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Proposed National Funding Formula for Schools

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1 Proposed National Funding Formula for Schools
Parents and carers workshop Tuesday 14th March

2 Why is a National Funding Formula needed?
….. the existing school funding model is a mess. Funding for individual schools with similar pupil characteristics is inconsistent and unfair. schools around the country that are similar can get very different budgets children with the same needs can receive very different levels of financial help depending on where they go to school. It has been calculated that the 10 best–funded areas on average received grants of £6,297 per pupil, compared with an average of just £4,208 per pupil in the 10 most poorly funded areas.

3 Principles for a National Funding Formula Published in DfE consultation – March 2016
We are seeking to create a funding system for schools and high needs that: Supports opportunity. Fundamentally the funding system should support schools and local authorities to extend opportunity to all pupils to achieve their potential Is fair. It should allocate funding to schools and local authorities on the basis of objective measures of the needs and characteristics of their pupils Is efficient. It should support efficiency within schools and local authorities, and across the system as a whole Gets funding straight to schools. It should maximise the resources available for teaching and learning and enable headteachers and local authorities to achieve value for money Is transparent. It should be easily understood and justified Is simple. It should rationalise funding streams as far as possible Is predictable. It should ensure schools and local authorities can manage and plan for year on year changes


5 NFF funding per pupil (secondary) (£ per pupil)
Factor Description NFF funding per pupil (secondary) (£ per pupil) Pupil A Pupil B Primary (pupils in years R-6) Basic per-pupil funding Key stage 3 (pupils in years 7-9) £3,797.29 Key stage 4 (pupils in years 10-11) £4,311.59 Pupils claiming FSM £440.00 Pupils that have claimed FSM in the past 6 years (Ever6 FSM) £785.00 Pupils living in IDACI band A (the highest deprivation band) £810.00 Deprivation Pupils living in IDACI band B £600.00 Pupils living in IDACI band C £515.00 Pupils living in IDACI band D Pupils living in IDACI band E £390.00 Pupils living in IDACI band F £290.00 Low prior attainment Pupils that did not meet the expected standard at the previous phase (early years foundation stage profile or key stage 2) £1,550.00 English as an additional language Pupils whose first language is recorded as something other than English and have joined the education system in the past 3 years £1,385.00 TOTAL £6,177.29 Difference £2,380.00

6 Fig 3: proposed NFF (in m)
Fig 2: ( in m) Fig 3: proposed NFF (in m) Change BPPF £24,369 m 76.6% £23,255 m 72.5% -4.1% Deprivation £2,424 m 7.6% £2,985 m 9.3% 1.7% Low PA £1,367 m 4.3% £2,394 m 7.5% 3.2% EAL £282 m 0.9% £388 m 1.2% 0.3% Mobility £23 m 0.1% 0.0% Lump sum £2,610 m 8.2% £2,263 m 7.1% -1.1% Sparsity £15 m £27 m Premises £567 m 1.8% £569 m Growth £174 m 0.5% £167 m £31,831 m 100.0% £32,071 m

7 Impact on Local Authority areas
The cut in funding for Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester is substantial Given that both LAs were historically low-funded it is difficult to understand how this could result from the NFF Also difficult to understand how the NFF then produces an increase in funding for a LA like Surrey

8 Impact on Cheshire East schools in Tatton
Total Schools Block Funding for Tatton schools in Cheshire East down From £28.266m to £27.590m Total loss of income = £676,000 pa Funding reduction for all these schools averaging - 2.4% maximum - 2.8% Loss per pupil averages - £102 ranging from £28 to £165 These funding cuts exclude Impact of the High Needs Funding Formula Will Cheshire East LA have sufficient High Needs Funding to support those students needing more than £6000 of provision? Impact of the ending of the Education Support Grant Will Cheshire East LA have sufficient Central Services funding to support its statutory functions?

