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TVMS th Grade Timm - Ripple

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1 TVMS 2016-17 7th Grade Timm - Ripple
Cells Review Preview

2 Overview Kahoot Slide / lecture / guided notes Activity (web quest?)
Find a video / more guided notes Kahn Academy (a few examples) Macromolecules Energy and enzymes Structure of a cell Membranes and transport Cellular respiration Photosynthesis Cell signaling Cell division Cell drawing / labeling Follow up assessment

3 Topics Characteristics of living things Level of life Cell theory
(6) Life from life (Redi’s experiment) Level of life Cell theory Common structures and functions Plant vs animal Respiration / photosynthesis Hierarchy (cells, tissues, organs, systems, body)

4 Six characteristics of all living things are:
Cellular organization Contain similar chemicals Use energy Grow and develop Respond to their surroundings Reproduce

5 Produce offspring that are similar to the parents.
Reproduction Produce offspring that are similar to the parents.

6 Life Comes From Life Spontaneous Generation-mistaken theory that living things arise from nonliving things.


8 Experiments to disprove spontaneous generation.
Francesco Redi Flies do not spontaneously arise from decaying meat. Louis Pasteur Spontaneous generation does not occur with bacteria.

9 Redi’s Experiment Manipulated (independent variable) was the covering on the jar.

10 Pasteur’s Experiment Manipulated (independent variable) was boiling the broth in one flask.

11 The Needs of Living Things
Energy Water Living space Stable internal conditions (homeostasis)

12 Organisms use food as their source of energy.
Autotrophs- (auto means self; troph means feeder ) organisms that make their own food. Heterotrophs- (hetero-means other) organisms that cannot make their own food.

13 The Cell Theory All living things are composed of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. All cells are produced from other cells.

14 Cell Theory All living things are made up of cells.
Cells are the smallest working units of all living things. All cells come from preexisting cells through cell division.

15 Definition of Cell A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.

16 Examples of Cells Amoeba Proteus Plant Stem Bacteria Red Blood Cell
Nerve Cell

17 Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Two Types of Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

18 Prokaryotic Do not have structures surrounded by membranes
Few internal structures One-celled organisms, Bacteria

19 Eukaryotic Contain organelles surrounded by membranes
Most living organisms Plant Animal

20 Cell Size

21 Cell Structure & Function

22 “Typical” Animal Cell

23 “Typical” Plant Cell

24 Cell Parts Organelles

25 Surrounding the Cell

26 Cell Membrane Outer membrane of cell that controls movement in and out of the cell Double layer

27 Cell Wall Most commonly found in plant cells & bacteria
Supports & protects cells

28 Movement Across the Plasma Membrane
A few molecules move freely Water, Carbon dioxide, Ammonia, Oxygen Carrier proteins transport some molecules Proteins embedded in lipid bilayer Fluid mosaic model – describes fluid nature of a lipid bilayer with proteins


30 Membrane Proteins 1. Channels or transporters 2. Receptors
Move molecules in one direction 2. Receptors Recognize certain chemicals

31 Membrane Proteins 3. Glycoproteins 4. Enzymes Identify cell type
Catalyze production of substances

32 Cell Walls Found in plants, fungi, & many protists
Surrounds plasma membrane

33 Cell Wall Differences Plants – mostly cellulose Fungi – contain chitin

34 Inside the Cell

35 Nucleus Directs cell activities
Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane Contains genetic material - DNA

36 Nucleus Control center of cell Double membrane Contains Chromosomes

37 DNA Hereditary material Chromosomes Chromatin DNA Protiens
Form for cell division Chromatin

38 Nuclear Membrane Surrounds nucleus Made of two layers
Openings allow material to enter and leave nucleus

39 Nuclear Envelope Separates nucleus from rest of cell Double membrane
Has pores

40 Chromosomes In nucleus Made of DNA
Contain instructions for traits & characteristics

41 Nucleolus Inside nucleus Contains RNA to build proteins

42 Nucleolus Most cells have 2 or more Directs synthesis of RNA
Forms ribosomes

43 Cytoplasm Gel-like mixture Surrounded by cell membrane
Contains hereditary material

44 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Moves materials around in cell Smooth type: lacks ribosomes Rough type (pictured): ribosomes embedded in surface

45 Ribosomes Each cell contains thousands Make proteins
Found on ribosomes & floating throughout the cell

46 Mitochondria Produces energy through chemical reactions – breaking down fats & carbohydrates Controls level of water and other materials in cell Recycles and decomposes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

47 Mitochondria Have their own DNA Bound by double membrane

48 Mitochondria Break down fuel molecules (cellular respiration)
Glucose Fatty acids Release energy ATP

49 Golgi Bodies Protein 'packaging plant' Move materials within the cell
Move materials out of the cell

50 Golgi Apparatus Involved in synthesis of plant cell wall
Packaging & shipping station of cell

51 Golgi Apparatus Function
1. Molecules come in vesicles 2. Vesicles fuse with Golgi membrane 3. Molecules may be modified by Golgi

52 Golgi Apparatus Function (Continued)
4. Molecules pinched-off in separate vesicle 5. Vesicle leaves Golgi apparatus 6. Vesicles may combine with plasma membrane to secrete contents


54 Lysosome Digestive 'plant' for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
Transports undigested material to cell membrane for removal Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes

55 Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Functions Aid in cell renewal
Break down old cell parts Digests invaders

56 Vacuoles Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal
Contains water solution Help plants maintain shape

57 Vacuoles Membrane bound storage sacs
More common in plants than animals Contents Water Food wastes

58 Chloroplast Usually found in plant cells Contains green chlorophyll
Where photosynthesis takes place

59 Plant cells Onion cell Elodea cells Cork cell

60 “Typical” Plant Cell

61 Plant Cell

62 Animal Cells Blood cells Frog blood cells Cheek Cells

63 “Typical” Animal Cell

64 Animal Cell


66 Chloroplasts Derived form photosynthetic bacteria
Solar energy capturing organelle

67 Photosynthesis Takes place in the chloroplast
Makes cellular food – glucose

68 Levels of Organization


70 ATOMS Smallest part of matter NON-living

71 Molecules 2 or more bonded atoms Form compounds NON-living

72 Macromolecule Very large molecules
Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids NON-living

73 Organelles “Tiny organs” Made of macromolecules

74 Cell Made of organelles Basic unit of structure & function LIVING

75 Tissue The same kind cell working together Living

76 Organs Tissues that work together Living

77 Systems Organs that work together Living

78 Organism Entire living things (organisms) Usually made of systems
May be a single cell Living

79 Population Same type of organism living together

80 Community Several populations living together Population interact

81 Ecosystem A biotic (living) community plus the abiotic (nonliving) features

82 Biome Similar ecosystems on earth together

83 Biosphere Whole living layer around the globe
Includes abiotic features

84 Tissue Organ System Organism Atom Molecule Macromolecule Organelle
Cell Tissue Organ System Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

85 Cellular organization
Cells Tissue Organs Organ systems

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