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David Lehrer Advisors Prof Pua Bar Kutiel and Prof Nir Becker

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1 David Lehrer Advisors Prof Pua Bar Kutiel and Prof Nir Becker
Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel David Lehrer Advisors Prof Pua Bar Kutiel and Prof Nir Becker

2 Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel
The aim of this study is to estimate the marginal cost function and marginal benefit function for nature conservation in Israel and to use these functions to build a supply curve for nature conservation in Israel.

3 Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel
[1] Where; Cost is the cost of operating the PA, x1,2,3… are the coefficients found in the multiple regression step analysis for a value of each predictor such as the area of nature reserves, the species richness in the area, the number of Redbook species in the area, a measure of ecosystem heterogeneity and other factors.

4 Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel
[2] Where; Benefit is the benefit that the PA provides to nature conservation, AA, BB, CC … are the factors for establishing conservation priorities such as, species richness, the number of Redbook species, ecosystem heterogeneity and other factors, W1, W2, W3…are the relative weights of conservation importance for each factor. These weights will be derived from the opinions of conservation experts.

5 Development of a cost efficient model for nature conservation in Israel
The model will be used to estimate the cost efficient distribution of limited conservation funding as well as to estimate the gap between current expenditure on conservation in Israel and the expenditure necessary to effectively achieve conservation goals.

6 Literature Review the Cost of Protecting Nature

7 Literature Review the Cost of Protecting Nature
Conclusions from Literature Review: PA Size is a positive predictor of conservation costs No consensus on other predictors

8 Hypothesis We expect to find that PA size is a significant predictor of the variation in costs in Israel. We expect to find that in addition to PA size, at least one or more additional PA attributes contributes significantly to predicting variation in conservation costs. By studying the nature conservation marginal cost function, significant cost efficiencies can be achieved which will enable a higher level of nature conservation (more conservation goals achieved) for a given budget or enable reaching a given level of nature conservation (specific conservation goals) for a lower budget.

9 Methodology Linear Regression Data Mining: INPA budgets
GIS - species richness GIS - abundance GIS - red book species GIS – habitat heterogeneity Expert Surveys: Invasive species Tourism Forest Fire Threat Adequate resources

10 Data Normalization Financial Data – Range Area Budgets
Spatial Data – Reserve Areas Species Data – Species Presence in Range Areas Red Book Species Data – Red Book Species Presence in Range Areas Fire Threat – GIS Layer Tourism – List of tourist sites Habitat Heterogeneity Data - Unfinished

11 Financial Data Organizational Structure of INPA
National Office in Jerusalem 5 Districts 15 Regions 43 Ranger Areas Over 600 Nature Reserves

12 Decided not to study Yehuda and Shomron
Financial Data Decided not to study Yehuda and Shomron 4 Districts 13 Regions 37 Ranger Areas Over 600 Nature Reserves

13 Financial Data Original intended study unit: nature reserves
INPA budgets are set by Districts No way to determine a budget for a nature reserve Many conservation activities which protect the reserves takes place outside of the reserves – control of invasive species, supervision of infrastructure work Unit of study: Ranger Areas Needed to transform District Budgets to Ranger Area Budgets


15 INPA Northern District

16 In order to create Range Area Budgets
District Operation Budgets District Development Budgets Manager Surveys Ranger Areas Ranger Area Budgets

17 District Operation Budgets

18 District Development Budgets

19 Data Sets for Cost Function
N = 37 Ranger Areas Regression Dependent Variable: Range Area Budget Candidate Independent Variables: Range areas size Aggregate reserve area Number of reserves Species richness Species diversity Threatened species Invasive species Fire threat Tourism

