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Use an Appropriate Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) as the Basis for Medication Decision-Making Good Production Practice #1 Assuring Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Use an Appropriate Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) as the Basis for Medication Decision-Making Good Production Practice #1 Assuring Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use an Appropriate Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) as the Basis for Medication Decision-Making Good Production Practice #1 Assuring Quality Care for Animals Food Animal Quality Assurance

2 Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR)
Important to establish as a means to: Manage the health of project animal(s), and Prevent drug residues Required for prescription drugs and extra-label drug use What is needed for this relationship? The veterinarian has: Seen and has knowledge of the animal Discussed the health plan or any treatments with the owner

3 VCPR How can youth exhibitors establish a relationship with veterinarian? Invite a veterinarian to speak at club or project meeting about health plans Have a farm tour with club and invite the veterinarian to come along Visit with your county fair veterinarian

4 Basic Classes of Drugs Over the Counter Drugs (OTC)
Over the Counter Drugs (OTC) Can be purchased without a prescription Should consult veterinarian before use MUST follow label instructions EXACTLY

5 Basic Classes of Drugs Prescription Drugs (RX)
Prescription Drugs (RX) Drugs that require a veterinarian’s written permission for use (prescription) Label of a RX drug will state “CAUTION” “Federal law restricts use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.”

6 Who determines whether or not a drug is OTC or RX?
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Answer: FDA

7 Types of Drug Use Label Use Off Label Extra-Label
Label Use Using the drug EXACTLY as stated on the label. Off Label Use of a drug in a manner other than what is stated on the label AND without guidance from a veterinarian under the extra-label policy. ILLEGAL Extra-Label Using a drug in a manner not in accordance with the approved drug labeling, but with the guidance of a veterinarian.

8 Veterinary Feed Directive
This pertains to a category for new antimicrobial drugs used in the feed to treat disease in the food animal industry Must have a VFD to feed the product Extra-label use NOT permitted even under the direction of a licensed veterinarian

9 Compounding of Animal Drugs
When a licensed veterinarian mixes two drugs together in a bottle or syringe Withdrawal times are of concern so this practice should only be done by a health professional This action is illegal for anyone other than a veterinarian

10 Who’s Responsible for a Drug Residue?
ALL producers, parents, and youth food animal exhibitors are responsible for producing a safe, wholesome food product. When the animal or food product is marketed YOU should be confident NO drug residue exists.

11 What can result in a drug residue in meat or milk?
Poor animal ID Treatment not recorded - poor record keeping NOT following label directions Extra-label drug use Feeding of medicated feed Cross-contamination

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