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Downtown Sanitation Service

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1 Downtown Sanitation Service
“Lets Talk Trash” Downtown Sanitation Service

2 Understanding Current Conditions
Why Are We Here? Understanding Current Conditions Increasing number of businesses and residences Frequency of trash pickup is inconsistent Not all downtown business owners currently have trash service Quantity of cans in alleyways is obtrusive Physical condition of alleyways prevents regular maintenance Alleyway ownership creates difficulty in building consensus and providing services Disposal of household garbage, furniture and construction materials in alleyways Graffiti present in certain alleyways Disruptive parking in alleyways and at certain alleyway access points Decorative cans and recycling receptacles designed for public use oftentimes overfill

3 Central Business District

4 Potential Solution? Require business owners in a defined downtown district to participate in a mandatory trash service provided by the City of Newnan Develop unique fee schedule dependent on solid waste volume and frequency of service Operation managed utilizing current Sanitation Fund Enhance and aggressively enforce code enforcement to remediate alleyway trash accumulation Keep vehicles and other obstructions from blocking alleyway access points Routinely clean and maintain alleyways, sidewalks and trash receptacles

5 How? Operational and Capital Funding Expense Estimates assumes that the City of Newnan would manage the operation and service the defined downtown district with six days per week service for garbage collection as well as routine maintenance of alleyways and adjacent public spaces. Operational Income and Fee Schedule was developed utilizing the following components: Number of trash cans Frequency of service Rate for service per can Environmental service Billing/administrative costs Business type*

6 Considerations? 243 properties located in the Central Business District 81 access points from downtown businesses into alleyways Currently, 5 solid waste providers service downtown customers Over gallon cans being serviced by just one provider Currently, monthly service fees range from $25/month to $500+/month Currently, the average frequency for pickup is once a week; restaurants typically receive more frequent service

7 Business Inventory by Type

8 June 29, 2017 Meeting Feedback Must include residential users downtown
Consider bulk items (i.e. cardboard, construction materials, etc.) Consider existing contracts Regional dumpster Regional recycling Consider multi-tenant buildings (i.e. billing, etc.)

9 July 14, 2017 Meeting Feedback Not all businesses have rear access
Consider shredding service for office/professional users Some businesses taking commercial trash to home for disposal Alleyways need cleaning Costs do not appear high Consider bulk items (i.e. cardboard, etc.) Delineate “environmental fee” on billing schedule Consider grease trap maintenance Consider Business Type Model as well as Volume-Based Model

10 Potential Fee Schedule
Volume-Based Model # Businesses Service Per Week Base Rate Billing Rate Enviro Rate Total Monthly Rate 6 $374.40 $5.00 $56.16 $435.56 7 $280.80 $42.12 $327.92 8 4 $249.60 $37.44 $292.04 10 $187.20 $28.08 $220.28 $124.80 $18.72 $148.52 12 5 $78.00 $11.70 $94.70 33 $62.40 $9.36 $76.76 53 2 $31.20 $4.68 $40.88 69 1 $15.60 $2.34 $22.94 Low Volume High

11 Potential Fee Schedule
Business Type/Classification Model # Businesses Service Per Week Base Rate Enviro Rate Billing Rate Total Monthly Rate Residential 25 1 $21.67 $3.25 $5.00 $29.92 Office/Professional <2000 SF 47 Office/Professional >2000 SF 45 2 $43.33 $6.50 $54.83 Retail <1500 SF 6 Retail SF 29 3 $65.00 $9.75 $79.75 Retail >3000 SF 15 $130.00 $19.50 $154.50 Restaurant <1500 SF 5 $108.33 $16.25 $129.58 Restaurant SF 8 10 $216.67 $32.50 $254.17 Restaurant SF $325.00 $48.75 $378.75 Restaurant >3500 SF 20 $433.33 $503.33 Business Type/Classification

12 Questions and Comments?

13 Meeting Schedule Phase I: Pubic Input
Public Meetings (Newnan City Hall) June 29, 2017 at 12:00pm July 14, 2017 at 10:00am July 19, 2017 at 6:00pm

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