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Techniques for Driving Sales

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Presentation on theme: "Techniques for Driving Sales"— Presentation transcript:

1 Techniques for Driving Sales
Joy L. Gibb, ABOC

2 Introduction Drive – verb To prod into moving into a desired direction
To carry on or through energetically To propel swiftly To progress with strong momentum

3 Introduction

4 Introduction You have to find passion in selling Team strategies
Sales strategies

5 Team Strategies Do incentives really work? They can be personalized
They can be team oriented or individual They can benefit the practice

6 Team Strategies Good Incentives Incentive Change Often Motivating
Ethical Bad Incentives Spiff/Kickback Never Change Stale Unethical

7 Team Strategies What incentives do you use?
What incentives do you find to be effective?

8 Team Strategies Who gets rewarded?

9 Team Strategies Goal setting as a team Why include everyone?
How do I include everyone? Be SMART

10 Team Strategies Strategic Planning Brainstorm ideas Rank ideas
Expand ideas Make assignments Update progress

11 Sales Strategies Products have to be presented Consistent messages
Who’s responsible? What’s your strategy? How many frames do you show a patient? Do you need to mix up your inventory? Consistent messages

12 Sales Strategies Multiple pair follow ups Personal shopper
Make notes in the chart Pre-measure Personal shopper If I don’t have it I’ll find it Personal letter It’s a whisper not a shout

13 Sales Strategies Multiple pair discounts Special events
Are discounts a good idea? Now vs future Special events Group Discussion

14 Sales Strategies Is it easy to buy multiple pairs?
Do you believe in what you are selling? Ask for the sale

15 Challenge Take two ideas back to your office and implement them within the next month.

16 Thank you!

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