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©Richard L. Goldman March 9, 2003 from:

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1 Human Urinary System Diagnostic Techniques & Urine Specimen Collections
©Richard L. Goldman March 9, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology

2 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
Urinalysis yoo-rih-NAL-ih-sis ur/o = urine -lysis = breaking down; destruction A physical, chemical, or microscopic examination of urine. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

3 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
random specimen RAN-dom SPEH-sih-men Urine specimen that is collected at anytime. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

4 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
clean-catch specimen CLEAN-CATCH SPEH-sih-men Cleanse external genitalia, expell a small amount of urine into toilet, collect a specimen, expel remaining urine in toilet. (midstram specimen) Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

5 first-voided specimen
FIRST-VOYD-ed SPEH-sih-men Colledt the first voided specimen of the morning. (early-morning specimen) Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

6 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
24-hour urine specimen 24-hour YOO-rin SPEH-sih-men A collection of all of the urine excreted by an individual over a 24-hour period. The urine is collected in one large container. Twenty-four-hour urine specimen is also called composite urine specimen Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

7 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
Catheteriztion kath-eh-ter-EYE-zay-shun The introduction of a catheter (flexible, hollow tube) into a body cavity or organ to instill a substance or remove a fluid. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

8 catheterized specimen
CATH-er-ter-eyezd SPEH-sih-men Using aseptic techniques, a very small, straight catheter is inserted into the bladder via the urethra to withdraw a urin specimen. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

9 blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
blud yoo-REE-ah NIGH-troh-jen A blood test performed to determine the amount of urea and nitrogen (waste products normally excreted by the kidney) present in the blood. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

10 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
urine culture YOO-rin culture urin/o = urine -e = noun ending A procedure used to cultivate the growth of bactria present in a urine specimen, for proper microscopic identification of the specific pathogen (disease-producing microorganism). Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

11 creatinine clearance test
kree-AT-in-in clearance test A diagnostic test for kidney function that measures the filtration rate of creatinine, a waste product (of muscle metabolism), which is normally removed by the kidney. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

12 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
Cystometrography siss-toh-meh-TROG-rah-fee cyst/o = bladder metr/o = measure -graphy = process of recording An examinination performed to evaluate bladder tone; measuring bladder pressure filling and voining. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

13 intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
in-trah-VEE-nus PYE-eh-loh-gram intra = within ven/o = vein -ous = pertaining to pyel/o = renal pelvis -gram = a record Also known as intravenous pyelography or excretory urogram; this is a radiographic procedure that provides visualization ot the entire urinary tract: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

14 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
Ultrasonography ul-trah-son-OG-rah-fee ultra- = beyond son/o = sound -graphy = process of recording Also called ultrasound; this is a procedure in which sound waves are transmitted into the body structures as a small transducer is passed over the patient's skin. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

15 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
renal scan REE-nal scan ren/o = kidney -al = pertaining to A procedure in which a radioactive isotope (tracer) is injected intravenusly, and the radioactivity over each kidney is measured as the tracer passes through the kidney. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

16 KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder)
An x-ray of the lower abdomen that defines the size, shape, and location of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. A constrast medium is not used with this x-ray. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

17 Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology
renal angiography REE-nal an-jee-OG-rah-fee ren/o = kidney -al = pertaining to angi/o = vessel -graphy = process of recording X-ray visualization of the internal anatomy of the renal blood vessels after injection of a contrast medium. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

18 voining cystourethrography
VOY-ding siss-toh-yoo-ree-THROG-rah-fee cyst/o = bladder urethr/o = urethra -graphy = process of recording X-ray visualization of the bladder and urethra during the voiding process, after the bladder has been filled with a contrast material. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

19 retrograde pyelogram (RP)
RET-roh-grayd PYE-eh-loh-gram retro- = behind pyel/o = renal pelvis -gram = a record A radiograpic procedure in which small-caliber catheters are passed through a cystoscope into ther ureters to visualize the ureters and the renal pelvis. Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology

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