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Online Social Network: Threats &

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1 Online Social Network: Threats &
Solutions GE Liqi CAI Ni LIN Ziyi proudly Presented

2 figure1.1 Word Cloud of OSNs with More Than 100 Million Active Users.
In recent years, global online social network (OSN) usage has increased sharply as these networks have become interwoven into people’s everyday lives as virtual meeting places that facilitate communication.

3 Outline 1. Threats 2. Solutions 3. Discussions

4 1 Threats

5 Threats 1. Classic threats, namely, privacy and security threats that not only jeopardize OSN users but also Internet users not using social networks. 2. Modern threats, that is, threats that are mostly unique to the environment of OSNs and which use the OSN infrastructure to endanger user privacy and security. 3. Combination threats, where we describe how today’s attackers can, and often do, combine various types of attacks in order to create more sophisticated and lethal attacks.

6 Classical Threats Malware. Malware in social networks uses the OSN structure to propagate itself among users and their friends in the network. Phishing Attacks. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

7 Modern threats are typically unique to OSN environments.
De-Anonymization Attacks. Identity Clone Attacks. Socware. Clickjacking.

8 Clickjacking An example of a clickjacking attack occurred on Twitter in 2009 when Twitter was plagued by a “Don’t Click” attack. The attacker tweeted a link with the message “Don’t Click” along with a masked URL (the actual URL domain was hidden). When Twitter users clicked on the “Don’t Click” message, the message automatically spread virally and was posted onto their Twitter accounts.

9 2 Solution

10 1、Social Network Operator Solution 2、Commercial Solution
Intro 1、Social Network Operator Solution 2、Commercial Solution 3、Academic Solution

11 Social Network Operator Solution
Authentication Mechanisms to make sure the user is the real person Security and Privacy Settings enable users to protect their personal data Internet Protection Mechanisms additional internal protection mechanisms for defense Report Users users can report abuse or policy violations

12 Commercial Solution Software
manage privacy settings; protect children from harmful content Application eg. warns the user about unsafe links and sites Web Service help parents to control their children in using social network Software Suite include anti-virus, fire-wall, and other Internet protection layers

13 Academic Solution Improving Privacy Setting Interfaces
help user to configure the privacy setting well Phishing Detection base on identify phishing websites and phishing URLs Spammer Detection Cloned Profile Detection Fake Profile Detection Socware Detection Preventing Information and Location Leakage

14 3 Discussion

15 Protection Layers First protection layer: Door lock
Second protection layer: Security alarm Third protection layer: Security camera Fourth protection layer: Neighborhood watch Fifth protection layer: Policeforce NEXT

16 First: Door lock Prevent unwelcome intruders
Entering and viewing OSN users’ personal posts and details Security and Privacy Settings Privacy Scanner, ZoneAlarm Privacy Scan Improving privacy settings. BACK

17 Second: Security alarm
Prevent malicious users Collecting OSN users’ personal posts and details Different commercial Internet security solutions &Solutions offered by academic researchers Effective in identifying active threats Insufficient for identifying more targeted threats de-anonymization attacks, identity clone attacks, inference attacks. BACK

18 Third: Security camera
Specific to children Protect both young children and teenagers Monitor online activity various monitoring software, eg. Net Nanny & MinorMonitor Help parents protect their children online predators and cyberbullying BACK

19 Fourth: Neighborhood watch
Using wisdom of the crowd pinpoint malicious users Various solutions Report other users to OSN operator Work together to identify & report Fake profiles, clickjacking, internet fraud, socware, and cyberbullying BACK

20 Fifth: Security alarm Authentication mechanisms
Make sure that only real people can login Identifying malicious users Prevent them from logging into & attacking other users Identify potential threats Based on network topology, users’ IP, login times, behavioral patterns BACK

21 Future Research Create synergy among the different security solutions
Apply various algorithms to enhance OSN security Analyze and evaluate the different existing privacy solutions Developing privacy-preserving OSNs Studying the emerging security threats

22 4 Conclusion

23 References [1] [Online; accessed 09- January-2014]. [2] A. Acquisti and R. Gross. Imagined communities: Awareness, information sharing, and privacy on the facebook. In Privacy enhancing technologies, pages 36–58. Springer, 2006. [3] A. Acquisti, R. Gross, and F. Stutzman. Faces of facebook: Privacy in the age of augmented reality. BlackHat USA, 2011. [4] A. Aggarwal, J. Almeida, and P. Kumaraguru. Detection of spam tip- ping behaviour on foursquare. In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion, pages 641–648. Interna- tional World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2013.

24 Thank you!

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