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Steve Wolf, SEW DMB & BHM Exec Committee

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1 Steve Wolf, SEW DMB & BHM Exec Committee
HOME MISSIONS Steve Wolf, SEW DMB & BHM Exec Committee

2 PURPOSE Since 1960, through Home Missions our church body has been blessed to open over 600 missions. 

3 Board for Home Missions 2016
In April of 2016, the Board for Home Missions authorized eight new missions.  Five of the missions are Multi-site missions, meaning these new starts are connected to an existing church.  Coeur d'Alene is connected with St. Matthew in Spokane.  Meridian is connected with Cross of Christ in Boise ID Rockwall TX is connected with Divine Peace in Garland (east side of Dallas). Victoria is connected with Redeemer in Edna (south-east of San Antonio). Stevens Point WI is connected with Divine Word in Plover.  The other three missions, Lehi UT, Atlanta GA (city mission) and Fredericksburg VA have core groups from existing WELS churches in their area, but those locations will be independent of those WELS churches.  

4 Board for Home Missions 2017
. Milwaukee, WI . . Waukegan, IL . . Westminster, CO . . Huntersville, NC Chattanooga, TN Hendersonville, NC Little Rock, AK Seven New home missions projects for Westminster, Colorado Hendersonville, North Carolina  Huntersville, North Carolina Milwaukee, Wisconsin Chattanooga, Tennessee Waukegan, Illinois Little Rock, Arkansas

5 Cross Cultural ministries in the USA often turn into WORLD MISSIONS
Here are some young children in a Hmong village in the hills

SUDAN FAMILES RETURN TO THEIR NATIVE COUNTRIES TO SHARE THE GOSPEL In the past two years Peter Bir has also travelled to Sudan two times to teach and train spiritual leaders the truths of God's Word.  As the Word  is taught, the spiritual leaders are also encouraged to take the Word to those they can reach.  Again, we see the desire of the children of God who hear His Word to take that Word back to their country of origin.  

Notes on new rate. CHURCH EXTENSION FUND (CEF)

8 LWMS Visit for more. LWMS in support of Missions:
- Fall and Spring rallies - Home Mission projects - Be-Friend-A-Mission - Annual Convention

TO SERVE Young adults from St. Lucia and Antigua are training at MLC and WLS.  The prayer is one day all nationals can serve as pastors and teachers on these two islands.  

10 If you haven’t been to our website, new look for the Every Neighbor, Every Nation campaign.

11 Go to: Look for: x Missions Update Newsletter
x Missions Blogs Sign up for WELS Missions digital resources.

12 SEW DMB BOARD Elected Board Members
Pastor Mark Wagner – Chairman & BHM Rep Steve Wolf – BHM Layman Rep / Shepherd Stephen Mueller – Secretary / Shepherd Pastor John Borgwardt – District Council Rep / Shepherd Staff Minister Mark Blauert – New Starts / Shepherd Pastor Michael Zarling – Voucher Schools / Shepherd Dr. James Moore – Shepherd Advisory Pastor Ed Schuppe – Mission Counselor Pastor Tim Flunker – Cross-Cultural Mission Counselor Refer to the SEW DMB Printed report (included on website)

13 BoRam Reference Pages – Pages 147-153
Reports – Home Missions & SEW DMB BoRam Reference Pages – Pages Subsidized New Start (DMB) – 8 to 10 yrs Funding New Start (Enhancement) – 2-4 yrs Funding Unsubsidized Unsubsidized works with DMB, like a mission Can receive special funds (up to $10,000) May access CEF loan / grant

14 SEW DMB Current Map Lamb of God (Lafayette, IN)
Light of Life (Greenwood , IN) San Pedro (MKE, new pastor) Christo (MKE, new pastor) Risen Savior (MKE) Victory of the Lamb (Franklin, WI) Crossroads (Chicago , IL) Living Word (Waukesha, WI) New Hope (Racine, WI) Amazing Love (Frankfurt, IL) Refer to the SEW DMB Printed report (included on website)

15 SEW DMB Next Map New Starts / Enhancements Mt. Lebanon (MKE) CALLING
Immanuel (Waukegan, IL) CALLED – Pastor Seth Haakenson Current Potential Voucher Schools (MKE, Racine) Evansville (IN / KY) Pleasant Prairie (WI) The next potential opportunities we may have in our district.

16 Mt. Lebanon, Milwaukee

17 Immanuel, Waukegan Pastor Steve Radunzel
Prayers for Pastor Steve Radunzel – so far good news, low level cancer.

18 Reports – SEW DMB Mission Partners
Developing Ministry / Partnerships / Potential Research / Vision Team / Core Group No Guarantee – due to CMO, priorities, national view To help us achieve these goals within our District we are in the process of adopting a Strategic Plan consistent with the BHM Vision.

19 Parental Choice Schools Mission Opportunity

20 WELS conducts more than 550 campus ministries across the United States and Canada. What is campus ministry? Any ministry to college students on a secular university campus. Include congregations supporting their own students while they are away at college. Also includes congregations serving students attending universities near their congregation. Campus Ministry plays a vital role in keeping our young people connected to Jesus through a very important time of their lives. They are now starting to make everything their own. They are not going to worship or Bible study because mom and dad are forcing them to go. They are going of their own accord because that is what is important to them. CAMPUS MINISTRY

21 Campus Ministry 6,500 student names Student resources Campus pastors

22 One Full-time ministry (Madison) and many Part-time ministries across the nation.

23 Add to that our Campus contacts and the net widens to almost every state.

24 Our Campus Ministry Mission Work… The Point of Grace
UW-Milwaukee, Marquette, MSOE, Milwaukee, WI Hosts a monthly event called “The Gathering”. A guest speaker is brought in for these events which deals with a relevant topic. Students from all 4 universities bring friends. Reference the printed report.

25 WELS Kingdom Workers Collaboration with Home Missions Faith in Action
Builders for Christ Lutheran Health Alliance

26 Additional Partners Christian Aid & Relief Multi-Language Publications
WELS Foundation/Investments

27 Reformation Offering The Praesidium has directed the offering of the upcoming October 2017 District Reformation Service to the support of missions in our district through the SEW DMB. LWMS in support of Missions: - Fall and Spring rallies - Home Mission projects - Be-Friend-A-Mission - Annual Convention

28 Discover more about Home Missions on
THANK YOU! Discover more about Home Missions on

29 ALL TO GOD’S GLORY “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”   Ephesians 3:20,21 LWMS in support of Missions: - Fall and Spring rallies - Home Mission projects - Be-Friend-A-Mission - Annual Convention

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