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CHEM 110 Palomar College Fall 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEM 110 Palomar College Fall 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEM 110 Palomar College Fall 2016

2 Is This Course for YOU? This course is the first semester of general chemistry. Provides the background to begin upper division course work and prepares the student for entry level jobs that require a knowledge of chemistry.

3 Course Materials Chemistry: 7th Edition by McMurry, Fay & Robinson.
“Sapling” Online Homework Access Scientific Calculator

4 8/28 - Last day to add without a permission number
Important Dates: 8/28 - Last day to add without a permission number 9/4 - Last day to drop full-term classes for a full refund and no record 9/5 – Last day to add full-term classes & drop with no notation 10/15 - Withdrawal (W) deadline for full-term classes 12/13 & 12/15 - Final Exam

5 How to reach me? Office hours: Every T/Th 12:45 – 2:00 p.m. Room – NS355i Before class/after class If you me, I will generally get back to you within 24 hours, but it could take me as long as two days.

6 Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete CHEM 110 should be able to apply the scientific method by stating a question, performing experiments and/or analyzing a data presentation and be able to name general inorganic compounds.

7 How to be successful in this course
Come to class Pay attention Do the assignments – ask me if you have problems you don’t understand Embrace the course – be happy like the hippo Along Came Polly Check Blackboard often

8 Grading Policy Type (#) Percent Points Exams (3) 45% 150 pts each
Homework (10) 20% 20 pts each Quizzes (5) 15% 30 pts each Final Exam 200 pts Will be given in two parts Part I on Dec 13 & Part II on Dec 15 in room NS-139 *ExtraCredit opportunities throughout the semester for all (maximum 25 pts)

9 How Important is the Homework?
"Chemistry classes are built like a pyramid. If you miss any foundation concepts, you will be lost as you ascend the pyramid.” -Dave Keeling, Cal Poly – SLO It is 20% of your overall grade A recipe for disaster is cramming for CHEM working daily is the single most important tip. What to do: Complete homework as you read through each chapter Set a goal to work 5 Chemistry Problems daily Complete homework on time Form/attend problem- solving groups Use my office hours to review questions

10 Academic Honesty Plagiarism and Cheating WILL NOT BE TOLERATED
This includes but is not limited to: Direct copying of another student's assignment, test, or other required work; Allowing or not preventing another student to look at your paper during a quiz or exam; Looking at another student's paper during a quiz or exam; Using notes, books, cameras, un-allowed calculators, cell phones, or other text-capable devices during a quiz or exam


12 Be Respectful Cell phones – PLACE ON SILENT
Please, do not answer your phone or send/receive text during lecture Do not use as a calculator Laptop and tablet usage during class must be focused on our classwork and may be prohibited during certain in-class activities (exams/quizzes) Respect everyone’s learning experience


14 Syllabus Quiz Break out into teams
Name your team after a famous scientist One sheet per team Answer following questions – prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams to finish with all answers correct. Bring up your sheet when completed.

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