for TOD New optional half-mile TOD is proposed (except the Sierra Madre Villa TOD area) Optional for projects located between quarter-mile and half-mile If parking reductions are utilized, projects are subject to all other applicable TOD standards Not permitted for Sierra Madre Villa TOD area
Map of Proposed TOD areas
(existing) (new)
Other Technical Changes
Add justification requirement for requests to modify the required parking in parking garages Applicants must demonstrate that such modification is necessary to alleviate on-site limitations (e.g. vehicle circulation, configuration of the parking garage, etc.) Preservation of existing excess parking spaces If change of use results in requirement of less parking than the existing number of parking spaces, the existing parking spaces may remain Reduce duplicative entitlement process Require only one entitlement, MCUP or CUP (depending on the size of a project), instead of both
Community Outreach November 2013 August 2015 July – August 2016
Initial community meeting to seek public input on existing TOD Ordinance, as well as to discuss potential revisions August 2015 Two community meetings to present draft changes to the TOD Ordinance July – August 2016 Targeted meetings with existing auto-repair businesses
Commission Advisory Reviews
Planning Commission – December 9, 2015 Directed staff to revise the recommendation to further promote TOD principles throughout the City Transportation Advisory Commission – February 25, 2016 Generally in support of the draft amendment, with an additional comment: Eliminate the minimum parking requirements within all TOD areas Planning Commission – April 27, 2016 Recommended that the City Council: Approve the proposed amendment to the TOD Ordinance Direct staff to study the feasibility of recommending policies incentivizing unbundling of parking spaces during the upcoming Specific Plan Update processes
Community Concerns Appropriateness of applying TOD Standards in the east Pasadena TOD area: Staff response: Decreased reliance on automobiles is citywide policy that should apply to every TOD area Sierra Madre Villa TOD area has different characteristics (more suburban) than other TOD areas in the City Optional half-mile buffer is not proposed for Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Allow projects to exceed the maximum parking requirements with a parking demand study and approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit
Community Concerns Need for further reduction in the required parking, incentives to promote transit use Suggested concepts: No parking minimums (i.e. ‘zero parking’), unbundling of parking, impacts fees to construct public parking structures, subsidized transit passes Staff response: Proposed amendment lowers the minimum parking requirements by an additional 10 percent, and the TOD area is being expanded with the optional ½ mile proposal (except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area) Existing TOD Ordinance provides process to further reduce parking with parking study
Community Concerns Impact on existing auto-repair businesses
Original recommendation included adding “vehicle repair” use classification to the existing list of prohibited land uses within the TOD areas Approximately 19 existing auto-repair businesses would become a legally non-conforming use if auto-repair businesses are added to the list of prohibited land uses within the TOD areas Staff met with business owners who expressed concern over this recommendation and potential impacts on their ability to sell, expand, and/or relocate their businesses: As a result, addition of auto-repair use to the list of prohibited new land uses within the TOD area is removed from recommendation. This is based on: Recognition of unique characteristics of Allen station area (high concentration of existing auto-repair uses) that provides valuable services to the community
Proposed Amendments Maintain the intent of the TOD Ordinance and further promote the City’s goals and policies of reducing vehicle trips and encouraging transit use Provide a level of flexibility that is appropriate for the more suburban nature of the east Pasadena area Acknowledges existing auto-oriented nature of certain TOD areas
Required Findings The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan Policy 4.4 – Transit Villages Policy 12.3 – Adequate Parking Policy 19.1 – Parking Standards Policy 33.1 – Places and Urban Forms Not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or general welfare of the City
Environmental Review Initial study
No significant impact on the environment with implementation of two mitigation measures (air quality and cultural resources) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared Public review period: November 19 to December 9, 2015 No comment received Errata was prepared to reflect the revisions to the amendment Re-circulation of the MND is not required as none of the revisions substantially modify the analysis or conclusions of the document
Recommendation Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration
Adopt the findings of consistency Approve the proposed amendment to the Transit-Oriented Development Ordinance (Zoning Code Section ) and direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Code Direct staff to study the feasibility of incorporating policies incentivizing unbundling of parking spaces during the upcoming Specific Plan Update process
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Code Amendment
City Council September 19, 2016
Changes to Parking Requirements
Parking Standards Sierra Madre Villa TOD Station Area Allen, Lake, Memorial Park, Del Mar, and Fillmore TOD Station Areas and Central District Transit Oriented Area Existing Proposed Residential* (Projects Over 48 Dwelling Units/Acre) < 650 sq. ft. 1 to 1.25 space/unit 1 space/unit > 650 sq. ft. 1.5 to 1.75 space/unit 1.5 to 2 space/unit No change Non-Residential Office (excluding medical offices) Mandatory 25% reduction from the code Mandatory 25% reduction from the code Mandatory 25% with up to 35% reduction from the code All other non-residential uses Mandatory 10% reduction from the code Mandatory 10% with up to 20% reduction from the code *Zoning Code Section requires 1 parking space for units <650 sq. ft., and 2 parking spaces for units >650 sq. ft. in other multi-family districts This chart explains..
