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Be Humankind Learning Objective: To explore how we can be more humankind. I can create a TV advert encouraging others to be humankind. I can peer assess.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Humankind Learning Objective: To explore how we can be more humankind. I can create a TV advert encouraging others to be humankind. I can peer assess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Humankind Learning Objective: To explore how we can be more humankind. I can create a TV advert encouraging others to be humankind. I can peer assess someone else’s campaign and give constructive feedback.

2 Be Humankind You are going to create your own Be Humankind campaign to encourage people around the world to show more humanity and kindness and to ensure people’s human rights are being met, e.g. equality and freedom of expression. Who will I be working with? Group of 3-4. How can I present my work? Film, role play, poster, poetry/rap, piece of artwork. How long to I have? Two lessons – there may be time to present during these lessons. How will I be marked? Progress Grade: We look for how many of the themes from this unit you have included e.g. Responsibility, freedom of expression, humanity. Attitude Grade: We look for how well your group have worked together, how much effort has gone into your piece of work and how you have displayed the Wildern Attributes.

3 Chromebooks If you are using a Chromebook here are some websites you might want to take a look at to create your campaign… You could try the We Video Google Chrome extension or the Stop Motion animation extension: OR Powtoon! Create your own meme Create your own meme

4 Be Humankind Learning Objective: To explore how we can be more humankind. I can create a TV advert encouraging others to be humankind. I can peer assess someone else’s campaign and give constructive feedback.

5 Peer Marking Golden Rules!
Peer Assessment In green pen mark their work with a progress grade and an attitude grade. Then complete the sentences in the peer review box. Peer Marking Golden Rules! Be Kind Be Specific Be Helpful Students need to use the mark scheme to peer asses someone else’s work. It is up to you how you want them to do this, i.e. presenting to the whole class or swapping work with another group. They need to give it a progress grade and an attitude grade and complete the peer assessment sentences on the sheet. Take in the grades they have been given and put them on the SIMs mark sheet.

6 Be Humankind Learning Objective: To explore how we can be more humankind. I can create a TV advert encouraging others to be humankind. I can peer assess someone else’s campaign and give constructive feedback.

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