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A3 Safeguarding Adults Review

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Presentation on theme: "A3 Safeguarding Adults Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 A3 Safeguarding Adults Review
Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board A3 Safeguarding Adults Review Mary Partridge - Coordinator Safeguarding Adults Review Group. 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

2 Presentation Objectives
Awareness of background information Challenges Action Plan Link to wider BSAB audit outcomes, work programme priorities and workshop activities 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

3 Summary of Circumstances
25year old lady found dead by partner Coroner verdict of suicide Partner worked for Mental Health Trust, alleged to be accessing patient records, issues of coercion, vulnerable adult Raised as potential SCR (now SAR) and commissioned by BSAB June 2014, SILP model agreed Management Reviews provided by Mental Health Trust, Aquarius, BCC, HEFT, GP, WMAS and police Engagement with family 10/11/2015 A3 review

4 Continued… Challenges along the way - own values Voice of the adult
Missed opportunities – coercive control Other processes – disciplinary, DBS, GMC SILP process slower than anticipated 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

5 Recommendations BSAB to work to ensure staff and its partner agencies are aware of how to recognise domestic abuse and how to respond appropriately. The Board will commission an audit of key staff groups to ascertain their knowledge of domestic abuse pathways for responding to concerns and demonstrating risk assessments by December 2015 BSAB will be assured that all member and partner agencies will have a robust position of trust policy by December 2015 and will ensure these policies are referenced in all training packages by January 2016 Commissioners to monitor individual agency recommendations 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

6 Work Streams for BSAB Domestic abuse knowledge audit to key staff – review of results and required actions Position of Trust policy – agencies and BSAB Link to training Multi-agency Practitioners Forums arranged 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

7 Staff questionnaire Sent across partner agencies October 2015, 237 returns Results show: 54% not very confident or not confident at all at carrying out DV risk assessment 26% not very confident or not confident at all about identifying indicators of coercive control 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

8 Summary Presentation on A3 case brief overview
What do you think are the priorities? How do we move forward? Your chance to shape the further Next part of session is group work…. 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

9 Thank you for listening…
Thank you for listening…. Questions will be picked up via post-it notes in table top discussions 10/11/2015 A3 review 1

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