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Basics of Drupal for Researchers, part 3

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1 Basics of Drupal for Researchers, part 3
Stephanie Moore, Department of English Drupal Consultant, Research IT Based on a course designed by Quinn Dombrowski, Digital Humanities Coordinator at Berkeley, Research IT

2 Today: Evaluating modules Menus Views Users and roles
Image styles (if we have time) Useful modules Importing data with Feeds

3 Evaluating Modules On the module page, check the number of installs, and be wary of modules with fewer than 100 Browse the issue queue to see if users are reporting a lot of bugs Check to see if the module is actively maintained, and be wary of modules looking for a co-maintainer Modules with stable releases (green) are vastly preferrable install Entity create a new date format set date type to this new format change Quote auto nodetitles to the new type update auto nodetitles REVIEW BLOCKS  Move stuff out of sidebars

4 Menus Drupal has a menu system that can accommodate both nodes and pages created by Views Menus are available as blocks Configured menus at Structure > Menus

5 Introducing Views Display data from multiple nodes together
Display data from nodes in contexts besides the node page Create RSS feeds Make bulk changes using Views Bulk Operations Get your data out of Drupal using Views Data Export




9 A simple view Specifying type of content Page vs. block
Fields vs. content Adding Views-generated pages to menus Let’s create a view that provides a grid of all people

10 Expanding on simple views
Exposed filters Exposed sort criteria Grouping results Let’s create a view that shows all quotes, grouped by subject

11 Advanced Views settings
Contextual filters: lets the view display different data depending on which page you’re viewing Let’s create a block for quotes about the person you’re viewing

12 Users and User Roles Very much like content types and nodes:
A role is a schema, and a user is an instance of a role Instead of assigning permissions individually to each user, you create a role, assign permissions to it, and then assign a role to each user

13 Image styles Allows you to define automatic transformations to the images you upload to your site. Go to Configuration > Media > Image styles.

14 Useful Modules Biblio Partial Date Conditional Fields Search API
Display Suite Taxonomy Manager Entity API Views Bulk Operations (VBO) Feeds (and Feeds Tamper) Views Data Export Field Collection Field Group Link Media (and File Entity) Panels

15 Feeds Imports data in bulk, from a spreadsheet, syndication feed, XML file, etc. One-time (migrating data from one site/database to another) Or regular/scheduled (for dynamically updated news feeds) Feeds Tamper: sub-module that transforms the source data as you import it

16 Come to Drupal Developers’ Circle!
Every other Thursday (April 21st) 9:30 – 10:30am In D-Lab! Quinn Dombrowski, DH Coordinator Stephanie Moore, Drupal Consultant

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