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Site Information.

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1 Site Information

2 Unannounced audits As we are now officially in the unannounced audit season please ensure you, your team and your area of work are audit ready. If you have any questions please speak to Technical or your Line Manager.

3 Ethics Point

4 What is EthicsPoint: What to report:
Ethicspoint is your anonymous and confidential reporting tool to communicate misconduct and promote a positive work environment. Addressing misconduct and other concerns in the work place early on will help minimize negative morale issues and financial impact to our company, employees, vendors and clients. What to report: Situations, events or actions by individuals or groups that you believe carry a negative impact on company or shareholder well-being or are detrimental to morale, productivity, or personal safety. Frivolous or unfounded reports do not help foster a positive workplace. If you are uncertain if a situation violates company policy, is illegal or constitutes harassment or discrimination Please use Ethicspoint to obtain clarification. We would much rather have you ask than let potential problems go unchecked.

5 What kinds of things would I report?
Appropriate Instances to Report to Ethicspoint Instances to Report to Local Management and Human Resources Accounting misconduct Misstatement of Revenues, Assets or Expenses Securities violations- -such as insider trading Conflict of Interest- such as accepting gifts/bribes from vendors or misuse of confidential information Suspected embezzlement- -such as misapplication of funds for personal use or mishandling of cash Falsification of company contracts, reports or records Harassment or Discrimination situations that have been reported to local and Regional Management / HR, but have not been adequately addressed Any of the following situations that have been reported to local and Regional Management/HR but have not been adequately addressed: safety violations, theft, vandalism or sabotage , and threats of violence by a co-worker Grievances about being treated unfairly Grievances about being terminated unfairly Belief you are being harassed or discriminated against Safety violations Threats of violence by another employee Suspected substance abuse by a co-worker Suspected theft or vandalism/sabotage of Company property Concerns/complaints such as: Co-workers taking long breaks Supervisors who are rude A co-worker’s misuse of the internet Offensive language in the plant or office An awareness that two of your co-workers are involved romantically

6 How To File A Report: Reporting is as easy as 1-2-3.
Access Ethicspoint to report Complete a report Follow-up 48 hours later Ethicspoint is carefully designed to maintain your confidentiality and anonymity at every step. Step-by-step instructions guide you to help ensure that you do not inadvertently compromise its safeguards. Go To: Call:

7 Nut and Seed Policy Mission Foods is a nut and sesame seed free site
Nut and Seed Policy Mission Foods is a nut and sesame seed free site. It is our policy to prevent any nut, sesame seed or their derivatives from entering the premises.   We have made all raw material suppliers aware of this policy and they are tasked to ensure that any raw materials supplied are free from contamination.   We have briefed the supplier of sandwiches, beverages and confectionery to our vending machines on this policy.   All lubricants used on our machinery have been assessed to ensure they comply with this policy.   All staff are briefed at induction on the importance of maintaining the site as nut free and therefore they are forbidden to bring in food, beverages or confectionery containing nut products.   NUTS CAN CAUSE AN ANAPHALACTIC SHOCK IN SOME PEOPLE WHICH MAY BE FATAL. FOR THE THIRD TIME SINCE THE START OF 2017 WE HAVE FOUND EVIDENCE IN THE CANTEEN OF STAFF BRINGING PEANUTS ON SITE. IT IS NOT PERMISSABLE TO BRING NUTS OR SESAME SEEDS ON SITE AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON!!! Steve Walsh Technical Manager

8 Foreign Body Control: Hair
On numerous occasions in the last few weeks members of our staff with facial hair have been seen on the factory floor either not wearing a beard snood or wearing the snood incorrectly, thus exposing our products to potential foreign body contamination. A snood must be worn to cover facial hair and this includes stubble (everything over 24 hours growth), moustaches and beards; everyone has been trained in how to wear a beard snood as shown in this photograph but many are not adhering to the procedure. Please be reminded that if your job requires you to wear a dust mask you should be clean shaven. This ensures that the dust mask is face fitted effectively.

9 Foreign Body Control: Hair
If staff continue to fail to wear snoods correctly we will introduce a full head balaclava which are in common use in the food industry – see the attached photograph. There will be an opportunity to negate the need for balaclavas by ensuring everyone complies with the current snood procedure until the end of January but should the situation not improve the balaclava will replace the snood for all facial hair.

10 Not sure who you can talk to?
WHISTLEBLOWING Not sure who you can talk to? Under our Whistleblowing Policy, if you don’t feel able to raise it with your line manager, you can always talk in confidence to Diana Boyes, UK HR Manager, OR call our whistleblowing line Alternatively you can contact the Asda Whistleblowing number to report any concerns you may have in regards to their head office / site Both numbers are confidential helplines operated by external companies

11 Johnsons Overall Clinic
Brian from Johnsons will be onsite to answer any questions in relation to your overalls or measure anyone who needs to be measured Please pop along and see Brian if you have any questions Date: Friday Time: 3pm – 4pm Location: Pool Stock

12 Employee Engagement

13 Missions MEGA Monday February T&C apply Radoslaw Zazycki
Season Ticket Winners · · Sunderland v Southampton—Saturday 11th February (3pm KO) Radoslaw Zazycki Sunderland v Manchester City—Sunday 5th March (4pm KO) Gyorgy Dudas Cinema Ticket Winners Paul Anderson Winston Lowe ·  ·  Please collect your tickets from HR T&C apply

14 Health and Safety

15 Health and Safety meetings will take place on the 1st Wednesday of each month
4pm Excellence Please speak to your Representative if you have any H&S discussion topics to raise at the meeting

16 Control of Plasters It is a matter of great importance that the products we produce, including the packaging, remain clean and hygienic and are never contaminated by our staff. Cuts, grazes and other open wounds harbour bacteria which may contaminate our products and packaging with blood. Wounds must remain covered at all times to protect the products. Do not ignore wounds and check your hands regularly for cuts – no matter how small a cut, they must be covered by a plaster. Mission Foods employs trained First Aiders to supply plasters to cover wounds – these plasters are metal detectable and coloured blue to make them highly visible, should one become lost. The First Aiders will log the details of when and to whom a plaster is issued. To prevent a plaster being lost and thus contaminating the products, they must be covered by a blue disposable glove at all times. For the second time in four months we have found a plaster in a product! If your plaster becomes lost whilst at work you must inform your Shift Manager and QA immediately.

17 Company Council

18 Company Council Meeting will take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
Excellence 4pm Please speak to your Representative if you have any discussion topics to raise at the meeting

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