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Meat Curing & Charcuterie

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1 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Course presentation ONLINE VERSION

2 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Health & Safety Domestics Fire First aid Knives Food safety/Allergy Machines Chemicals

3 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Throughout the day Questions?? Notes Pictures Video

4 By the end of the day Prime Cuts
Curing and Brining with salt (Nitrites/Nitrates) Beef Jerky Pancetta Back/Streaky Bacon Chorizo Air dried Ham ( prosciutto)

5 Pork Primary cuts

6 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Salt – A preservative Potassium Nitrate – Saltpetre Sodium Nitrite Prague powder #1 & 2 Why do we need these salts?????

7 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Pure Dried Vacuum salt NaCl Primarily used to create brines and dry cures Remember its the salt that does the preserving.

8 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Prague #2 89.75% salt 6.25% Sodium Nitrite 4% Potassium Nitrate Used for Air dried meat Longer protection Cured but uncooked Used at 0.25% by weight Protects against botulism

9 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Prague #1 93.75% salt 6.25% Sodium Nitrite Used for Hams and Sausage shorter protection For product that will be Cooked. Used at 0.25% by weight Protects against botulism

10 Meat Curing & Charcuterie
Bacon Curing salt 99.5% salt 0.25% Sodium Nitrite 0.25% Saltpetre Used for Bacon and hams Brine mix 250g/Litre Use at 3% concentration for dry cure Protects against botulism.

11 Beef Jerky Topside/silverside Thinly sliced
Marinated in spices & Herbs Dried Stored

12 Beef Jerky Recipe ingredients for 500g Topside/Silverside Beef 500g
Garlic Powder 2g Smoked paprika 2g Black pepper 2g Worcestershire Sauce 20ml Dark Soya Sauce 15ml Sugar 10g Onion Half (grated)

13 Recipe courtesy of
Beef Jerky 1kg Lean beef (or any meat) Trimmed of any fat, tissue & skin 120ml White Wine Vinegar 30ml Lemon Juice 15ml Soy Sauce 15ml Ketchup 1/2 TBSP Honey 5g Garlic Powder 5g Cracked Black pepper 5g Chilli Powder 5g Smoked Paprika Recipe courtesy of

14 Beef Jerky Method Mix all the ingredients together in a plastic bowl
De-sinew and slice the beef thinly against the grain Marinade for 24 hours in the fridge Spread out onto racks and dry in a very low oven for 2/3 hours at 50°c Allow to cool and vacuum pack or eat.

15 Beef Jerky

16 Beef Jerky

17 Beef Jerky

18 Beef Jerky

19 Beef Jerky

20 Beef Jerky

21 Beef Jerky Recipe ingredients for 500g Topside/Silverside Beef 500g
Garlic Powder 2g Smoked paprika 2g Black pepper 2g Worcestershire Sauce 25ml Dark Soya Sauce 20ml Sugar 10g Onion Half (grated)

22 Biltong 500g Topside/Silverside Beef For the marinade
100ml White wine Vinegar 1 Tbsp. Salt ½ Tsp Prague powder #2 For the seasoning 8 Tbsp. Coriander Seeds 1 Tsp. Black pepper ¼ Tsp finely chopped chilli or chilli powder

23 Pancetta Cuts to use Preparation Curing Rolling & Tying Dry ageing

24 Pancetta Weight of ingredients per 1 Kg of meat 20g salt
2.5 grams Curing Salt (Pink Salt #2) 2 cloves Garlic 10 grams Sugar or honey 15 grams cracked black pepper 1 Clove (Whole) 7 grams Juniper berries (Bruised or Crushed) 5 grams Nutmeg (Ground) 2 Bay leave (finely chopped) 2 sprigs fresh Thyme

25 Pancetta

26 Pancetta

27 Pancetta

28 Pancetta

29 Pancetta

30 Pancetta

31 Pancetta

32 Pancetta

33 Air Drying Humidity meter Easy to monitor
Demonstrates fridge is a dry environment

34 Bacon Cuts to use Preparation Curing Ageing Smoking

35 Dry Cured Bacon Method Mix cure together
Apply 10% rind – 90% Flesh (Rind on method) Apply 25% fat – 75% Flesh (Rind off method) Rub in thoroughly, Place in bag and cure for 1 day per 13mm thickness plus 2 days in refrigerator. Wipe clean or rinse & dry. Allow to mature for 48 hours and you’re bacon will be ready to eat.