Existing Minimum Parking Requirements – Outside TOD Areas
Required Minimum Parking Residential < 650 sq. ft. 1 covered space / unit > 650 sq. ft. 2 covered space / unit Non-Residential* Office (excluding medical offices) 3 spaces / 1,000 sq. ft. Medical Office 4 spaces / 1,000 sq. ft. Retail Restaurant – Regular 10 spaces / 1,000 sq. ft. Restaurant - Fast Food, up to 1,500 sq. ft. This chart explains.. *For non-residential uses, additional spaces up to a maximum of 50% above the required minimum area allowed by matter of right. Anything above 50% of the required minimum are allowed only with a variance.
Existing Minimum Parking Requirements – Outside TOD Areas
Required Minimum Parking – outside TOD areas Min/Max in TOD - Existing Min/Max in TOD - Proposed SMV Other TOD areas Residential < 650 sq. ft. 1 covered space/unit Min: 1 space/unit Max: 1.25 space/unit Min/ Max: 1 space/unit 1 space/unit > 650 sq. ft. 2 covered space/unit Min: 1.5 space/unit Max: 1.75 space/unit Max: 2 space/unit Non-Residential* Office (excluding medical offices) 3 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min/Max: 2.25 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min: 1.95 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Max: 2.25 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Medical Office 4 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min/Max: 3.6 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min: 3.2 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Max: 3.6 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Retail Min/Max: 2.7 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min: 2.4 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Max: 2.7 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Restaurant – Regular 10 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min/Max: 9 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Min: 8 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Max: 9 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. Restaurant - Fast Food, up to 1,500 sq. ft. This chart explains..
Timeline September 19, 2011 – Concerns raised by East Pasadena Stakeholders October 24, 2011 – City Council initiates the amendment November 14, 2013 – 1st Community Meeting (discuss potential changes) August 19 and 20, 2015 – 2nd and 3rd Community Meeting (present draft amendments) December 9, 2015 – 1st Planning Commission February 25, 2016 – Transportation Advisory Commission April 27, 2016 – 2nd Planning Commission July 8, 2016 – Staff participation in business owners’ meeting August 25, 2016 – 4th Community Meeting (geared towards auto-repair businesses) September 19, 2016 – City Council
Initiation of the Proposed Amendment
October 24, 2011 meeting: The City Council adopted staff recommendation Items to analyze Parking standards Required entitlements Change of use in existing developments Additions to the existing prohibited use list Appropriateness of ¼ mile radius And as part of the initiation, the City Council directed staff consider various items for further analysis. These include: parking standards, required entitlements, change of use in existing developments, additions to the existing prohibited use list, and appropriateness of ¼ mile radius
What is Transit-Oriented Development?
