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SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Societies

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1 SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Societies
Welcome Syllabus A short introduction to sociology

What is sociology & the sociological imagination? How does the sociological perspective help in everyday life? How did sociology develop?

3 An Example of the Sociological Imagination: The Case of Ahmet
CUMHURIYET: “Mehmet T., a policeman working at the Kavacik police station in Istanbul’s Kecioren district, killed a citizen named Ahmet K., age 23, while in custody on the grounds that he swore at him. The policeman had reportedly been transferred to a hospital due to “unbalanced behavior”, but that he returned to his post because the hospital found him sane. POSTA: “Death at the police station – Ahmet K. had been taken to the station after he had a fight with his wife and his neighbors complained to the police.”

4 What is Sociology?: The systematic study of human society
Seeing the general in the particular Seeing the strange in the familiar Seeing individuals in social context

5 The Sociological Imagination (C. Wright Mills)
Ability to view one’s society as an outsider, rather than from perspective of one’s limited experiences and cultural biases Goes beyond personal experiences and observations The personal and is always social

6 Benefits of the Sociological Perspective
Challenges commonly held assumptions. Reveals the opportunities and constraints that shape life chances. Empowers us to be active participants in our society. Helps us to recognize human difference and to confront the challenges of living in diverse world.

7 Problems with the Sociological Perspective
Sociology is a part of a complex and changing world. Sociologists are part of what they study. Sociological knowledge becomes part of society.

8 Origins of Sociology Sociology was born out of a ‘massive social transformation’ of the past two centuries: Capitalism and the industrial revolution The urban revolution and the decline of community. The political revolution, e.g. The French Revolution of 1789

9 Thinking Sociologically
What are the classical ways of thinking about society? What are the newer perspectives in sociology? What is a global perspective in sociology?

10 Definitions Concepts Theory Theoretical approach/paradigm

11 Main Theoretical Traditions
Functionalism Conflict Interactionism

12 Functionalism: Orientation: macro
Image of society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. View of individuals: socialized to perform functions Key questions: How is society integrated? How is order maintained? Main theorists: Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton. Criticisms???

13 Conflict: Orientation: macro
Image of society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. View of individuals: controlled by power & authority Key questions: How is society divided? Who benefits? Main theorists: Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser. Criticisms???  

14 Interactionism: Orientation: micro
Image of society as the product of the everyday interactions between individuals View of individuals: construct their own social worlds Key question: How is society experienced? Main theorists: Max Weber, George Herbert Mead, Erving Goffman. Criticisms???.

15 Some problems with classical sociology…
Sociology has been mainly by European men about men Failure of “Grand Theory” Focus on “society” misses globalization

16 Newer Perspectives in Sociology
New voices: women, ethnic minorities, colonized peoples, gays and lesbians, the elderly, disabled people Creates new perspectives: Feminist sociology Post-colonial sociology Anti-racist sociology Queer sociology Multicultural sociology Postmodern sociology

17 Globalization has: Shifted the borders of economic transactions
Fostered a new, widespread ‘global culture’ Developed new forms of international governance & participation Created a growing awareness of common world problems Challenged sociologist to explain the changed world we live in

18 Sociology and Social Policy
Helps us understand public policy debates around the world Aids in evaluating the success of social programs

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