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Axial Skeleton Review Sheet

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1 Axial Skeleton Review Sheet
Quiz 11/16

2 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Axial Skeleton Forms the longitudinal axis of the body Divided into three parts _______________ _________column ______________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Skull Two sets of bones ____________________ ___________________ Hold eyes in anterior position Allow facial muscles to express feelings Bones are joined by _________ Only the _________ is attached by a freely movable joint © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

4 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Skull 8 cranial bones protect the brain 1. _________bone 2. _________bone 3. _________bone 4. __________bone 5–6. ________bones (pair) 7–8. ________bones (pair) © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

5 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Skull There are 14 facial bones. All are paired except for the single mandible and vomer. 1–2. _________ 3–4. __________ 5–6. ___________ 7–8. ______________ 9–10. ________________ 11–12. Inferior ______conchae 13. _________ 14. _____________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

6 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Paranasal Sinuses Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity Functions of paranasal sinuses _________________ ____________sounds made as we speak © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

7 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Hyoid Bone Closely related to ____________ and ___________bones The only bone that does not ____________with another bone Serves as a movable base for the ___________ Aids in __________and ____________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

8 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Fetal Skull The fetal skull is large compared to the infant’s total body length Fetal skull is 1/4 body length compared to adult skull, which is 1/8 body length Fontanels are fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones Allow skull compression during birth Allow the brain to grow during later pregnancy and infancy Convert to bone within 24 months after birth © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

9 Vertebral Column (Spine)
Vertebral column provides axial support Extends from skull to the pelvis 26 single vertebral bones are separated by intervertebral discs 7 cervical vertebrae are in the neck 12 thoracic vertebrae are in the chest region 5 lumbar vertebrae are associated with the lower back © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

10 Vertebral Column (Spine)
9 vertebrae fuse to form two composite bones Sacrum formed by the fusion of 5 vertebrae Coccyx (tailbone) formed by the fusion of 3 to 5 vertebrae © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

11 Vertebral Column (Spine)
Primary curvatures Spinal curvatures of the thoracic and sacral regions Present from birth Form a C-shaped curvature as in newborns Secondary curvatures Spinal curvatures of the cervical and lumbar regions Develop after birth Form an S-shaped curvature as in adults © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12 Vertebral Column (Spine)
Parts of a typical vertebra Body (centrum) Vertebral arch Pedicle Lamina Vertebral foramen Transverse processes Spinous process Superior and inferior articular processes © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

13 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Bony Thorax Forms a cage to protect major organs Consists of three parts Sternum Ribs True ribs (pairs 1–7) False ribs (pairs 8–12) Floating ribs (pairs 11–12) Thoracic vertebrae © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

14 The Appendicular Skeleton
Composed of 126 bones __________(appendages) __________girdle _________ girdle © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

15 The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
Composed of two bones that attach the upper limb to the axial skeletal _______ _________ Pectoral girdle (2) Light, poorly reinforced girdle Allows the upper limb a great deal of freedom © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

16 Bones of the Upper Limbs
Humerus Forms the arm Single bone Proximal end articulation _________________________________________________ Distal end articulation __________________________________________________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

17 Bones of the Upper Limbs
The forearm has two bones Ulna—medial bone in anatomical position Proximal end articulation ____________________________________________ Radius—lateral bone in anatomical position © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

18 Bones of the Upper Limbs
Hand Carpals—wrist _______________________________________ Metacarpals—palm __________________________________________ Phalanges—fingers and thumb _________________ phalanges in each hand In each finger, there are __ bones In the thumb, there are only ___ bones © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

19 Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
Formed by 2 coxal (ossa coxae) bones Composed of three pairs of fused bones _____________ ____________ _______________ Pelvic girdle  2 _________ bones, _________ Bony pelvis  2 _________ bones, __________, ___________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

20 Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis Pelvis protects several organs ____________ organs ____________________ Part of the _______________________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

21 Gender Differences of the Pelvis
Inlet is larger and more circular Pelvis as a whole is shallower, and the bones are lighter and thinner Ilia flare more laterally Sacrum is shorter and less curved Ischial spines are shorter and farther apart; thus, the outlet is larger Pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of the pubic arch is greater © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

22 Bones of the Lower Limbs
The _____________—thigh bone The heaviest, strongest bone in the body Proximal end articulation __________________________________________ Distal end articulation _________________________________________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

23 Bones of the Lower Limbs
The lower leg has two bones __________—shinbone; larger and medially oriented Proximal end articulation _________________________________________ ______________ - thin and sticklike; lateral to the tibia ____________________________________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

24 Bones of the Lower Limbs
Tarsals—___ bones Two largest tarsals Calcaneus (heel bone) Talus Metatarsals—___ bones form the sole of the foot Phalanges- _____ bones form the toes © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

25 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Arches of the Foot Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches Two ____________ One ____________ © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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