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District Leadership and MTSS

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1 District Leadership and MTSS
Panelists: Patty DeBoer, Interim Superintendent, Mashpee Public School District Denise Tillery, Sr. Director Intervention Services, Wake County Public Schools Neil Guthrie, Ass’t Superintendent Student Support Services Wichita Public Schools Facilitator: Judy Elliott

2 Engage with and learn from three Central Office District Leaders that will share their transformational change work around MTSS Small, Medium, and Large Districts At the end of Year 1, Year 3, and Year 6 Plenty of time for open Questions and Answers at the end of the presentations

3 The Transformational Change Process
Consensus Essential Components Multi-tiered framework Problem-solving process Data Evaluation Leadership Capacity Building Infrastructure Communication/Collaboration Implementation Infrastructure

4 Mashpee Public Schools Mashpee, Massachusetts
Patricia DeBoer, Interim Superintendent

5 We are MASHPEE A Connected Community
We strive to be a school system not a system of schools. Total Students: 1, Total Staff: 250 Kenneth C. Coombs School 432 Students Pre-K to Grade 2 Quashnet School 521 Students in Grades 3-6 Mashpee Middle-High School 730 Students in Grades

6 Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity 2015-2016
MASHPEE Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Race % of District % of State African American 3.4 8.8 Asian 1.9 6.5 Hispanic 4.1 18.6 Native American 6.2 0.2 White 79.3 62.7 Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0.1 Multi-Race, Non-Hispanic 5.0 3.2

7 Per Pupil Expenditure: $15,873
MASHPEE Enrollment Title % of District % of State First Language not English 4.4 19.0 English Language Learner 2.4 9.0 Students with Disabilities 19.2 17.2 High Needs 41.9 43.5 Economically Disadvantages 27.7 27.4 Total 2014 Budget: $28,861,959 Per Pupil Expenditure: $15,873

8 OUR MTSS JOURNEY Introduction MTSS is not a new initiative.
We are building on what we already do right. MTSS is the framework for how we do our work of improving student academic and behavior outcomes.

Every organization is perfectly aligned for the results it gets. Are you happy with your data? Would you be happy if your own flesh and blood were in that classroom? (Judy Elliott) MASHPEE MIND-SHIFT When a student is struggling academically or behaviorally, adjustments in INSTRUCTION, CURRICULUM, and ENVIRONMENT must take place before we look at the LEARNER.

10 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS BUILDING CONSENSUS—Year 1
Summer—2015 Tower Foundation Grant—National Center for Learning Disabilities: “Schools That Work” project District-Based Leadership Team (DBLT) 6 members Overview MTSS Meeting: DBLT—Thinking systemically, data-based problem-solving mindset Mashpee Non-Negotiables—aligned to our Strategy for District Improvement objectives.

11 MPS—Non-Negotiables We value all students.
Every decision we make is data-driven to improve student learning and achievement in a system of rigor and relevance. Our classroom instruction and interventions are informed by data-based problem-solving. Our district academic and behavioral protocols are implemented with fidelity. Our professional learning and collaboration improve educator practice by focusing on curriculum and instruction that are implemented with fidelity. We establish and sustain partnerships to ensure that all students are college and career ready. 8/2015

12 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS BUILDING CONSENSUS—Year 1 continued
Summer/Fall/Winter—2015/2016 MTSS Overview Presentations: Mashpee School Committee, Community, Convocation School-Based Leadership Teams (SBLT)—3. These individuals have taken the lead role in sharing their learning with their colleagues. Coombs—6 members; Quashnet—10 members; MMHS—14 members MTSS School Committee Policy Quarterly updates: School Committee and Community

13 Fall 2015 into Spring/Summer 2016
Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS BUILDING CONSENSUS—Year 1 continued Fall 2015 into Spring/Summer 2016 Belief survey—all schools Informational page—district website Family Guide Monthly updates/training provided to each school’s staff MTSS information included in Parent/Student Handbooks Monthly district-wide COMPASS meetings became focused on the work of the SBLTs (district-wide sharing). Whole staff input and review of draft frameworks and protocols prior to finalization

14 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS BUILDING CONSENSUS—Year 1 continued
Summer/Fall 2016 Agreed-upon district-wide shared professional practice goals and student learning goal (individualized action steps) Explicit Instruction—Anita Archer and The Behavior Code—Jessica Minahan (both books were provided to all staff members—summer reading; In-district Explicit Instruction graduate course Professional Development—with Anita Archer for all MPS teachers and paraprofessionals

15 SBLTs completed the Self-Assessment of MTSS (SAM)—fall and spring
Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS CREATING INFRASTRUCTURE—Year 1 Mashpee’s DBLT is a cohesive group of hands-on problem-solver leaders. We meet monthly—or more often as needed. A school-based leadership team (SBLT) was formed at each school (3 teams)—membership matters! SBLTs completed the Self-Assessment of MTSS (SAM)—fall and spring DBLT participates in monthly professional development with SBLTs; our SBLTs participate together—MTSS, 4-step problem-solving process, data-based decision-making

16 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS CREATING INFRASTRUCTURE—Year 1
Each school has built a schedule that supports weekly SBLT meetings and PLC meetings Data management platform is under construction (EdPlan—PCG) MPS Tier 1 Instructional Framework (Academic) MPS Tier 1 Instructional Framework (Behavior) MPS Problem-Solving Flowchart MPS Problem-Solving Protocol Form

17 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS CREATING INFRASTRUCTURE –Year 2
WIN (What-I-Need) instructional block built into each school’s schedule for SY16-17 (“Extra Scoops”) MPS 3-Tiered Academic Instruction/Supports (Pre-K – 6 and Literacy and Mathematics) MPS 3-Tiered Behavioral Instruction/Supports (Pre-K – 6 and 7 -12) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program is in place at all schools—All school cultures are safe, supportive, and positive. A proactive instructional approach is in place to guide student decision-making.

18 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS IMPLEMENTATION—Year 2
Tier 1 academic and behavioral frameworks are implemented by all educators 4-step data-based problem-solving protocol is utilized Our EdPlan data-management platform is complete, and all educators have received training in its use. Educator implementation of skills and instructional strategies learned during professional development provided by Anita Archer

19 MPS TIER 1 Instructional Frameworks: Academic/Behavior

20 Our Transformational Change Work around MTSS IMPLEMENTATION—Year 2
On-going monthly trainings for our SBLTs; learning is shared/applied during PLCs and at staff meetings Shared 16/17 MPS Educator Student Learning Goal Through implementation of MTSS, 80% of Mashpee students will meet grade-level academic and behavior benchmarks in Tier 1 by June, 2017. Shared 16/17 MPS Educator Professional Practice Goals I will apply research-based strategies from “Explicit Instruction” by Archer/Hughes. The data-based problem-solving model using ICEL by RIOT will be used to assess progress at monthly school-level data-based SBLT/PLC meetings. I will decrease the loss of academic instructional time by at least 50% by applying strategies with fidelity based on “The Behavior Code” by Jessica Minahan. Each educator’s action steps towards reaching the above goals are individualized.

21 Mashpee’s MTSS Journey
We continue to focus on the essential components in the transformational change process Multi-tiered framework Problem Solving Process Data Evaluation Leadership Capacity Building Infrastructure Communication/Collaboration


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