Medium to high-density development in close proximity to a major transit stop Pedestrian-oriented Intended to reduce dependence on automobiles and encourage transit use
Community Outreach November 14, 2013: Staff held a community workshop to discuss potential options August 19 and 20, 2015: Staff held two community workshops to present the draft changes to the TOD Ordinance Strong concerns related to appropriateness of TOD standards in the east Pasadena area A concern regarding adding vehicle equipment repair use to the prohibited use list and its impact to existing businesses (Allen station area) Request to further reduce required parking or consider no parking minimums within TOD areas and consider other incentives to promote transit use
Community Outreach July 8, 2016: Staff attended a meeting that was arranged by the owners of the existing auto-repair businesses along the Walnut corridor August 25, 2016: Staff held a community meeting with the existing auto-repair businesses as a follow-up to the July meeting Focus of the discussion and questions was on the previously proposed amendment to add auto-repair businesses to the list of prohibited use list Main concern was how this would impact the existing auto-repair businesses
Planning Commission (12-9-15)
Staff presented the draft amendment to the existing TOD Ordinance: Allow by-right flexibility in the maximum parking requirements in Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Expand the boundary of TOD areas by creating ½ mile radius area for all TOD areas, except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Changes to the options to exceed maximum parking requirements Addition of vehicle repair land use to the existing prohibited land use list within TOD areas Other technical changes Aimed to address the concerns raised regarding the East Pasadena area by providing greater flexibility in more suburban part of the City while maintaining most of other existing TOD standards
Planning Commission (12-9-15)
Public Comments Majority of the speakers were in favor of further reducing the parking requirements in all of the TOD station areas One commenter expressed concern about the impact of the mandatory parking reduction in the east Pasadena TOD station areas Planning Commission’s Discussion and Direction Two main concerns: Proposed flexibility in the Sierra Madre Villa station area is contrary to the intent of the existing TOD Ordinance Parking reductions required by the existing TOD Ordinance are already not progressive enough Planning Commission continued the meeting to allow staff to respond to the requested information and to present the proposed changes to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
Transportation Advisory Commission (2-25-16)
TAC reviewed the proposed amendment that was presented to the Planning Commission TAC was generally in support of the proposed amendment, but had two additional recommendations for City Council: Elimination of the minimum parking requirements within all TOD areas Direct staff to explore ways to facilitate use of the Allen station in a way that does not impact the surrounding single-family neighborhoods (e.g. parking alternatives, increase in bus access, bike valet and lockers, etc.) One public comment in support of providing flexibility within the East Pasadena area
Planning Commission (4-27-16)
Staff presented the revised amendment to the existing TOD Ordinance: Allow case-by-case flexibility with a review process to exceed maximum parking requirements in Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Allow further reduction in minimum parking in all TOD areas, except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Expand the boundary of TOD areas by creating ½ mile radius area for all TOD areas, except Sierra Madre Villa TOD area Changes to the options to exceed maximum parking requirements Addition of vehicle repair land use to the existing prohibited land use list within TOD areas Other technical changes
Planning Commission (4-27-16)
Public comments Request for further reduction in minimum required parking Concern related to the potential impacts to the existing auto-repair businesses Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed changes, with two additional requests: Direct staff to study feasibility of incentivizing unbundling of parking spaces during the upcoming specific plan update process Provide additional public notification to the existing auto-repair businesses that are impacted by the proposed amendment
Definition Vehicle Services - Vehicle/Equipment Repair: The repair of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, or boats, including the sale, installation, and servicing of related equipment and parts. These uses include auto repair shops, body and fender shops, wheel and brake shops, oil change shops, auto glass sales and installation, stereo and alarm sales and installation, and tire sales and installation, but exclude vehicle dismantling or salvage and tire retreading or recapping.
Existing Auto-Repair Businesses
¼ Mile Radius and Central District TOD Area TOD Area Gold Line Stations Central District TOD Area TOTAL Sierra Madre Villa Allen Lake Memorial Park Del Mar Fillmore Number of businesses that would become NON-CONFORMING 17 2 19 Total Number of Auto Repair businesses 3 22 1* 3* 5(1*) 39 * Also within the CD TOD Area
If Auto-Repair Businesses become prohibited in TOD areas
Comparison Impacts on 19 existing auto-repair businesses if auto-repair use is added to the prohibited land use list Today If Auto-Repair Businesses become prohibited in TOD areas Continue and maintain current operations as is? Yes Change ownership? (e.g. sale of business, transfer of title, etc.) Perform ordinary repair and maintenance without any special permit? Alter and/or expand the business within the existing property Yes, with a CUP Yes, with a MCUP Let the business stop operating for more than 12 continuous months? Yes, but will require a CUP to re-establish use No. Business will not be able to re-open if closed for more than 12 continuous months * Also within the CD TOD Area
Legally Non-Conforming Use
Legally non-conforming uses are allowed to: Continue and maintain their operation as-is Change ownership (e.g. sale of the business or property, transfer of title, etc.) Perform ordinary repair and maintenance without any special permit Alter and/or expand their business within the existing property by obtaining an approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit. If a legally non-conforming use is discontinued for more than 12 months, the use cannot be re-established
Threshold for Entitlements
All TOD Area EXCEPT properties located within the South Fair Oaks Specific Plan properties located within the South Fair Oaks Specific Plan Existing Proposed Commercial and Industrial projects between 15,000 and 25,000 MCUP (TOD) Commercial and Industrial projects between 25,000 and 75,000 & CUP (Major Project) CUP (Major Project & TOD) Commercial and Industrial projects over 75,000 In addition to the required MCUP/CUP findings, three additional findings related to TOD are required
Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure MM AIR-1:
New development proposals for sensitive land uses must be evaluated for potential incompatibilities with regards to the CA Air Resources Board’s Air Quality and Land Use Handbook (CARB Handbook) Health Risk Assessment is required for applicable projects per CARB Handbook Mitigation Measure MM CUL-1: If eligible cultural resources are discovered during construction of a land development, all ground activities must be halted until the find is evaluated by a Registered Professional Archaeologist.
