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Chapter 7: Thermochemistry

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1 Chapter 7: Thermochemistry
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Chapter 7: Thermochemistry Juana Mendenhall, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Lecture 1 March 29 General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

2 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Objectives Define Terms involved in energy of chemical reactions. Define, explain, and apply the first law of thermodynamics. Define, explain, and apply the second law of thermodynamics. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

3 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Definition of Terms Every chemical reaction obeys two fundamental laws: The law of conservation of mass The law of conservation of energy Energy (U): the capacity to do work Work: directed energy chance resulting from a process i.e., force x distance Kinetic Energy: movement Radiant Energy: from sun (solar) Thermal Energy: random motion of atoms & molecules Chemical Energy: structural units of chemical substances Potential Energy: stationary Law of conservation of energy: energy can either be created nor destroyed, it is transferred from one object to another General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

4 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Definition of Terms Heat: transfer of thermal energy b/w two bodies that are at different temperatures. Thermochemistry: study of heat changes in chemical reactions In order to analyze energy changes associated with chemical reactions, we first define the system & its surroundings. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

5 7-1 Getting Started: Some Terminology
System Surroundings General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

6 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Heat Transfer Energy transferred between a system and its surroundings as a result of a temperature difference. Exothermic process: any process that gives off heat (transfers thermal energy to its surroundings) Endothermic process: any process in which heat has to be applied to the system by the surroundings. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

7 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Enthalpy (H) Enthalpy (H): E + PV; heat flow into or out of a system. We measure H: which is the difference between the enthalpies of the products and reactants. H = H(products) - H(reactants) The change in enthalpy, is equal to the heat given off or absorbed; value can be + or -. If H > 0 process is endothermic If H < 0 process is exothermic General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

8 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Units of Heat Calorie (cal) The quantity of heat required to change the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Joule (J) SI unit for heat 1 cal = J General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

9 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Heat Capacity The quantity of heat required to change the temperature of a system by one degree. Molar heat capacity, m. System is one mole of substance. Specific heat capacity, s. The amount of heat required to raise the temp. of one gram of the substance by one degree Cº Heat capacity, C The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a given quantity of the substance by one degree Cº Mass x specific heat. C= ms If we know the specific heat and the amount of sub General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

10 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Heat Capacity If we know the specific heat & the amount of a substance, then the change in the sample’s temp. will give use the amount of heat (q) q = msT q = CT Ex. A 466-g sample of water is heated from 8.50ºC to 74.60ºC. Calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the water. Answer: we use q = msT = (466g)(4.184J/gxºC)(74.60ºC ºC) = 1.29 x 105 J General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

11 Conservation of Energy
In interactions between a system and its surroundings the total energy remains constant— energy is neither created nor destroyed. qsystem + qsurroundings = 0 qsystem = -qsurroundings General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

12 7-3 Heats of Reaction and Calorimetry
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 7-3 Heats of Reaction and Calorimetry Chemical energy. Contributes to the internal energy of a system. Heat of reaction, qrxn. The quantity of heat exchanged between a system and its surroundings when a chemical reaction occurs within the system, at constant temperature. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

13 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Heats of Reaction Exothermic reactions. Produces heat, qrxn < 0. Endothermic reactions. Consumes heat, qrxn > 0. Calorimeter A device for measuring quantities of heat. Add water Slide 16 of 58 General Chemistry: Chapter Prentice-Hall © 2007 General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

14 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Bomb Calorimeter qrxn = -qcal qcal = q bomb + q water + q wires +… Define the heat capacity of the calorimeter: qcal = miciT = CT all i heat General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

15 Coffee Cup Calorimeter Constant-Pressure Calorimetery
A simple calorimeter. Well insulated and therefore isolated. Measure temperature change. qsystem = qsoln + qcalorimeter + qrxn qrxn = -qsoln + qcalorimeter Measures heat of neutralization, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, Heat of reactions. . General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

