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Swarm DISC call for ideas

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1 Swarm DISC call for ideas
Status Sept 2016

2 29 ideas Name Inst. Title Alken CIRES Ionospheric Current Strengths
Hoque DLR Topside ionosphere and plasmasphere electron density reconstruction Olsen DTU Oceanic Magnetic Tides Balasis NOA Swarm ULF Wave Index Hulot IPGP Swarm Delta Strength and Location of the Polar Electrojets Heilig MFGI Equatorward boundary of small scale FACs as a proxy for the midnight plasmapause position (Plasmapause index) Jackson ETHZ 4D variational data assimilation from Swarm using a quasi-geostrophic velocity field De Michelis INGV Characterization of ionospheric turbulence level by Swarm Juusola FMI Complementary data for Swarm: real-time maps of equivalent currents and auroras from MIRACLE Svitlov LUH Accelerometer characterization Dunlop STFC/RAL Coordinated FACs from joint Cluster-Swarm observations Kartalev BAS Synoptic global modelling of ionosphere electrodynamics assimilating SWARM data Thomson BGS Magnetic Monitoring of Space Weather Hazard to Satellites in the South Atlantic Anomaly Two spacecraft FAC correlations and orientations Kuvshinov ERDW Radial conductivity distribution from crust to mid mantle Velimsky CUP Ocean-generated Tidal Magnetic Field De-aliasing Model Enhanced ring current description from joint Swarm-Cluster observations 3-D conductivity model of the mantle using satellite, land-based and sea-bottom observations Xiong GFZ S4: A GPS amplitude scintillation index derived from Swarm satellites Encarnação DUT Gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data Laundal UiB Global empirical model of the high-latitude ionospheric current system The auroral boundaries derived from Swarm field-aligned current signatures Finlay A Swarm Virtual Observatory (VMO) Network for Monitoring Core Field Lomidze UoC Ion temperature from a physics‐based data‐driven model

3 Status 29 Sep 2016 SDBR recommends to Disc Executive: ITTs in 4 areas TBA. Some areas recommended for further development within existing mechanisms. Some areas recommended for further development via new initiatives. Feedback on individual submissions being prepared by ESA and DISC.  Sincere thanks to all those who submitted ideas!

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