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Sponsored by Portakal Technologies

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by Portakal Technologies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by Portakal Technologies
Prime’ Senior Project Sponsored by Portakal Technologies

2 Presentation Outline Introduction of Team Problem Definition Purpose
System Overview How does the system work? The Road So Far Future Work Conclusion

3 Team Name PRIME Prime ' Prime PRIME' Prime Prime 

4 Problem Definition Static capacity in server based systems.
System crashes on unexpected number of requests. Systems administrators must manually balance the load. Low level work is necessay for system balance changes.

5 An Example Media Server Users Reverse Proxies

6 Purpose Solve scalability problem in a dynamic manner.
Dynamic load distribution Dynamic amount of Web Servers Change the system specs on the fly. Capacity Security & Authorization

7 System Overview Main machine : Media Server Web servers Load Balancer
Receive stream Process the video Feed the Web Servers Web servers Receive stream from Media Server Feed the users Load Balancer Distribute and manage the load Protect the system


9 How does the system work?
(Media Server → Web Servers) → Load Balancer Media Server Web Server Camera 1 Web Server Camera 2 Camera 3 Web Server Streams Desired Format

10 How does the system work?
Media Server → (Web Servers → Load Balancer) Load Balancer Web Server Web Server Web Server

11 User Interface Login screen Main menu for an admin

12 User Interface Stream Management New stream source addition

13 User Interface User Management

14 Access Levels Prevents unintended accesses to the media database.
Set to the default(lowest) on first registration. Edited by the system admin on request.

15 The Road So Far Design issues are decided.
Required documents are written. COTS tools searched and examined. GUI template designed.

16 Future Work Prototype Demo Media and Web server deployment
Load balancer-Web server interaction setup GUI implementation to the system

17 Conclusion Media servers will serve to more people without crashing due to high work load. By small component additions to the system, servers will meet the demand of increasing number of user requests.

18 Questions? Thanks for listening!

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