20 Analysis of Data אושר מינים אזור פיקוח תקציב שוטף תקציב פיתוח
סה"כ תקציבים 2013 בש"ח שטח פיקוח שטח שמורות יחס שמורה לפיקוח מספר שמורות נתוני נוכחות מינים אדומים נומינלי מינים אדומים משוקלל חרמון 1,089,525 145,633 1,235,158 312.54 7.45 0.02 12 1,704 231 14,699 מרכז הגולן 459.89 28.89 0.06 19 1,147 2 75 יהודיה 132.53 36.73 0.28 3 919 דרום הגולן 329.76 60.72 0.18 13 1,254 903 גליל עליון מזרחי 1,198,478 144,106 1,342,583 467.88 46.21 0.10 37 1,679 70 4,133 הר מירון 231.30 101.77 0.44 14 1,370 33 1,520 גליל מערבי 274.84 24.99 0.09 883 חוף ים גליל מערבי 240.57 13.74 10 1,281 38 2,225 כנרת וגליל תחתון 980,573 157,106 1,137,678 428.96 19.53 0.05 1,324 גליל תחתון מערבי 151,106 1,131,678 456.42 16.21 0.04 1,315 111 גליל תחתון מזרחי 293.37 50.83 0.17 8 1,076 גלבוע 351,106 1,331,678 500.19 32.50 16 1,345 אלונים - שפרעם 1,162,160 155,467 1,317,627 418.81 4.27 0.01 7 1,232 565 כרמל 432.48 63.77 0.15 21 1,631 34 1,527 מנשה - אלונה 197,689 1,359,849 460.35 14.67 0.03 22 1,554 76 4,213 שרון 2,035,639 61,500 2,097,139 613.07 2.68 0.00 1,494 116 5,798 פלשת 678,546 65,500 744,046 946.08 14.18 1,768 313 ירושלים 1,357,093 119.90 0.31 1,257 15 620 הרי יהודה 33,000 2,068,639 417.05 25.16 שפלה דרומית 42,500 2,078,139 633.29 19.73 1,119 מישור חוף דרומי 102,500 1,459,593 861.79 33.05 11 1,247 מדבר יהודה 2,134,974 11,000 2,145,974 1,251.68 282.34 0.23 4 1,354 656 נגב צפוני 533,743 54,833 588,577 625.63 7.23 976 נגב מערבי 1,601,230 1,612,230 700.73 7.53 793 ערבה צפונית 53,750 587,493 891.79 383.41 0.43 5 788 בקעת צין והמכתש הגדול 1,067,487 1,078,487 1,133.90 315.12 9 945 עין עבדת ובקעת צין 58.45 19.98 0.34 1 590 ערבה מרכזית ועשוש 1,148.97 432.78 0.38 720 חולות עגור 1,511.45 240.24 0.16 849 הר הנגב הגבוה 30,833 564,577 1,048.53 125.78 0.12 מכתש רמון 544,743 889.63 558.67 0.63 886 606 מזרח הרמון 100.01 89.29 0.89 320 הר הנגב הדרומי 1,218.50 970.78 0.80 608 נחלים גדולים 878,296 137,417 1,015,713 1,410.63 431.95 6 572 ערבה דרומית 189,083 1,067,380 430.07 209.10 0.49 771 הרי אילת 162,417 1,040,713 383.46 310.99 0.81 970 מפרץ אילת 1,129,238 54,083 1,183,321 28.91 1.72 97

21 Initial Results Range Area Size

22 Initial Results Range Area Size

23 Initial Results Range Area Size

24 Initial Results Reserve Area

25 Initial Results Reserve Area

26 Initial Results Reserve Area



29 Initial Results Reserve Area Ln

30 Initial Results Reserve Area Ln

31 Initial Results Reserve Area Ln

32 Initial Results Reserve Area Ln

33 Literature Review the Cost of Protecting Nature
Conclusions from Literature Review: PA Size is a positive predictor of conservation costs No consensus on other predictors

34 So Far Research Hypothesis
This study will test the following hypotheses: From a review of previous studies on the cost of nature conservation we expect to find that PA size is a significant predictor of the variation in costs in Israel. PA size appears to be a significant predictor of operation and development costs. The relationship, however, between PA size and costs is negative. We expect to find that in addition to PA size, at least one or more additional PA attributes contributes significantly to predicting variation in conservation costs. I have not yet tested the model of multiple predictors but so far on an individual basis I have not found another significant predictor of operation and development cost variation.

35 Next Stage Research Hypothesis
This study will test the following hypotheses: By studying the nature conservation marginal cost function, significant cost efficiencies can be achieved which will enable a higher level of nature conservation (more conservation goals achieved) for a given budget or enable reaching a given level of nature conservation (specific conservation goals) for a lower budget. In order to create the marginal cost function (supply curve) for nature conservation, we must build a marginal benefit function which shows the incremental increase in conservation benefit as we add more and more PA’s (reserves) to our study area (Israel

36 Methodology Weighted Index Weight
Weight of Ecological Attributes of Range Areas ? % A Species richness and abundance of individuals B Presence of endangered and endemic species C Diversity and uniqueness of habitats and ecosystems D Connectivity between reserves and proximate natural areas E Representativeness of nature reserves in Israel F Geological phenomenon/geomorphological uniqueness G Landscape and historical value for tourism 100% Total

37 Weighted Index

38 Marginal Cost Curve (Supply Curve)

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