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Chapter 6-2 Age of Railroads

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1 Chapter 6-2 Age of Railroads

2 Focus Question: Sept. 25 The late 1800s was called the Age of Railroads. Give 3 names for this time period. Which one is best? Why?

3 Chapter 6 Focus Questions #6 10/4/11
Farmers were particularly hard hit in the decades leading to the financial panic of They regarded big business interests as insurmountable enemies who were bringing them to their knees and leaving them with debts at every turn. This cartoon is a warning of the dangers confronting not only the farmers but the entire nation. 1. How does this cartoon depict the plight of the farmers? 2. Who does the cartoonist suggest is responsible for the farmers’ plight? April 26, 2018

4 What will we learn? Why? Effect RR growth has on US Railroad has a huge role in connects the US It drove the econ. and needed govt. regulation Rarely does 1 industry have such an impact It helps spread culture, industry, cities, people across the US

5 Railroads made local travel reliable and westward expansion possible
**RR expansion important to govt, US govt gave huge land grants** and loans to RR companies


7 What does “Transcontinental” mean?
“Trans” means across Across the continent

8 1. When and where was the Transcontinental RR completed?
Central Pacific and Union Pacific meet at Promontory, UT Complete 1st TCRR May 10, 1869 TCRR helps connect the country 1861—30 K miles of RR 1890—180 K miles

9 Who’s got a question? 1st Transcontinental RR 1869 Central Pacific
Union Pacific Who’s got a question?

10 After the RR: New York City to San Francisco, 1 week
Before RR: 3 months by wagon train

11 (1890)


13 “Golden Spike” ceremony

14 Impact of Railroads on the US
1. **Spread culture across the country** we are exposed to the same: political news, religion, fashion, inventions, sports, music, fashion, theater Gives us common experiences 2. Standardized time zones: 4 in lower 48

15 Problems w/no time zones….
Problem—each town had their own time From Maine to CA may have to reset your watch 20 times 1869: 24 time zones on Earth(1 for each hr.) proposed—passed in 1883


17 Impact of Railroads 3. Encourages people to move west
RR sells land to settlers Cities develop where RR stops 4. Cities/regions depend on each other: trade increases Pittsburgh—steel, Chicago—meat, Minneapolis—grain, Battle Creek—cereal

18 Impact of the Railroads
5. *RR’s help industrialize the country* Largest user of steel, iron, glass, lumber, coal Also…..RR brings dreams of adventure, fresh start, escape, available land Land has always been a source of wealth: farming, ranching, mining

19 Write down 2 ways that the Railroads impacted the United States.
Think/pair/share  Write down 2 ways that the Railroads impacted the United States.

20 Interdependent regions

21 3. What opportunities did the RR offer to people?
RR brings dreams of adventure, fresh start, escape, available land Land has always been a source of wealth: farming, ranching, mining Jobs around the country: steel, iron, glass, lumber, coal


23 4. See “Historical Spotlight” on p. 237
4. See “Historical Spotlight” on p Make a T-chart to compare conditions for Asian and white workers. Central Pacific—Chinese, Union Pacific—Irish, CW Vets, poor pay whites—10 hr. days, free meals, $40-60/mo., Chinese—dawn to dusk, $35/mo, supply own food, more dangerous working conditions


25 5. Describe safety while working on the RR.
Dangerous to build and work on: 1888—2 K killed, 20 K injured Most dangerous job was “fireman”

26 7. How does the RR promote trade and interdependence in the US?
cities specialize—interdependent regions Chicago: stockyards, meat Minneapolis: grain industries, Pittsburgh: steel, glass Grand Rapids: furniture, Detroit: cars Cities prosper by selling their stuff to the entire US

27 The Great Union Stock Yard of Chicago

28 8. Can you think of any towns that specialize in certain products?
Flint, Saginaw, Pontiac, Lansing? Battle Creek: cereal Gary, IN: steel Chicago: meat, RR center

29 9. What services and facilities did Pullman, IL provide?
George Pullman owned Pullman Palace Car Co. (sleeping cars) *built his COMPANY TOWN for his workers in 1881, this was unusual* wanted a stable work force

30 Pullman, IL clean, brick homes and apartments, legal, medical, shops, churches, schools, theaters, athletic fields, library, indoor plumbing, gas, sewers


32 Pullman paid his people in company scrip
Pullman paid his people in company scrip. Useable only at company stores.

33 10. Why might people not like to live in Pullman?
very strict—couldn’t loiter on front steps, no alcohol Depression of 1893—cut wages, but not rent—led to violent strike and riots (1894)

34 11. List some of the ways that RR’s abused customers.
govt. land grants were sold to businesses, not settlers RR’s fixed prices (all RR’s charge high prices) charged diff. customers diff. rates charged more for short haul

35 12. Why did the Grangers want to elect local, state, and national political candidates?
The Grange wants to elect people to support farmers (what is our political voice?) setting max. rates for passengers/freight is big

36 The Grange (Patrons of Husbandry)

37 A Grange Hall Vinland, Kansas

38 13. What did states win in Munn v. Illinois?
(1877) Supreme Court said states could regulate RR’s BIG DEAL—fed govt has the right to regulate private industry to serve the public interest (common good)

39 What were 2 parts of the Interstate Commerce Act
What were 2 parts of the Interstate Commerce Act? Was it successful in regulating RR’s? Why or why not? 1. fed govt can regulate RR’s 2. sets up 5 member board (ICC) Interstate Commerce Commission not successful at regulating RR’s—RR’s resist in court—1897 SC says the ICC couldn’t set max rates

40 15. Use numbers to describe how bad the depression of 1893 was.
many RR’s go bankrupt—cause Depression of 1983 overbuilding and competition mismanagement Worst depression up to that time 600 banks fail 15 K businesses fail 4 M unemployed

41 6-2 creative side Draw 3 pictures w/ captions or create a 12-line poem (rap) about The impact of the RR on America Extra credit: good use of color

42 1 page essay List and explain 3 pros and 3 cons of railroad expansion in a 1 page essay. I gave the students a 3x5 notecard the day before the test and told them they could include up to 15 key words to help them write the essay

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