36 Dry Cured bacon Weight of ingredients per 1 Kg of meat
30g Curing Salt (0.5% NaNO2) 15g to 20g Sugar (optional) 2g Juniper Berries (Crushed) 2g Dried Thyme

37 Air Dried Duck 2 x (200g-225g) Duck breasts 50g Salt 3 Sprigs of Thyme
5 Juniper berries 1tsp Orange zest

38 Air Dried Duck Preparation Curing Drying Slicing

39 Air dried Duck

40 Air dried Duck

41 Air dried Duck

42 Air dried Duck

43 Air dried Duck

44 Air dried Duck

45 Bresola 25g Salt 15g Sugar 2.5g Prague#2 ½ tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 tsp Ground Nutmeg ½ tsp dried Rosemary 2 sprigs of thyme 10 juniper berries (crushed)

46 Bresola


48 Wiltshire Cured Ham Preparation Brine preparation Curing Smoking

49 Wiltshire Cured Ham 1 2 3 4 Add water to cover the meat
Add meat to empty container Add water to cover the meat 1 2 Calculate volume and add salt and other ingredients for the brine 3 Remove meat from water 4

50 Wiltshire Cured Ham X Cure for 1 day per 13mm thickness +2 days
Can inject brine into thickest parts up to 10% weight of meat Shortens cure time X

51 Wiltshire Cured Ham Can smoke straight from the brine (Oak, Beech) for 12 hours + Boil until internal temperature is 68c. Can change water half way through to reduce saltiness Remove from water and remove the skin Score the fat and roast for 30 mins. at 180 to finish the ham Allow to cool, refrigerate and slice.

52 Wiltshire Cured Ham Brine Strength

53 Wiltshire Cured Ham Brine Recipe (to make 6 litres) Water 5 Ltr
Ice Kg Salt Kg (54% =150g/L) Prague # g Sugar g Cinnamon Stick 1 Star anise 3 Bay Leaves 3 Black pepper (cracked) 1tbsp Juniper Berries 10 White Wine Vinegar 50ml Remember because we will be injecting the brine we need not add more Prague otherwise we will exceed the 150ppm

54 Wiltshire Cured Ham Prague #1 has 6.25% NaNO₂ (Nitrite) or 6.25g per 100g EU Limit of NaNO₂ is 150 ppm in cured meat So in 1 Ltr water we need 2.5 gms of Prague #1 How?? Well, 1000gms water = 1 Ltr. To get 150 ppm - add 0.150g of NaNO2 that’s the same as 150 ppm 1 millionth of a litre is 0.001g to get 150 we need 0.150g of NaNO₂

55 Chorizo Preparation Seasoning Mixing Stuffing Tying Ageing

56 Chorizo Ingredients per 3 Kg of meat 2 Hanks 38/40 Natural Casings
Minced Pork g Salt g Prague Powder # g Paprika g Cayenne Pepper g Crushed Fennel g Minced Garlic g Red wine (Rioja) 100ml If you prefer not to use wine you can just use water or a fruit juice.

57 Chorizo

58 Chorizo

59 Chorizo

60 Chorizo

61 Chorizo

62 Chorizo

63 Chorizo Pierce with a pin to remove any trapped air
Weigh & Label with date Hang to air dry ideally at 15°C and RH 60%-70% Check weight loss regularly (every two or three days) When it’s lost about 20% of its weight it should be ready to eat Can be eaten raw or used in cooked recipes.

64 Air Dried Ham Preparation Container Salting/Curing Wrapping
Air Drying/Ageing Problem solving

65 Air Dried Ham Weigh the leg to calculate curing time
3.5 days per Kg + 3 days Calculate Prague 2.5g/Kg Massage ham to remove blood Trim fat to expose more muscle Mix 200g salt with Prague and massage in Box ham on a bed of salt and cover in salt. After curing, wrap in muslin and hang to air dry

66 Air dried Ham

67 Air dried Ham Once cured, brush off all the salt
Rub ham down with wine vinegar Wrap in muslin Tie with butcher’s string and air dry at or below 15°c Aim for between 60% to 70% relative humidity Dry for 6 months. The surface of the ham should be firm with only a little give in the flesh. Can keep for up to a couple of years.

68 Resources
Curing salts (Prague Powder & Bacon cures) Smoking equipment -Course resources -Recipes - Cure calculator

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