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І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.

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Presentation on theme: "І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі."— Presentation transcript:

1 І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

2 Kazakhstans national ballet is well – knows in many countries.
In Kazakhstan, there are several hundred state and commercial universities . Kazakh were traditionally nomads. The film nomad shows the life of Kazakh from the ancient time Do you know any horse games ? Is hunting popular in your country ? What traditional customs of Kazakh do you know? Are the people of Kazakhstan hospitable?

3 « Home work ». Үй жұмысын пысықтау.
Put the necessary letters (Слайд 5) National sheep Famous like House knows Times many Meat life Countries culture




7 For those who to know more about Kazakh culture
Жаңа сабақ For those who to know more about Kazakh culture

8 Мақсаты: “For those who to know more about Kazakh culture”; тақырыпқа байланысты білім деңгейін қалыптастыру Ауыз екі сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту; Қазақ мәдени құндылықтарын сақтауға тәрбиелеу.

9 «For those who to know more about Kazakh culture»тақырыбындағы жаңа сөздер
Сөздік жұмыс. Heart -жүрек rub - тұздау Kidney- бүйрек egg- жұмыртқа Liver - бауыр ferment- ашытқы Stir - қозғау kneed-илеу Meat - ет potatoes- картошка Black -қара onions- сарымсақ Gut-ішек rib-қабырға

10 Сергіту сәті. “Мен қазақпын”


12 The Kazakh meat Жаттығу. (Слайд 12-13). Complete the sentences.
1 Cook 3-4 kg of fat mutton or beer or horse……… in enough boiling water . It should be boiling on low fire for 1,5 or 2 hours. Meanwhile prepare a dough of 250 gm. Flour ,an ……., 1/8 salt water . Take the prepaired dough and roll it until it is about 1 mm think . Cut into 10 cm sguares. Set aside . 30 minutes before meat is done , add 5-6 large peeled …….. . and gather about 200 gm of broth – for seasoning . Gently place the dough in brouth and …….. When it is ready, cover a……… plate with cooked noodles.

13 1 топ Kuyrdak Cut beer or mutton heart, kidneys, liver , lungs. Place them in separate containers Peel an onion and 5-6 poptatoes and cut them into 1-1 cm blocks . in a kazan ( deep frying pan ) melt grams of fat , add lunge and fry 5 to 7 minutes. Then add kidneys , heart and meat . Tell about your own room. Put missing verb ‘to be’ (Слайд 14-15)

14 2 топ Baursaks Knead yeast dough containing 200 gm flour 1/8 salt , and enough water to just hold it together .To make round baursakes , cut a piece of dough , shape a long sausage of 2- cm diameter. Then cut it into 2 cm piece and fry in oil until they become golden .

15 3 топ Kazy This is a sausage made of fatty horse meat . Ruba mare’s rib with salt , garlic and black pepper . Put the meat into a clean gut and add the rib , trying its and around the rib , smoke and cook 2 hours . after the kazy is done , cut slightly the gut, remove rib and slice the meat .

16 5. Жаңа сабақты бекіту Do you cook the Kazakh meat ? Can you cook it?
5. Жаңа сабақты бекіту Do you cook the Kazakh meat ? Can you cook it? How do you cook the Kazakh meat? Have you ever eaten it? Do you know how to cook it?

17 Постермен жұмыс

18 Қорытындылау БББ кестесі Білемін Білгім келеді Білдім

19 Рефлексия Do you like this lesson? What do you like the most? Have you learnt anything new today?

20 Бағалау

21 Үй тапсырмасы: Ex 6. Мәтінмен жұмыс

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