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Advocacy activity of Families and the Law of Rehabilitation

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1 Advocacy activity of Families and the Law of Rehabilitation
Nili Aharonov –”Ozma-Israeli Forum Of Families of Persons Coping with Mental Illness”

2 Background Unnecessary long hospitalizations; revolving -door phenomenon Old fashioned medications No information where and what to do after release “Why don’t you go and see……..” National Health Insurance Law enacted in but mental health is in paralyzing split and ambiguity

3 How did Ozma get started
3 family groups in 3 main cities gradually grow and unite Composed of fearless, devoted ,daring families, beyond the stage of denial Realization that if we, families, do not take action-no one will do it for us Deliberation – what to push first? Gathering urgent needs

4 Sources of support and collaboration
Center for self-help Mental health officials Academia JDC-Jewish Humanitarian Assistance Organization Human Rights organization MP Tamar Gozansky Mental health consumer Journalists

5 Where do we start from? Dire Needs presented by families lead to decision to start with rehabilitation Collecting evidence of successes and failures abroad Organizing conferences & lectures ;meeting officials; composing and sending documents. Adopting the motto of the essential therapeutic triangle : consumer--health-care provider- -family. To achieve best results in rehab, families have to be involved in all steps from hospital to community :planning-implementing-monitoring

6 From “Heili Law” to the Law of Rehab (1997-2000)
MP Tamar Gozansky [T.G.] passes a preliminary vote in the Knesset on a law entitled “Hospitalization substitutes”(or Heili Law) that will provide versatile vocational/occupational options. Intensive consultations of Ozma with T. G and MOH officials to develop a non-medically oriented rehab. law. Is sectorial rehab. law desirable? We ascertain that rights under the “the law of Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities 1998” will not be compromised (article 24 of the law of rehab. 2000)

7 Debated in the knesset committee 1998/9
Ozma demands in the Law Debated in the knesset committee 1998/9 In the Knesset Committee of Labor, Welfare and Health (May 1998 onward) we demand: Acknowledgement that every mentally disabled person can be rehabilitated Targeted rehab. budget separate from the medical budget. Rehab. budget used solely in the community excluding hospital “Rehab departments”. Families’ support is included in the Rehab. law and Representation of consumers and families in the Rehab. National Council

8 Continued Efforts to Shape the Law
Continued consultations mainly with “Bizchut“and T.G. Scrutinizing the draft of the bill at all stages Active participating in the debates in the Knesset Insisting the wording of the law will ensure that the rehab will take place solely in the community

9 Other Accomplishments
Allowing public disclosure of the deliberations at the Council for Rehab The right to apply for Rehab. package : even without having Soc. Sec. disability, Also by representative of the consumer Including specific reference to the Human Dignity and Freedom Law

10 The recent15 years Continued fruitful cooperation between mental health officials and OZMA various teams on all matters relating to developing and implementing services. OZMA voice is heard in the National Council for Rehab as in other venues Observing Rehab progress effects on thousands of consumers give us comfort, satisfaction and pride The burden on families lessened quite substantially –also by the network of family support centers spread to 20 cities

11 Future We, in Ozma, hope that each person will be offered a customized rehab. package and those with slower recovery process will continue to get all the support they need. While in the beginning we fought to separate rehab from clinical treatment- now we work together with MH officials to make the necessary reconnection at the clinical-rehab junctions In particular the process of de-institutalization should be carried out carefully, taking into account the whole gamut of the population

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