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The Challenge Program: Electrical Engineering

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1 The Challenge Program: Electrical Engineering
Anato – BP Challenger

2 About me From Bangladesh, but grew up in different parts of Europe and Asia Studied Electrical and Energy Engineering at the University of Birmingham, graduating with an MEng in July 2012 Joined BP soon after in September 2012

3 My career so far Previously interned at BP in 2010, at the end of my 3rd year Modelled uninterruptible power supply systems in software Past summer placements at CEPALCO in the Philippines and Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh Smaller energy companies focusing on utilities, rural energy etc

4 Why BP? I’ve been interested in technology since childhood and I wanted to make a career out of it I applied to BP because it was one of the biggest names in the energy industry I didn’t know much about the internal working culture at BP before my internship, but I was impressed with what I saw

5 My current role Working for BP Angola as an electrical engineer
Part of an Engineering Services team supporting an FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading) unit called Greater Plutonio

6 Where I work Office based here in Sunbury, occasionally travelling to Angola Greater Plutonio itself is located off the Angolan coast in Block 18

7 What I do daily My role involves dealing with electrical engineering projects, upgrades and maintenance on the asset Examples include addition of new backup power supplies, switching points and replacing obsolete equipment I work on the design, circuits and track down the correct parts. The electrical team offshore will do the physical installation on board

8 Real responsibility One of my projects involve upgrading the Brush Prismic – an automated system that controls power on Greater Plutonio The asset cannot operate without this – hence executing this properly is very important

9 Travel and work offshore
Occasional opportunities to travel Assets are in Angola, which means fieldwork is in Angola One 7 day trip so far for surveying on board Greater Plutonio for certain planned modifications Training locations are based in different cities like Aberdeen, Manchester etc.

10 After hours This depends on you! We have a very active social committee who organise a variety of nights out, dinners, trips to the theatre and charity events Many of us also get alternative Fridays off, and people tend to travel out of town or out into Europe You’re also free to enjoy your time off wherever you may be travelling!

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