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Prof. M. Cammett POLS 1270 April 3, 2012

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1 Prof. M. Cammett POLS 1270 April 3, 2012
Development and Underdevelopment in the Middle East: Paths and Trajectories Prof. M. Cammett POLS 1270 April 3, 2012

2 The Glorious Ottoman Past

3 Reversal of Fortune in the Middle East. Annual Growth in GDP/cap
Reversal of Fortune in the Middle East? Annual Growth in GDP/cap. by Region

4 Understanding development and underdevelopment in the MENA
What is “development”? How do we/should we measure it?

5 Alternative Measures of Development

6 Pct. Population Living on $2/Day

7 Income v. Human Development as Measures of Development
Literacy Rates

8 The MENA Big State (Government Spending/GDP)

9 MENA Underdevelopment: Industrialization in Comparative Perspective
Manufactured Exports/Total Merchandise Exports

10 From opulence . . .

11 . . . to poverty and chaos.

12 Typology of Political Economies in the MENA
Oil Non-Oil Monarchies Bahrain Iran (pre-1979) Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE Jordan Morocco Republics Algeria Iran (2005-) Iraq (pre-2003) Egypt Syria Tunisia ( ) Quasi/Democracies Iran ( ) Iraq (2003-) Libya (2011-) Lebanon Tunisia (2011-) Turkey

13 Measuring “Development”
Standard measures: Income, growth, industrialization GNI/Cap. in MENA

14 Post-Independence Development Trajectories: The Single-Party Republics
General strategies: Import-substitution industrialization (ISI) Welfare regimes Populist rhetoric and policies  Citizen expectations & obligations Examples: Egypt ( ) Algeria ( ) Syria ( s) Iraq ( s) Tunisia ( )

15 Control of Corruption (2008)
No ISI, dependence on oil earnings Anti-populism, private sector development But big public sectors, SOEs, welfare states Labor force characteristics & challenges of “indigenization” Minimal political liberties, but relative respect for rule of law Oil Monarchies Control of Corruption (2008) Source: Kaufman, et al. (2009)

16 Non-Oil Monarchies Relative political freedoms
Liberal economic rhetoric/policies, private sector development Less generous welfare regimes

17 Economic Crisis . . . Total Debt as a Percentage of GDP

18 . . . and the Mixed Record of Reform
GDP Growth (Annual %)

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