9 Alderley Edge Community Primary School Primary £768,000 £748,000 -2.5%
These columns show schools in Cheshire East that are in the Tatton Constituency Funding the school received in Illustrative NFF funding if formula implemented in full in , without transitional protections Difference in funding in if NFF fully implemented Number of pupils Loss of funding per pupil School Name Phase [a] [b] [c] = [b]/[a] - 1 [d]=[b]-[a] [e] [d]/[e] Wilmslow High School Secondary £7,378,000 £7,188,000 -2.6% (£190,000) 1509 (£126) Alderley Edge Community Primary School Primary £768,000 £748,000 -2.5% (£20,000) 207 (£97) Styal Primary School £514,000 £503,000 -2.3% (£11,000) 116 (£95) Lacey Green Primary Academy £1,414,000 £1,375,000 -2.8% (£39,000) 380 (£103) Gorsey Bank Primary School £1,360,000 £1,323,000 -2.7% (£37,000) 412 (£90) Wilmslow Grange Primary and Nursery School £974,000 £951,000 -2.4% (£23,000) 243 Nether Alderley Primary School £401,000 £392,000 -2.2% (£9,000) 89 (£101) Lindow Community Primary School £763,000 £744,000 (£19,000) 185 Ashdene Primary School £1,312,000 £1,277,000 (£35,000) 400 (£88) St Anne's Fulshaw C of E Primary School £524,000 £512,000 (£12,000) 126 St Benedict's Catholic Primary School £754,000 £735,000 195 The Wilmslow Academy £1,249,000 £1,240,000 -0.7% 322 (£28) Knutsford Academy The Studio £533,000 £520,000 (£13,000) 79 (£165) Knutsford Academy £4,091,000 £3,985,000 (£106,000) 828 (£128) High Legh Primary School £574,000 £561,000 140 (£93) Egerton Primary School £834,000 £816,000 (£18,000) 222 (£81) St Vincent's Catholic Primary School £783,000 208 (£96) Bexton Primary School £1,459,000 £1,419,000 (£40,000) 423 Manor Park School and Nursery £881,000 £874,000 -0.8% (£7,000) 202 (£35) Little Bollington CofE Primary School £464,000 £454,000 (£10,000) 93 (£108) Mobberley CofE Primary School £630,000 £615,000 (£15,000) 166 Peover Superior Endowed Primary School £310,000 £304,000 -1.9% (£6,000) 61 (£98) Chelford CofE Primary School £296,000 £291,000 -1.8% (£5,000) 54 Totals £28,266,000 £27,590,000 (£676,000) 6660 (£102)

10 This would be an annual CASH CUT in our funding
These columns show schools in Cheshire East that are in the Tatton Constituency Funding the school received in Illustrative NFF funding if formula implemented in full in , without transitional protections Difference in funding in if NFF fully implemented Number of pupils Loss of funding per pupil School Name Phase [a] [b] [c] = [b]/[a] - 1 [d]=[b]-[a] [e] [d]/[e] Wilmslow High School Secondary £7,378,000 £7,188,000 -2.6% (£190,000) 1509 (£126) Alderley Edge Community Primary School Primary £768,000 £748,000 -2.5% (£20,000) 207 (£97) Styal Primary School £514,000 £503,000 -2.3% (£11,000) 116 (£95) Lacey Green Primary Academy £1,414,000 £1,375,000 -2.8% (£39,000) 380 (£103) Gorsey Bank Primary School £1,360,000 £1,323,000 -2.7% (£37,000) 412 (£90) Wilmslow Grange Primary and Nursery School £974,000 £951,000 -2.4% (£23,000) 243 Nether Alderley Primary School £401,000 £392,000 -2.2% (£9,000) 89 (£101) Lindow Community Primary School £763,000 £744,000 (£19,000) 185 Ashdene Primary School £1,312,000 £1,277,000 (£35,000) 400 (£88) St Anne's Fulshaw C of E Primary School £524,000 £512,000 (£12,000) 126 St Benedict's Catholic Primary School £754,000 £735,000 195 The Wilmslow Academy £1,249,000 £1,240,000 -0.7% 322 (£28) Knutsford Academy The Studio £533,000 £520,000 (£13,000) 79 (£165) Knutsford Academy £4,091,000 £3,985,000 (£106,000) 828 (£128) High Legh Primary School £574,000 £561,000 140 (£93) Egerton Primary School £834,000 £816,000 (£18,000) 222 (£81) St Vincent's Catholic Primary School £783,000 208 (£96) Bexton Primary School £1,459,000 £1,419,000 (£40,000) 423 Manor Park School and Nursery £881,000 £874,000 -0.8% (£7,000) 202 (£35) Little Bollington CofE Primary School £464,000 £454,000 (£10,000) 93 (£108) Mobberley CofE Primary School £630,000 £615,000 (£15,000) 166 Peover Superior Endowed Primary School £310,000 £304,000 -1.9% (£6,000) 61 (£98) Chelford CofE Primary School £296,000 £291,000 -1.8% (£5,000) 54 Totals £28,266,000 £27,590,000 (£676,000) 6660 (£102) This would be an annual CASH CUT in our funding

11 F40 Group response F40, which has campaigned for over twenty years to see changes in the way funds are allocated to schools across the country, explained that there are four key elements of the proposals that its member authorities are unhappy about and will be asking the government to consider, namely: The proportion of weighting given to additional needs rather than basic entitlement The 3% funding floor, which ‘locks in’ historical differences The weakness of evidence used to support the proposals The amount invested in education funding and the cost pressures facing all schools.

