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Common Core Parent Education Night 5th Grade

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1 Common Core Parent Education Night 5th Grade
September 27, 2012

2 Your 5th Grade Team: Mrs. Cauble – GT ELA & Soc. St.
Miss Ard – GT Math & Science Mrs. Henderson – ELA & Soc. St. Mrs. Williams – Math & Science We are a team! Our Education & Experience

3 Form a valuable partnership with parents in educating your student
Our Goal As Educators Form a valuable partnership with parents in educating your student Help your child be successful and productive

4 Responsible 5th Graders
Turning work in on time Coming to school prepared (supplies) Being prepared to switch classes Keeping up with and turning in classwork & homework Checking teacher Moodle or Webpage Bring home graded papers Getting parent signatures

5 Behavior Plan Safety Own Your Actions (behavior) Academic Excellence
Respect Tallies & Strikes Cautions & Violations

6 Communication Weekly blasts Moodle or Webpage Alert Now School/District Webpage Parent Portal Phone Calls (before/after school, voic ) Conferences (please call ahead to schedule) *Please let us know if your contact info. changes.*

7 Grades/Homework/Classwork
New district grading policy: – 60% tests/projects – 40% daily (classwork & homework) Retests – corrections need to be made immediately – half credit for each new correct answer – only 3 retakes per 9 weeks in each subject – highest grade recorded is 93

8 Grades/Homework/Classwork (continued…)
No late work Lowest grade recorded is 60% With common core students will be asked to “dig deeper”, defend and explain answers, and communicate ideas in a formal writing format. It’s o.k. for your child to say, “I’m frustrated!” or “This is hard!”. This means that they are being challenged to process on a critical thinking level. It’s o.k. if YOU don’t understand how your child is doing something. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help! You will be a wonderful role model for your child 


10 Common Core State Standards Purpose
More students today are going to college. However, fewer students are staying in college. Why? Students cannot handle the amount of independent reading and writing required in all classes beyond high school. However, jobs for high school graduates require a higher level of reading and writing than in the past.

11 Fiction vs. Nonfiction Reading Framework
By Grade 4: 50% fiction, 50% nonfiction* By Grade 8: 45% fiction, 55% nonfiction* By Grade 12: 30% fiction, 70% nonfiction* * Nonfiction reading and writing instruction in ELA classrooms. Authentic practice in content area classrooms.

12 The Challenges of CCSS Reading Shifting balance of literature and informational texts Intentional curricular content integration Increased text complexity Writing Increased emphasis on persuasive and informative/expository writing Writing includes textual references and citations Speaking and Listening Inclusion of formal and informal talk, listening skills Language Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary Increased grammar emphasis


14 Why Lexile Isn’t Enough
These titles are typically taught in high school literature classes: The Grapes of Wrath – 680 L – 4th grade Fahrenheit 451 – 451 L – between 2nd and 3rd grade Fallen Angels – 650 L – 4th grade A Farewell to Arms – 730 L – between 4th and 5th grade Lord of the Flies – 770 L – between 4th and 5th grade Brave New World – 870 L – between 5th and 6th grade But are these books age-appropriate???

15 Fountas and Pinnell Assessment
Measures difficulty of text and comprehension. Student’s ability to comprehend within the text, about the text, and beyond the text. This informs the teacher of what a student can already do and allows the teacher to plan instruction to meet each student’s needs.

16 What Can I Do to Help? Make sure your child is reading EVERY DAY, balanced their time between fiction and nonfiction throughout the week. Make sure they are reading texts at their just right levels (not too easy, not too hard). Talk about what they are reading with them. Have children respond to their reading through writing (in a journal, etc.)

17 How is 5th Grade Math Different than Previous Years?
Fifth grade is a milestone and a pivot point for students. The classroom focus on arithmetic during the elementary grades will develop into a more formal study of algebra in middle school. To be ready for algebra, students must have an understanding of fractional arithmetic, in part because even simple equations cannot be solved without fractions. Because of this, whole-number arithmetic comes mostly to a close in 5th grade, while multiplying and dividing fractions becomes a major focus.

18 How is 5th Grade Math Different than Previous Years?
Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level. Clear progression across grade levels. Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Mathematical practices Foster reasoning and problem-solving in mathematics. College and career readiness Level is ambitious but achievable.

19 Examples of CCS Aligned Tasks:
Reading Log Document Based Questioning and Persuasive Writing Different Methods of Solving Math Problems Writing in Math

20 Where Can I Find More Information about CCS?
There’s an app for that! Common Core (free) standards Great Video: /vp/ #

21 What Can Parents do to Help?
Be supportive Check Moodle or Web pages for class assignments and activities Check Parent Portal for up to date information on grades. Make them be RESPONSIBLE! Allow students to take ownership of assignments and grades. Be POSITIVE !

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