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Reminders Vocabulary Unit 10 Rhetorical Analyses

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1 Reminders Vocabulary Unit 10 Rhetorical Analyses
Regular Quiz – tomorrow, 11/20 Rhetorical Analyses Rough Draft for Rhetorical Analysis #2 – due today, 11/19 Bring BOTH final drafts of Rhetorical Analysis #1 and #2 to class tomorrow. I will pick up ONE for a grade. Outliers: Chapters – 6-7 – quiz today Pick up the FINAL project assignment and handout of film terms (they are in green on the front table) – it’s the film project! Begin reading it. We will discuss it at the end of class.

2 Voice Lesson: Syntax #4

3 Read and Think: When I had waited a long time, very patiently, without hearing him lie down, I resolved to open a little – a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it – you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily – until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of a spider, shot from out the crevice and full upon the vulture eye. -- Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart,” The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings Analyze the syntax in the passage. Claim: Poe’s use of syntax…(what does it do? What is the effect?) OR Poe uses syntax to… Consider the following hints to guide your response: Use of phrases Use of dashes *Your response should use C-E-I format.

4 Responses Poe’s use of syntax creates suspense. By interrupting the flow of the sentence with phrases such as, “very patiently…without hearing him lie down…a very, very little” he slows down the movement of the sentence and increases the tension. The reader has to wait for the action to unfold as slowly as the action itself. Poe uses dashes in two of the sentences which can mark a sudden change of thought or a parenthetical remark that is emphasized. The dashes he uses set off a direct address to the reader and slow down the sentence, creating apprehension for the reader. The parenthetical address to the reader increases the tension of the sentence and involves the reader directly in the action by forcing the reader to wait for the slow, secretive actions revealed by the sentence. The syntax in Poe’s sentences not only heightens the tension, but creates a dark, suspenseful mood.

5 Response – revised Poe’s use of syntax creates suspense. By interrupting the flow of the sentence with phrases such as, “very patiently…without hearing him lie down…a very, very little” he slows down the movement of the sentence and increases the tension. The reader has to wait for the action to unfold as slowly as the action itself. Poe uses dashes in two of the sentences which can mark a sudden change of thought or a parenthetical remark that is emphasized. The dashes he uses to set off a direct address to the reader and slow down the sentence, creating apprehension for the reader. The parenthetical address to the reader also increases the tension of the sentence and involves the reader directly in the action by forcing the reader her to wait for the slow, secretive actions revealed by the sentence. The syntax in Poe’s sentences not only heightens the tension, but also creates a dark, suspenseful mood.

6 Responses Poe’s use of syntax creates suspense. By interrupting the flow of the sentence with phrases such as, “very patiently…without hearing him lie down…a very, very little” he slows down the movement of the sentence and increases the tension. The reader has to wait for the action to unfold as slowly as the action itself. Poe uses dashes in two of the sentences which can mark a sudden change of thought or a parenthetical remark that is emphasized. The dashes he uses set off a direct address to the reader and slow down the sentence, creating apprehension for the reader. The parenthetical address to the reader increases the tension of the sentence and involves the reader directly in the action by forcing the reader to wait for the slow, secretive actions revealed by the sentence. The syntax in Poe’s sentences not only heightens the tension, but creates a dark, suspenseful mood.

7 Outliers One Question, One Comment (index card)
Individual Pair Quad Whole Group Reading Quiz, Chapters 6-7

8 Revising – Evaluation of an Argument Draft
Underline the thesis. (Does it clearly reference the argument Guggenheim makes?) Label the Claims throughout the response (Look to see that the claims clearly support the thesis.) Highlight each piece of evidence (Examine the evidence. Does each piece of evidence support the claim?) Label each piece of evidence and what element of rhetoric that it refers to (ethos, pathos, logos) Circle lead-ins for all direct quotes or paraphrase. If not there, assist in creating them. Suggest a concluding statement (Write at the end of the paper) Cross through any “I” or “you” or your” or “we” or “our” Provide ONE positive comment. Provide TWO specific suggestions for improvement Return to your own paper and begin revisions.

9 Film Project Read/review assignment Questions
Tomorrow – we will sign up for which project you want to do / if you choose to do the film analysis we will sign up for those also.

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