12 F40 Group response F40 Chairman, Cllr Ivan Ould, a Leicestershire County Council member, said: “There is obviously a high level of concern among many MPs who are looking at a formula change that has a negative impact on many schools within their constituencies. They are alarmed that so many schools are losers and fail to understand why this should be the case when those schools were already poorly funded and well below the national average. “Despite the fact that the proposed funding formula indicates a total gain of £183 million for f40 member authorities once the national formula is fully implemented from , it is simply not acceptable that some poorly funded authorities will not gain and that many schools, both primary and secondary, within poorly funded authorities will actually lose out. “We have agreed to undertake some further work that will indicate how f40’s own formula suggestions – which were developed last year and presented to the Department for Education at that time, could introduce a fairer outcome in this once in a generation change to school funding.”

13 Principles for a National Funding Formula
The following principles appear to have been broadly achieved: Gets funding straight to schools. Is transparent. It should be easily understood and justified Is simple. It should rationalise funding streams as far as possible Is predictable. It should ensure schools and local authorities can manage and plan for year on year changes

14 Principles for a National Funding Formula
HOWEVER, the following principles appear NOT to have been achieved: Supports opportunity. Fundamentally the funding system should support schools and local authorities to extend opportunity to all pupils to achieve their potential NOT ACHIEVED because the basic per pupil funding is set too low to enable students without the additional needs and characteristics to have sufficient funding Is fair. It should allocate funding to schools and local authorities on the basis of objective measures of the needs and characteristics of their pupils NOT ACHIEVED because there is double funding of deprivation given the formula factor AND the separate Pupil Premium Funding NOT ACHIEVED because low prior attainment is a proxy indicator of SEND and the relationship to High Needs SEND funding is unclear in practice - students with additional needs and characteristics may find funding is cut

15 Principles for a National Funding Formula
HOWEVER, the following principles appear NOT to have been achieved: Is efficient. It should support efficiency within schools and local authorities, and across the system as a whole NOT ACHIEVED because cash funding cuts to already low funded schools will reduce intelligence-led strategic decision-making capacity NOT ACHIEVED because cash funding cuts to already low funded schools will create further disincentives to develop mainstream provision for students with High Needs SEND

16 So what are we going to do?
Campaign to change the weighting of the National Funding Formula Ensure the issue is high profile in local and national media Ensure the issue is understood by parents and carers Ensure the issue is of concern to constituency MPs Ensure there is extensive engagement in the DfE consultation Next


18 Q4 - Within the total pupil-led funding, do you support our proposal to increase the proportion allocated to the additional funding needs factors? By reducing the weighting of Basic Per Pupil Funding from 76.6% to 72.5%, the working of this formula leads to a wider funding gap between those pupils who attract Additional Needs Funding and those who do not. This means that a pupil who “just about manages” not to attract Additional Needs Funding has substantially less funding available to “support opportunity” for them “to achieve their potential” than would previously have been the case. This does not seem “fair”. Furthermore, could this become a group of pupils whose progress worsens over the next few years as a result of the reduced funding they attract? The f40 model seeks to avoid these issues by weighting BPPF at 75% and ANF at 14%.

19 Cheshire East Public Consultation Meeting Friday 17th March at 7.30pm
School Cuts Cheshire East Public Consultation Meeting Friday 17th March at 7.30pm Alexandra Suite Crewe Alexandra FC Gresty Road, Crewe, CW2 6EB Speakers include: Edward Timpson MP, Crewe and Nantwich and Minister of State at the DfE Angela Rayner MP, Ashton-u-Lyne and Shadow Education Secretary Please do try to attend to hear the respective parliamentary positions and contribute to the debate. March against the National Funding Formula cuts to Education in Cheshire East #schoolsjustwannahavefunds #areourchildrenworthless? 5392 Last time we had 400 people-wouldn't it be great to get 1000? The consultation is over on the 22nd March so time is running out. Whether we change anything or not, let's all give it another try, and worst case scenario be able to say that we did everything we could! Meeting point is Sandbach boys school. We will then march (peacefully and on the pavement 👍) to the Cobbles in Sandbach town. We are looking for an hour of your time to try and get the National publicity and hopefully change things for our county.

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