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Reviewing Grant Submissions

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing Grant Submissions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing Grant Submissions
Welcome and Overview Denise Battaglini

2 Reviewing Grant Submissions
Agenda Submission Requirements Financial Review Panel Review Q&A/Wrap-Up

3 “Grant Submission Requirements”
Reviewing Grant Submissions “Grant Submission Requirements” Maryjo Thompson

4 Grant Applications Requirements – On the Due Date
Timely delivery to a specified location on the due date Grant Committee members: review the preliminary checklist to ensure all required copies and attachments are included and in the prescribed folder ensure electronic submission of the grant application confirm two copies of the nonprofit’s financials are included If any attachments / copies are missing or incomplete, the nonprofit can correct and return that same day or by the required due date, as stated in the grant application. Grant Application – Reader’s Table Review and complete the reader’s table checklist An administrative review vs a comprehensive review Goal: to ensure each grant is ready for the Grant Panel vetting process

5 Reviewing Grant Submissions
“Financials: General Requirements” Lori Lazorik

6 Impact 100 – Financial analyst structure
Lead Financial Analyst Role: Determine financial requirements for grant applications Ensure consistency across financial evaluation of grants Point of contact for Grants committee Financial Analyst (FA) Role: Develop an opinion of the organization’s ability to manage and carry out the grant Structure: Financial analyst assigned to grant committee. Skills: Financial analytical skills Source: CPAs and auditors from community Partner with Grant committee chair Direct communication line with “CFO” of Non-profit Amy

7 Impact 100 – Financial submission
Grant application (Grant committee) Operating budget (current year) and Project budget Financial submission (FA only) Financial Statements (Balance sheet, Profit/Loss) Form 990 or 990EZ Auditors report * If audited statements are not available for most recent fiscal year end, then unaudited statements must be submitted for that fiscal year in addition to the previous two years. Supplement information required if not audited Amy

8 Impact 100 – Financial review
Review each application and financial submission “Working papers” for detailed review of each grant Establish contact with Non-profit “CFO” to clarify any questions Participate in grant review meetings Clarify committee members questions Offer opinion from a financial perspective Draft preliminary assessment of “financial rating” and summary Attend site visits Review “financial rating” and summary with lead FA and Grant committee Jane

9 Impact 100 - Lessons learned
Organizational level of 501 (c) 3 versus Grant applicant Complexities associated with various Fiscal year ends Most current financial statements independent of audit status Consistency in analysis across “big” and “small” organizations Jane

10 Reviewing Grant Submissions
“Training Panel Chairs and Panel Members” Marty Evans

11 Role of a Panel Member “Good Will Ambassador” for Impact 100 throughout the process, particularly on site visits Learn about the Organization and the population served by all the grants Read all the grants carefully, attend all meetings and complete panel tasks Work with all panel members, ask thoughtful questions and give opinions in a collegial manner Do not leave false impressions with the organization and do not contact organization until after FSP Do not share information about grant review process with outsiders, esp. the organization

12 High Impact/Transformational Grants
Transactional Is a typical grant: help us with our mission! Is based on organizational needs. Fills a day-to-day need: think fundraising Focuses on actions not outcomes Usually helps the “bottom line” of the organization or the organization’s program (s) Is based on solving a problem or a community issue Pursues change. Often takes a risk. Is visionary and forward looking Focuses on outcomes: what will be different? Is innovative for our county Has the right leadership

13 Reviewing a Grant: A Project May…
Target a subpopulation to solve a problem specific to that subpopulation (not deemed discriminatory) Include overhead costs IF the nonprofit can show that the costs are specific to the project and would not be incurred if project were not operationalized Be an existing program IF the project proves to be transformational and not a continuation of an existing program (not keeping the status quo) Be run by a religious organization IF those served are not exclusive

14 Grant Application: First Reading Form
Name of Organization: _____________________________ 1. What problem in the community is being solved by the project within this grant? What support is provided that documents this as a problem? 2. Think about the Organization’s mission and vision. 3. Do you have a clear sense of who and how many will be served by this project? Any restrictions? 4. Do you have a clear sense of how each step in the Project will be accomplished? Are there any potential hurdles and if so, are these addressed? 5. Are goals clearly defined? How will the Organization measure success of the project? 6. Are there any assumptions being made that are related to the execution of this project? 7. Do you have confidence that this Organization can execute and sustain this grant? Why? Why not? 8. What questions remain unanswered and need follow-up at the site visit? Do you have any other concerns?

15 Grant Application: Integrated Review Form
Name of Organization: ___________________________________ 1. Did the Organization address all of your panel’s questions/concerns sufficiently? 2. What do you see as the strengths of this grant? 3. Do you have any remaining concerns? 4. What level of excitement about this project did you experience from the Organization? 5. What is your overall assessment of this grant as related to the project’s ability to be transformational and impactful? 6. My assessment of this grant based on information I learned to this point in the process. _____ I have no reservations. _____ I have some reservation. _____ I have significant reservations.

16 Grant Review Process - Timeline
Panel Chair Training December 2016 Annual Meeting – April 19, Finalists selected! Panel Chair Training Early December 2016 First Panel Meeting January Read grants & complete First Reading Form Second Panel Meeting Late January Panel chairs and panel members attend site visits, read site visit reports and complete The Integrated Review Form. Mid - February: Panel Chair review with Karen and Wanda after site visits are completed. Third Panel Meeting Late February as determined by panel members End of February, Panel Chairs and Grants Committee help prepare presenters of the semifinalists grants for the Finalist Selection Panel Meeting Semi-finalists grants are presented to the Finalist Selection Panel

17 Reviewing Grant Submissions
Q&A and Wrap-Up

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