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For the Weak and Vulnerable

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1 For the Weak and Vulnerable
Sovereign God, We pray for the weak and vulnerable in our world – those who feel powerless in the face of the massive problems that confront them. Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support. A prayer resource for Refugee Week

2 We pray for the oppressed, the exploited, the abused, the tortured
We pray for the oppressed, the exploited, the abused, the tortured. Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support.

3 We pray for the frightened, the lonely, the hurt, the depressed
We pray for the frightened, the lonely, the hurt, the depressed. Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support.

4 We pray for those who live in lands racked by tension, who face famine and starvation, who are unemployed, who are homeless. Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support.

5 We pray for those who flee from persecution and conflict, who have no home to return to, who are alone in a strange land, who are imprisoned for fleeing, and wait for answers that don’t come. Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support.

6 Sovereign God, you have expressed a special concern for the bruised, the needy, and the weak of this world. May that concern bring strength to all in such circumstances, and may it inspire people everywhere to work for a more just society; standing up for the needy,

7 seeing all as Your children, and working for that time when there will be an end to suffering, mourning and pain; that time when your kingdom will come and your will be done.

8 Reach out to strengthen and support, In the name of Christ, Amen.
Help of the helpless, Reach out to strengthen and support, In the name of Christ, Amen. Adapted from “For the Weak and Vulnerable” in Selected Prayers for Public Worship by Nick Fawcett, 2003. A prayer resource for Refugee Week

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