16 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Example 2 A quantity of 1.00 x 102 mL of M HCl is mixed with 1.00 x 102 mL of M NaOH in a styrofoam cup calorimeter having heat capacity of 335 J/ºC. The initial temperature of the HCl and NaOH solutions is the same, 22.50ºC, and the final temperature of the mixed Solution is 24.90ºC. Calcualte the heat change for the neutralization reaction. NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

17 7-5 The First Law of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, U. Total energy (potential and kinetic) in a system. Translational kinetic energy. Molecular rotation. Bond vibration. Intermolecular attractions. Chemical bonds. Electrons. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

18 First Law of Thermodynamics
A system contains only internal energy. A system does not contain heat or work. These only occur during a change in the system. Law of Conservation of Energy The energy of an isolated system is constant U = q + w General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

19 Free Energy and Free Energy Change
For the universe: TΔSuniv. = TΔSsys – ΔHsys = -(ΔHsys – TΔSsys) -TΔSuniv. = ΔHsys – TΔSsys For the system: G = H - TS ΔG = ΔH - TΔS ΔGsys = - TΔSuniverse General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

20 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Spontaneous Process Potential energy decreases. For chemical systems the internal energy U is equivalent to potential energy. Berthelot and Thomsen 1870’s. Spontaneous change occurs in the direction in which the enthalpy of a system decreases. Mainly true but there are exceptions. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

21 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Spontaneous Process A process that occurs in a system left to itself. Once started, no external actions is necessary to make the process continue. A non-spontaneous process will not occur without external action continuously applied. 4 Fe(s) + 3 O2(g) → 2 Fe2O3(s) H2O(s) H2O(l) General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

22 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
19-4 Criteria for Spontaneous Change: The Second Law of Thermodynamics. ΔStotal = ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings The Second Law of Thermodynamics: ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings > 0 All spontaneous processes produce an increase in the entropy of the universe. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

23 Criteria for Spontaneous Change
ΔGsys < 0 (negative), the process is spontaneous. ΔGsys = 0 (zero), the process is at equilibrium. ΔGsys > 0 (positive), the process is non-spontaneous. J. Willard Gibbs General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

24 Table 19.1 Criteria for Spontaneous Change
General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

25 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
7-4 Work In addition to heat effects chemical reactions may also do work. Gas formed pushes against the atmosphere. Volume changes. Pressure-volume work. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

26 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Pressure Volume Work w = F  d = (m  g)  h (m  g)  A =  h A = PV w = -PextV Negative sign is introduced for Pext because the system does work ON the surroundings. When a gas expands V is positive and w is negative. When a gas is compressed V is negative and w is positive, indicating that energy (as work) enters the system. In many cases the external pressure is the same as the internal pressure of the system, so Pext is often just represented as P General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

27 19-1 Spontaneity: The Meaning of Spontaneous Change
General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

28 19-2 The Concept of Entropy
Entropy, S. The greater the number of configurations of the microscopic particles among the energy levels in a particular system, the greater the entropy of the system. ΔS > 0 spontaneous ΔU = ΔH = 0 General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

29 General Chemistry: Chapter 20
Entropy Change ΔS = qrev T For changes occurring at constant temperature General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

30 19-3 Evaluating Entropy and Entropy Changes
Phase transitions. Exchange of heat can be carried out reversibly. ΔS = ΔH Ttr H2O(s, 1 atm) H2O(l, 1 atm) ΔHfus = 6.02 kJ at K ΔSfus = ΔHfus Ttr = 6.02 kJ mol-1 K = 2.2010-2 kJ mol-1 K-1 General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

31 Free Energy and Free Energy Change
Chemistry 140 Fall 2002 Free Energy and Free Energy Change Hypothetical process: only pressure-volume work, at constant T and P. qsurroundings = -qp = -ΔHsys Make the enthalpy change reversible. large surroundings, infinitesimal change in temperature. Under these conditions we can calculate entropy. General Chemistry: Chapter 20 Prentice-Hall © 2007

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