Metro’s Supportive Transit Parking Master Plan
Comprehensive study of Metro’s parking facilities at 48 transit stations across its LA County service area to develop a Master Plan. This plan will outline a vision for proactively managing Metro parking facilities. The plan will provide a roadmap for Metro’s future parking policies, operations, enforcement, maintenance and innovative technologies to support this vision.
Transit Routes Pasadena Transit (bus) Total 10 lines
1 line is weekend only Only 3 lines have a weekday frequency of 15 minutes on peak times Most lines have a weekday frequency between 20 to 90 minutes
Transit Routes METRO (both bus and light rail) Total 15 bus lines
Only 3 lines have a weekday frequency of 15 minutes on peak times Most lines have a weekday frequency between 30 to 60 minutes 1 light rail line (Gold Line) Weekday frequency of 6 minutes on peak times
Transit Routes Foothill Transit (Bus) Total 2 lines
Both lines are regional lines Weekday frequency is between 15 to 30 minutes on peak times
Other Cities along Gold Line Extension
CITY Number/Name of stations Applicable Zoning Parking Standards Other Notes Arcadia Station Downtown Mixed Use Zone Commercial: 25% reduction from citywide parking standards Few other zones allows for 25% reduction for commercial projects located within 1/4 mile from the Gold Line station Monrovia Monrovia Station Planned Development 12 (PD-12) no reduction from citywide parking standards Station Square Transit Village (GP Land Use) - Nothing related to reduced parking Duarte Duarte/City of Hope Station Duarte Station Specific Plan High Density Residential Sub-Zone: Parking demand is determined case by case Office Mixed Use Sub-Zone: No reduction from citywide parking standards Station Plaza Mixed Use Sub-Zone: No dedicated parking required if on-street parking is available on streets fronting the plaza -
Other Cities along Gold Line Extension
CITY Number/Name of stations Applicable Zoning Parking Standards Other Notes Irwindale Irwindale Station Heavy Manufacturing No reduction from citywide parking standards - Azusa Azusa Downtown Station TOD Specific Plan Gold Line District Sub-Zone: Retail: 1.5 space/1,000 sq. ft. Restaurant: 1.5 space /1,000 sq. ft. Office: 2 space/1,000 sq. ft. Bank: 1 space/1,000 sq. ft. Residential (Studio/1-bedroom): No guest parking required Residential (2/2+ bedrooms): 1.5 parking space/dwelling unit , no guest parking required Any other uses must comply with citywide standards Azusa's citywide parking standards are very high compared to Pasadena's Citywide parking standards APU/Citrus College Station no reduction from citywide parking standards
Shared Parking Allowed for sites where the hours of operation allow the shared use of parking spaces to occur without conflict Requirements: MCUP with additional findings Must meet maximum distance standard (CD – 1,000 ft, other: 500 ft for customers) Contract between involved parties Parking study may be required
Commercial Off-Street Parking
The commercial parking of vehicles for nonresidential uses. The parking is not required parking for a specific use. Subject to limited hours of operation
Joint Parking A type of parking that is designed to serve uses on at least two different sites Joint parking provided shall not exceed the maximum required parking for the combined total parking requirements of the different individual sites Requires contract between involved parties
Preliminary Numbers from Metro
Utilization rate for SMV station parking structure decreased to approximately 40% The parking facilities for three most eastern stations for Gold Line Extension reach 100 percent: APU/Citrus College Station – by 6 a.m. Azusa Downtown Station – by 7 a.m. Irwindale Station – by 9 a.m. Other three stations (Duarte, Monrovia, and Arcadia) range between 60 to 90 percent
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