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The Lodore Falls Hotel, Borrowdale

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1 The Lodore Falls Hotel, Borrowdale
Carbon fusion OCO-GOSAT Workshop The Lodore Falls Hotel, Borrowdale

2 Objectives of Meeting The intention of this workshop is to:
critically assess how the UK can contribute to the international OCO and GOSAT missions establish a coherent UK programme in support of these missions

3 Outcomes of Meeting White paper that outlines recommendations to NERC/NCEO on the science that the UK community can reasonably contribute and deliver to the OCO and GOSAT programmes (anticipated) across discipline collaborative links for research proposal/projects.

4 Carbon Cycle: “Missing” Temporal & Spatial Scale Filled by Satellite data
GOSAT and OCO hr day year century Temporal Background Monitoring Network Satellite Column Flux Tower PBL observation Chamber 1km 10m 100km Global Spatial


6 Workflow for interpretation of OCO (GOSAT) data
Global C fluxes OCO XCO2 Science questions Top-down modelling machinery MODIS Biomass burning Validation OCO vs Models Flasks/aircraft Ground XCO2 Assimilation Flux analysis Fossil fuels Model XCO2 Fire Terrestrial biosphere Ocean fluxes Scale? Cal/Val: data consistency?? Model intercomparison Atmos. transport Error/bias characterisation Bottom-up modelling CarbonFusion




10 Meeting structure Morning Day 1 09.00 Setting the scene
- Carbon fusion, NCEO Data -SCIAMACHY -OCO -Cal/Val Surface flux models Transport modelling Analysis Schemes Afternoon Day 1 15.00/15.30 Discussion 1) What’s funded, what’s not and needs to be? 2) Priorities for in terms of UK, NCEO 19.00 Dinner Morning Day 2 09.00 Outstanding issues Day 1. 12.30 Meeting adjourned; Lunch

11 The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO)
“First global space-based measurements of CO2 with the precision and spatial resolution needed to quantify carbon sources and sinks” Launch in 2008 2-year mission Why high spectral resolution? Lines must be resolved from the continuum to minimize systematic errors CO m band is well suited for retrieving CO2 column abundances CO m band CO2, cloud, aerosol, water vapor, temperature O2 A-band constrains clouds, aerosols, and surface pressure Spectroscopic observations of CO2 (1.61 m and 2.06 m) and O2 (0.765 m) to estimate the column integrated CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2 = x (column CO2) / (column O2) Precisions of 1 ppm on regional scales Global coverage in 16 days (nadir 1x1.5 km footprint) JPL-based instrument: PI D. Crisp; Deputy PI: C. Miller (Crisp et al, 2004)

12 Monitoring CO2 from Space
High resolution (λ/Δλ=17.5k-21k) spectra of reflected sunlight in near IR: CO m and 2.06 m bands O m A-band Retrieval of column average CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2 with BL sensitivity (Also need Ps, albedo, T, water vapour, clouds, and aerosols, provided by OCO) ~0.3% (1ppm) precision Nadir Mode Target Mode Glint Mode Why high spectral resolution? Lines must be resolved from the continuum to minimize systematic errors CO m band is well suited for retrieving CO2 column abundances CO m band CO2, cloud, aerosol, water vapor, temperature O2 A-band constrains clouds, aerosols, and surface pressure OCO samples at high spatial resolution Nadir mode: 1 km x 1.5 km footprint Isolates cloud-free scenes Thousand of samples on regional scales Glint Mode: High SNR over oceans Target modes: Calibration

13 Assessing OCO Performance with OSSEs
CO2 fluxes XCO2 map Retrieval End-to-end retrievals of XCO2 from individual simulated nadir soundings at SZAs of 35o and 75o. The simulations include sub-visual cirrus clouds (0.02c 0.05), light to moderate aerosol loadings (0.05a 0.15), over ocean and land surfaces. INSET: Distribution of XCO2 errors (ppm) for each case XCO2 along OCO orbits CO2, O2 spectral radiances Kuang et al, 2002 (250 Gb/day)

14 Spectral Coverage

15 Sun Glint Pointing Mode
Operation Solar Irradiance Cal. FTS SWIR & TIR CA-imager Lunar Cal Solar Flux FTS TIR Observation Mode Sun Glint Pointing Mode

16 Foot prints 5 cross track patters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
GPS 5 cross track patters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 points/cross track scan GPS receiver GOSAT Star Tracker Pointing Mechanism 88 – 800 km Satellite Direction (along track) Cross track

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