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Status of the PANDA Solenoid Magnet Production in BINP

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1 Status of the PANDA Solenoid Magnet Production in BINP
PANDA meeting 2017 October E.Pyata

2 PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata
PANDA solenoid magnet The PANDA solenoid is designed to provide a magnetic field of 2 T with a uniformity of ± 2% and radial magnetic field integral in the range 0 to 2 mm over the central tracking region. The magnet is characterized by a warm bore of 1.9 m diameter, a free length of 4 m and 22.4 MJ of stored energy. Figure 1. Artistic cut side view of the solenoid magnet including contained detector systems. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

3 The main milestones of production of the PANDA solenoid magnet
The scope of delivery includes: Magnetic and engineering design of the magnet including tools and support; Production and delivery of the magnet (consisting of yoke, cold mass and cryostat, alignment components, proximity cryogenics, support frame and platform beams) and all tools; Power converter and quench protection and instrumentation. Date Old New Start contract 03/2017 Control assembling of the Yoke of solenoid at the BINP site 09/2019 Magnetic tests of the PANDA solenoid including safety system and electrical components at BINP (additional contract) /2020 07/ /2021 Assembling and tests at the FAIR site Assembling of the Yoke at Darmstadt 03/2021 11/2021 Acceptant tests at FAIR 08/2022 Installation of the PANDA solenoid magnet at worked position and start final acceptance tests 01/2023 05/2023 Table 1. The main milestones. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

4 The main milestones of the yoke production
Name of milestone Date 2017/08 Date 2017/10 Memorandum BINP/ plant SibElectroTherm (SET) 05/2017 Presentation design of the yoke after technological work of drawings in FAIR 20-25/07/2017 PDR of the yoke 25-29/09/2017 04-07/10/2017 FDR of the yoke 11/2017 20-25/11/2017 Contract with SibMash (SET) 10/2017 Purchasing raw materials (BINP responsibility, 600 t/360 kEuro) 02/2018 Delivery raw material to SibMash (SET) 01/2018 06/2018 Start of production 12/2017 Production of the first barrel octant 03/2018 04/2018 Production of the all barrel octants 11/2018 12/2018 Production of the frame and beams Production of the doors 03/2019 Control assembling at SET 04/2019 Finalization of the parts 05/2019 Assembling of the Yoke at BINP 09/2019 Table 2. The main milestones of the yoke production. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

5 BINP ? The yoke production SibMash (SET) Straight contract Design
67 kEuro cost Design work end September Straight contract Design SEP ? Tender Winner ? Straight contract Design and Production Metall producer company/ies Time about 3 months SibMash (SET) 1st delivery 2nd delivery 3rd delivery 4th delivery PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

6 Figure 1. Process Flow Diagram of the PANDA cryogenic system.
PANDA solenoid 2017, TDR Flowscheme The Process Flow Diagram (PFD) of the PANDA cryogenic system proposed by Udo Wagner (CERN) is shown in Fig 2. The main components of the cryogenic system are: 1. the cryostat, which includes: • the superconducting coil cooled indirectly via the thermal contact with the aluminum support cylinder; • thermal shields cooled by gaseous helium; • the vacuum vessel; 2. the control dewar, which includes: • a vessel for liquid helium; • current leads; • valves, gauges; • vacuum shell. 3. a transfer line (Chimney) connecting the vacuum vessels of cryostat and control dewar; 4. transfer lines (TL) connecting refrigerator and control dewar. Figure 1. Process Flow Diagram of the PANDA cryogenic system. Flowscheme of the PANDA solenoid was approved. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

7 Figure 3. Modifying design of the cryostat and supports.
CDR of cryostat and Dewar box /2017 Start design work: Designer: Sergey Pivovarov Cryostat Cold mass Designer: Mikhail Kholopov Cryogenics and Control Dewar Designer: ??? Cryogenics for tests in BINP – 4 week 41 week 41 week Figure 3. Modifying design of the cryostat and supports. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

8 Figure 4. Longitudinal section of the cryostat with cold mass.
PANDA solenoid 2017, cold mass The PANDA solenoid is designed to provide a magnetic field of 2 T over a length of about 4 m in a bore of 1.9 m. The solenoid is split in 3 inter-connected coils. A view of the Target Spectrometer, including the magnet is shown in Figure 1. Each coil is a six layers solenoid enclosed in a coil casing to rigidly contain the internal forces exerted on the conductors due to the magnetic field. The coils and the coil casing constitute the cold mass, which must be maintained at liquid helium temperature (~ 4.2 K) in order for the winding to be in the superconducting state. The cooling of the cold mass is achieved indirectly through the circulation of liquid helium in pipes welded on the coil casing. The TS solenoid is designed to operate at a current of ~5 kA. The conductor is a superconducting NbTi/Cu wire based Rutherford cable co-extruded in a high purity aluminum stabilizing matrix, featuring high electrical and thermal conductivity. The production design and contractual follow-up of the construction of the cold mass including the conductor manufacturing, its integration into the cryostat and test have been committed by the PANDA Collaboration to BINP. Thickness (after cold work) at 300 K mm 7.93 ± 0.03 Width (after cold work) at 300 K 10.95 Critical current (at 4.2 K, 5 T) A > 14690 Critical current (at 4.5 K, 3 T) > 16750 Overall Al/Cu/sc ratio 10.5/1.0/1.0 Aluminum RRR (at 4.2 K, 0 T) > 1000 Al 0.2% yield strength at 300 K MPa > 30 Table 4. Conductor mechanical and electrical parameters. Figure 4. Longitudinal section of the cryostat with cold mass. Figure 5. Cold mass cross-section. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata Figure 6. Drawing of the conductor.

9 PANDA meeting 2017 July 20-25 E.Pyata Conductor
PANDA solenoid 2017, Conductor Cost ??? Conductor`s manufacturers Furukawa, Production of the Rutherford cable: Furukawa, VNIINM,, Bruker… 2. BINP, purchase pure Al 99,998% problems: to soft material and cannt to produce a wire 9,5mm long more 3 m?! possible purchase bars Ø for Swiss company Extrusion BINP manufactured the special tooling to try extrusion in Saransk plant ? Date to test Contact with Swiss company – middle of Desember, 2017. PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

10 PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata
PANDA solenoid 2017, Power Supply and Energy Extraction System for the PANDA magnet Responsible person - Dr. Erokhin Alexandr, BINP Requirements for the external protection system (Quench detection and Energy Extraction): The amount of the stored energy to be extracted is 22.4MJ. Stored energy should be extracted to the external dump resistor with the value of 0.1 Ohm. The active elements of the dump resistor should not be hotter than 100C. Power Supply (one VCH1300) – parameters Nominal output power 61,2kWt; Nominal output current 5100А; Nominal output voltage 12V; 8 hours run Stability - < 0.01% from nominal; Output ripples in voltage: 0-300Hz - < 10mV rms, 0-40кГц – < 100mV rms; Control Interface – CAN Form factor 19” x 3U Conceptual Design Report was presented in FAIR GSI, FDR /2018 PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

11 Thank you for your attention
PANDA meeting 2017 October 4-7, Darmstadt E.Pyata

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