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What is next for the REDCap Mobile App?

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Presentation on theme: "What is next for the REDCap Mobile App?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is next for the REDCap Mobile App?

2 How can the REDCap Mobile app be improved/enhanced?
Refine Sync Process Right now the sync process does not always work as expected, especially in places with intermittent/poor internet connection. On top of that, when the sync process is over, we don’t have a proper report that notifies us if something went wrong, at what point and why. 2. Rendering Instrument Page Opening a data collection form sometimes can take a long time and fields do not always display correctly, especially on smaller screens. 3. Lack of support for Infinitely Repeating Forms and Events Feature available in REDCap web-app but not yet implemented in the mobile app

3 Roadmap Refine Sync Process Goals:
Rework the process in a way that the system will check if Wi-Fi is available right before attempting to contact the server, and check the type of response that comes back. If something goes wrong, the new Sync Report will highlight it, giving the user a list of options on what to do next. Goals: Limit data loss Limit record duplication Give users more tools to fix problems

4 Sync successfully completed
Roadmap Refine Sync Process Rework the process in a way that the system will check if Wi-Fi is available right before attempting to contact the server, and check the type of response that comes back. If something goes wrong, the new Sync Report will highlight it, giving the user a list of options on what to do next. Goals: Limit data loss Limit record duplication Give users more tools to fix problems Sync successfully completed (Green Light) Information about: - Total records uploaded - Upload times - Renamed records - File Uploads Sync not completed (Red Light) Same detailed info plus a list of options on what to do next.

5 Roadmap 2. Rewrite render function Goals: 3. Repeatable Instruments
The “Render function” is the main method responsible for drawing the data collection forms on the screen, as well as handling the logic for field annotations, branching logic and calculations. We can’t change the device screen sizes, but we can try to use all available screen estate in the best way possible. Goals: Faster load times More responsive branching logic and calculations Better use of screen estate 3. Repeatable Instruments REDCap has the ability to repeat a data collection instrument or an entire event of instruments an unlimited number of times without having to specify the amount needed. This feature, recently added in main REDCap, will be implemented in mobile app.

6 Roadmap 1. Refine Sync Process 2. Rewrite render function
3. Repeatable Instruments Keep squashing bugs!

7 THANK YOU any time you have a question or need support.

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