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Brad Heim Ken Pirro Aixa de Kelley

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Presentation on theme: "Brad Heim Ken Pirro Aixa de Kelley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brad Heim Ken Pirro Aixa de Kelley
Welcome Service Club of Andover Career Mentoring Program Introduction & Overview Brad Heim Ken Pirro Aixa de Kelley

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Student / Mentor Matches
Mentoring Program Overview Perspective by former mentees AHS Guidance Department Questions and Answers

3 About The Service Club Business & Professional people
Supporting Andover Youth Andover Youth Foundation Emergency Driver Training Project Lifesaver Supporting developmentally disabled people in the Merrimack Valley Professional Center for Child Development Creative Living Merrimack Valley Pioneers Special Games

4 AHS Career Mentoring Program
The Service Club of Andover, in collaboration with AHS, began program in 1995 Mrs. Aixa de Kelley of the Guidance Department is the responsible administrator at AHS Over 800 juniors have participated

5 Student Information The Mentor Pairings. Find your name and the name and contact information of the mentor. Student Guidelines. Information and responsibilities of the student in the program. Sample Questions for your Job Shadows. Student Evaluation. To be completed after each job shadow and submitted online through Naviance. Mrs. de Kelley will access this information. Mentor Committee Help. Gives you contact to help with any communication or coordination issues with the mentor.

6 Career Mentoring Program
Minimum of 3 job shadow opportunities Each job shadow typically lasts 2 to 3 hours Often at the mentor’s place of employment Must be completed by May

7 Job Shadow Objectives Include:
College or academic experience needed for the profession Daily work routine – a day in the life Advantages and disadvantages Opportunities in the Boston area Earnings potential Advanced degree requirements

8 Job Shadow Benefits to Students:
Observing meetings, working conditions Visiting actual workplace (courtroom, hospital, construction sites, theatre, office facilities) Learning from the mentor’s career experiences (pros/cons) Insight - “Is this career for me?”

9 Job Shadow Benefits to Students:
Opportunity to win $1,500 Scholarships from the Service Club of Andover Two awarded this past year

10 Job Shadows – What to Do Do some research in advance (Internet)
Call to confirm Be on time Dress appropriately Act professionally Prepare a few questions

11 Types of Questions to Ask:
Education Requirements Work Hours Likes and Dislikes Salary Ranges Benefits Travel Requirements Advancement Dress Code (see list provided)

12 What can go wrong…? The biggest problem can be a failure to communicate…”did not return my voice or ” “we keep playing phone tag.” Be persistent. When leaving a message, set a date and time for the job shadow and then confirm several days prior the shadow.

13 What can go wrong…? If students cannot connect with the mentor, let Mrs. De Kelley know and we will try to help. If mentors cannot connect with the student, let Ken Pirro know and we will contact the student at AHS. Failure to complete 2 job shadows by the end of April will result in dismissal from the mentor program.

14 Student Responsibilities:
Communicating with their mentor Professional conduct and appearance Arranging for travel Completing Job Shadow Forms

15 After the LAST Job Shadow
The student writes an essay describing what they did and what they learned The student receives one-half elective credit on successful completion of the requirements Use the program as an activity for their college applications

16 Mentor Responsibilities:
Communicating with their Student Arranging the three Job Shadows Assisting with travel when necessary Send in the evaluation after the final job shadow.

17 Parents Responsibilities:
Communicating with their son or daughter after each job shadow Assisting with travel when necessary Reviewing Job Shadow Forms & Essay

18 Maximize the Mentoring Experience
Be proactive & stay Involved Let your imagination fly What interests you? Don’t be shy – Ask questions Be prepared Enjoy the experience!

19 #ServiceClubofAndover
Social Media #ServiceClubofAndover

20 Thank You!

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