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IAC 2016, 25th Nov, 2016 Can Africa achieve food sufficiency? Taking lessons from Indian Agriculture in the face of 21st century Agricultural challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "IAC 2016, 25th Nov, 2016 Can Africa achieve food sufficiency? Taking lessons from Indian Agriculture in the face of 21st century Agricultural challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAC 2016, 25th Nov, 2016 Can Africa achieve food sufficiency? Taking lessons from Indian Agriculture in the face of 21st century Agricultural challenges Owolabi, O. T., Shitu G. A., Balogun A. S., M. S. Nain, Frederick Kobba, Peter T. Birteeb, Shitu M. V., J. Asubiojo M. A. Orabi, Oko, A.O., Asubiojo E. B., Celestin Defo, Ali E. O. M., Omogbai S. O. and A. Usman

2 Introduction Agriculture remains the backbone of many African nation’s economy Untapped agricultural potential has contributed to persistent poverty and deteriorating food security Declining of Agricultural contribution to National GDP of many African countries Rise in food importation bills of many African countries India transformed successfully from once net import to food sufficiency and net exporter FAO, 2013; AFDB, 2015

3 India Emerges As a Large Net Exporter of Agricultural Products
India is a country that can be compare with many Africa countries So if India can achieve food sufficiency…why not Africa? …and How? Objective of the study was to reviewed the possibilities of African agriculture achieving food sufficiency in the face of 21st century agricultural challenges and opportunities taking lessons from Indian Agriculture USDA, 2014

4 Methodology We understudy the pathway to Indian Agriculture attaining food sufficiency Keeping in mind the similarity of Indian Agriculture to African agricultural scenario Nearly same opportunities and challenges Critical factors were identified which could possibly transform Africa Agriculture to food sufficiency Data was sourced from FOASTAT, World Bank websites relevant published Government data, literatures and other official websites

5 Discussion- Status of African and Indian Agriculture
Results and Discussion- Status of African and Indian Agriculture Discussion- Status of African and Indian Agriculture Indicator Africa India Population 2015 1.1 billion 1.3 billion Land Area 11.7 M sqmi 1.3 M sq mi % of Agricultural area/land area 42.89% 60.47% % Arable land/Agric. area 19.36% 87.51% % total area equipped for irrigation/Agric. area 1.19% 37.12% Permanent meadows and pastures/cover/Agric. Area 77.92% 5.64% Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land 63.4 102.2 Rural population (% of total population) 66.5 67.25 Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) 17.5 157.5 (2013) Total Cereals production 188MT 294MT FAO, 2016, World bank, 2016

6 Without intervention, net import levels will likely increase to over US$100bn by 2025 in Africa
AFDB, 2016

7 How can Africa be food sufficient-lesson from Indian Agriculture
“Farmer’s First” attitude of Government and policy makers in Agriculture in India Defilement of Comparative advantage theory in production of the grains/staple food Priority for staple food production than cash crops Developing Improved and Climate resilient varieties Site specific soil and nutrient management

8 How can Africa be food sufficient-lesson from Indian Agriculture
Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices: A must initiative Biotechnology option in Agriculture Agricultural Extension intervention towards Africa Green Revolution Adaptable intervention in livestock production Agricultural Statistical Intervention Sustainable Water Management Intervention

9 How can Africa be food sufficient-lesson from Indian Agriculture
Strengthen Agricultural Education sector (specialization in this area of Agricultural Education. Genetics and breeding Seed science technology Agricultural Biotechnology Agricultural Statistics Fruit and Horticultural technology Agricultural Engineering (Farm mechanization option), Market Led Extension

10 How can Africa be food sufficient-lesson from Indian Agriculture
Linking Agricultural Education and Research to Industry and commercialization of research output Maximum funding by Govt for Agriculture Maximum support for farmers Fertilizer availability Small scale technology and machinery to reduce drudgery Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture Up-to-date policy reforms


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