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How to get students into the Library: revamping a library’s welcome campaign Corryn Walker BIALL Conference June 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "How to get students into the Library: revamping a library’s welcome campaign Corryn Walker BIALL Conference June 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to get students into the Library: revamping a library’s welcome campaign
Corryn Walker BIALL Conference June 2017

2 … on a shoestring!

3 Background In 2014 induction was reviewed at a high strategic level across the University to assess impact on student retention The induction programme as a whole was seen to be a hindrance rather than help to retention Proposal to scrap all induction talks Library successfully argued that as an essential service induction talks needed to continue but in a new format


5 What did we want to achieve
Make the Library welcome talk more promotional and engaging Have more activities in the Library Collaborate more with other University departments Create a promotional video Use students to promote the Library Engage with more students on social media Get out into the University buildings

6 The Welcome Talk



9 Reinforcing the message
Username: Libwelcome Password: welcome16 Mention Feedback Prizes Free! You can see how much they’ve taken in by the results

10 Feedback Students loved it! 99% students found the talk and its format helpful Most free text comments mentioned the quiz positively

11 Library video What we had…

12 Library video What we wanted… Short! YouTube stats show that most videos are only watched for 1-2 minutes Show the Library in its best light – making it an appealing, welcoming space for students Very little text or voiceovers Editable for social media – 30 second version Basically an advert!

13 How we did it Wanted to use a professional filmmaker Used contacts at the School of Art An ex-student, teaching assistant and freelance filmmaker he had the right mix of experience to create the video. Paid for a licence for the music – we wanted something that sounded professional


15 What did we do next? PANIC!!!

16 Student Champions

17 Raising the profile of the Library
Collaboration and Teamwork!

18 Working with other University departments

19 Taking away the fear factor

20 Getting out into the faculties
Welcome Festival Freshers’ Fair Outreach events in Faculty Buildings Freebies Sweets/Chocolate Selfie frames Quiz

21 Social Media Short “how to…” videos Top tips for using the Library The weird and wonderful!


23 Social Media Golden Tickets (with thanks to Roald Dahl and University of Liverpool!!) Instagram followers went up by over 200

24 Future plans Takeover University social media channels Promote other University services within the Library (e.g. MMU Sport and the Wellbeing service) Make more use of funding available from central departments Review the information available to students for a consistent look and feel Make staff more visible at Welcome

25 Conclusions Use the resources available to you – staff and students often want experience for their CV Don’t assume that other departments in the University know about the Library – we’ve amazed other services when we tell them our footfall Make sure that you’re included in events – collaborate! Get your key message out there to students – they don’t need to know everything at once.

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