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Tor Vergata B.A. in Global Governance

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Presentation on theme: "Tor Vergata B.A. in Global Governance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tor Vergata B.A. in Global Governance
Governance and the 2030 Development Agenda: the Age of Interconnectednes Ambasciatore Pietro Sebastiani, Direttore Generale della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

2 How development developped…
Phase 1: until the 90s, the «empire» of GDP – 1 pillar, economy Phase 2: Amartya Sen, the Human Development Report, and the complexity of human needs – 2 pillars, economy and society Phase 3. Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the environment breaks in – 3 pillars, economy, society and the environment: towards the Millennium Development Goals A turning point: Rio+20 and the declaration «The Future We Want»: Governance appears as the 4° pillar of development New Horizons: the 2030 Agenda, a question of global balance.

3 Did it work so far?


5 2030 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA, a matter of balance…
For a new economy…

6 no isolated sector, SYSTEMIC GLOBALITY, requires governance
Environment Gover H. Rights Development

7 Five «Ps»: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

8 Five «Ps»: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

9 Five «Ps»: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

10 Five «Ps»: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

11 Five «Ps»: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

12 What kind of governance?
Governance in the 2030 Agenda: SDG 16 (Institutions) + SDG 17 (Partnerships) It is not about power, It’s about people… «EMPOWERMENT» A pathway to responsible individual, local, and national freedom that benefits mankind and the planet as a whole

13 The aim and object of empowered governance
Reverting destabilizing feedback loops, and the deep meaning of sustainability… building self fueling, growing, cycles of wellbeing based on Sen’s «freedoms» and a healthy, durable, relationship with each concrete territory

14 Leading to… DATA REVOLUTION A New Measurement of National Performance
In August 2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asked an Independent Expert Advisory Group to make concrete recommendations on bringing about a data revolution in sustainable development.

15 Governance is a cross-cutting theme in Italian Development Cooperation (education, infrastructures and more) and, as a stand-alone sector, it is the largest

16 Three examples of recent Italian concrete intiatives…
Support for the strengthening of tobacco taxation policies in a number of selected countries in Africa (Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda) to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, € African Development Bank: contribution to the Multi-Partner Somalia Infrastructure Fund, for new infrastructures, € Italian contribution to the Trust Fund of the United Nations for Somalia (UN- MPTF) in favor of the program of support to the electoral process of 2016, €

17 How could it matter for you?
More and more jobs are being created in the field of development, to support the implementation of consistent funds: Development aid totalled USD 163 billion in 2015, representing a rise of 6.9% from 2014 in real terms, and it is on the rise “Climate finance” is heading towards USD 100 billion in 2020 Private sector is increasingly engaging in development Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 i All Donors, Total ,47 ,02 ,68 ,21 ,64 ,09 ,17 ,83 ,64 ,78   DAC Countries, Total ,48 ,47 ,94 ,01 ,35 ,47 ,25 ,07 ,05 ,35   Non-DAC Countries, Total 4.582,79 5.616,32 8.440,76 6.012,91 6.527,59 8.886,09 6.223,87 16.384,56 24.690,49 17.656,83   Multilaterals, Total 10.245,20 11.634,23 13.196,98 13.581,29 12.746,70 17.390,53 17.479,05 15.959,20 16.451,10 13.669,60

18 DEVELOPMENT… think about it!
Expertise in governance is in high demand We – as other countries do - are backing the entry of young Italian professionals in International Organisations, for instance with 60 new JPOs…

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