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Chemistry of Cells Section 2-3.

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1 Chemistry of Cells Section 2-3

2 Carbon Compounds are found in Living Things
Most matter in your body that is not water is organic compounds. Organic compounds contain carbon – carbon atoms are covalently bonded to H, O and C. Four Principle Classes of Organic Compounds Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acids

3 Carbohydrates Organic compounds composed of C, H, and O in the ratio of 1:2:1. Key source of energy Found in most foods – fruits, vegetables, grains Building blocks of Carbohydrates – sugars Single sugars = monosaccharides Ex.: glucose, fructose Glucose – major source of energy



6 Ex.: sucrose – common table sugar –
Disaccharides – double sugars formed when two monosaccharides are joined Ex.: sucrose – common table sugar – combination of glucose and fructose Polysaccharides – chains of three or more monosaccharides joined (Ex. Starch; Figure 2-8) Polysaccharides are examples of macromolecules In organisms, polysaccharides function as storehouses of energy contained in sugar Starch and glycogen – glucose molecules Cellulose – polysaccharides providing structural support for plants




10 Lipids Nonpolar molecules that ARE NOT soluble in water
Four types – fats, phospholipids, steroids, & waxes Important part of structure & functioning of cell membranes Phospholipids – make up the lipid bilayer of cell membrane Steroids – (cholesterol) in animal cell membranes Pigments – chlorophyll – light absorbing compounds



13 Fats Lipids that store energy (Figure 2-9)
Typical fat – contains 3 fatty acids bonded to a glycerol molecule Glycerol – alcohol with 3 C atoms Fatty acid – long chain of C with H bonded to them. Either one or two H to each C. Saturated Fatty Acid All C to 2 H atoms (end has 3 H) – all single bonds Straight molecules Most animal fats – solid at room temperature

14 Unsaturated Fatty Acid
Some C atoms linked to only one H atom – double bonds present – these produce kinks in molecules Most plant and fish oils Generally liquid at room temperature Hydrogenated vegetable oil – contains naturally unsaturated fatty acids that have been artificially saturated – solid at room temperature – margarine & shortening



17 Proteins Chain of amino acids
Amino acids – building blocks for proteins – 20 different found in proteins Each amino acid – different chemical structure Some polar Some nonpolar Some charged Some uncharged Proteins fold into compact shapes determined by how amino acids in the “arms” of protein interact with water and one another

18 Enzymes – promote chemical reactions
Some proteins – structural – collagen – skin, ligaments, tendons, bone, hair, muscles, blood clots Antibodies – help body defend against infection Specialized proteins in body – ex. Proteins to make muscles contract Blood – hemoglobin – carries O2 from lungs to body tissues



21 Nucleic Acids Contained in ALL cells
Nucleic acid – long chain of smaller molecules called nucleotides Nucleotide – made of sugar, nitrogenous base, and a phosphate Two types of Nucleic Acids DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid RNA – ribonucleic acid

22 DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Made of 2 strands of nucleotides that spiral around each other Held together by hydrogen bonds between bases Chromosomes made of DNA Carries hereditary information


24 RNA – Ribonucleic Acid Single strand of nucleotides
Plays several roles in cell function ex. Manufacturing of proteins

25 ATP Adenosine Triphosphate Carries energy in cells
Single nucleotide with two extra phosphate groups MAIN ENERGY CURRENCY When food molecules are broken down inside cells, some energy temporarily stored in ATP Cells need steady supply of ATP to function


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