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Welcome to Year 4 Miss Leggett Mrs Fitzgerald Mr Lewis.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Miss Leggett Mrs Fitzgerald Mr Lewis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Miss Leggett Mrs Fitzgerald Mr Lewis

2 Learning Support Assistants
4L – Mrs Farrant 4F – Mrs Robertson Both adults are here to support the learning of your children.

3 Time Table - subject to change

4 English Your child will read a variety of books through their English lessons. This is the starting point for all written work, such as letter writing, or a diary entry from the point of view of a character. Please do not read any of the class books with your child at home.


6 Maths This includes: Numbers and comparing Division/ Multiplication
Your child's Maths work, will continue from what and how they were learning in Year 3. This includes: Numbers and comparing Division/ Multiplication Place Value Data and Graphs Shape and Measures

7 RE RE is taught using ‘Come and See’, throughout the school. The curriculum provides opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of other religions and beliefs. Children are encouraged to be tolerant of others opinions and values The whole school attends three assemblies a week, two of which are ‘prayerful’ gatherings and prayers are said daily in class. The whole school attends Mass periodically throughout the year, with each KS2 class hosting a Mass. Once a year, you will be invited to join us for a time of reflection and prayer during our Year One Liturgy. Ours will be in November (subject to date change) Above all, children are encouraged to grow in kindness, love and understanding of those around them and to understand that they should be treated with the same consideration.

8 P.E. Monday afternoon - Outdoor Wednesday afternoon – Indoor Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school: Shorts Coloured House team t-shirt Plimsolls/trainers Blue jogging bottoms

9 Computing Computing is taught in the ICT suite. The children have additional opportunities to use resources, such as the iPads and Kindles for book reading.

10 Topics Geography: Rivers and Mountains
History: The Anglo Saxons and Vikings Geography: The Caribbean

11 Science: Living things and their habitats Electricity Animals including Humans Sounds States of Matter

12 Homework grids Homework is given out every Monday.
Within the homework there is: A Maths Task A Reading Task Spellings to practise Times Tables to practise Research for upcoming learning If any resources or help is required, please ask your child to speak to their class teacher.


14 How else can you support your child at home?
It may sound strange, but talking with your child about their school day is very helpful. Through questioning them about activities or asking their opinion, this will stimulate and remind children of the day’s learning. If you feel (or you child tells you) that they found something difficult, encourage them to talk to their class teacher, perhaps for some extra work to practise at home. Reading and arithmetic skills are also very important, to practise and work on at home.

15 Reading Year four children have library reading
books and ‘home reading’ books. ‘Home readers’ are changed as and when needed. ‘Library books’ are chosen by your child, for their own reading pleasure.

16 Reading at home: The children are heard read on a weekly basis, by both the class teacher and LSA. However, the biggest support needed from parents is to read at home with your child, as much as possible. Ideally for a minimum of 10 minutes each day.

17 Don’t forget that daily reading can include:
A recipe Instructions (e.g. constructing a lego toy) Labels and captions Street and advertising signs A menu Timetable A map Lists (e.g. shopping, contents) A Prayer or hymn Songs and nursery rhymes Comics and magazines A book from home!

18 Class Sanctions The Golden rules are on display in every classroom
Class Sanctions The Golden rules are on display in every classroom. There are also clear consequences for breaking the rules. However, if necessary, you may be contacted if your child’s behaviour is unacceptable. This may also result in your child receiving an Orange Slip.

19 Class Rewards You child's class teacher will have their own reward system, which may include incentives such as: Golden Time Reward Pot Class Auction

20 Housekeeping Please label ALL clothing and belongings- use a permanent marker Please send in all monies in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and what the money is for Your child needs a water bottle in class Home time collection- please inform us of any change to the adult collecting Queries- We will aim to see you at the end of the day if you have any queries where possible. Urgent messages can be conveyed before the day starts through the office.

21 Thank You for your continued support

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