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LORD, chasten not in anger, nor in your wrath rebuke me

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1 LORD, chasten not in anger, nor in your wrath rebuke me
LORD, chasten not in anger, nor in your wrath rebuke me. Give me your healing word. My soul and body languish; I wait for you in anguish. How long, how long, O LORD? [Sing to the Lord 6]

2 for your love’s sake restore me. O save me by your grace.
2. Turn to me now, uphold me; for your love’s sake restore me. O save me by your grace. For death ends all remembrance; it wraps the tongue in silence. How can the dead sing praise?

3 I cry all night for mercy, my bed is wet with tears.
3. Pain and distress o’erwhelm me, I cry all night for mercy, my bed is wet with tears. My eyes can weep no longer; my enemies seem stronger, my awful foes and fears.

4 for GOD has heard my weeping: my foes are put to shame.
4. All who love evil, leave me, for GOD has heard my weeping: my foes are put to shame. Turned back, no more to grieve me, they suddenly shall leave me. All glory to his name! Sing to the Lord 6 Reformed Church of __________ CCLI License # _____ Projection permitted with CCLI licence (#726651) Text: Clarence P. Walhout, 1982, © Faith Alive Christian Resources, 1987 Tune: Genevan Psalter, 1542; harm. Howard Slenk, 1985, © Faith Alive Christian Resources, 1987

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