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Starring Your Host Alex Trebek. Starring Your Host Alex Trebek.

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2 Starring Your Host Alex Trebek

3 Northeast Region Southeast Region Midwest Region Southwest Region West Region 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 200 pts 200 pts 200 pts 200 pts 200 pts 300 pts 300 pts 300 pts 300 pts 300 pts 400 pts 400 pts 400 pts 400 pts 400 pts 500 pts 500 pts 500 pts 500 pts 500 pts

4 This statue was a gift from France to the US. It symbolizes freedom

5 Statue of Liberty in NY

6 The building where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed.

7 Independence Hall in PA

8 What symbol represents the arrival of the Pilgrims in the Mayflower in 1620?

9 Plymouth Rock in MA

10 1) What is the main mountain chain in this area
1) What is the main mountain chain in this area? 2) Running through these mountains are rivers, lakes and waterfalls. What is the second largest waterfall in the world that is located on the border between New York and Canada.

11 1) Appalachian Mountains 2) Niagara Falls

12 1) The Northeast experiences a varied climate. Explain each season
1) The Northeast experiences a varied climate. Explain each season. 2) What are the 4 main natural resources found in this area?

13 1) Winter – cold and snowy spring – rainy summers – hot or mild fall – warm and cool 2) trees, Atlantic Ocean, granite & marble stones

14 The base of operations for NASA and where rockets and shuttles are launched is called what?

15 Kennedy Space Center

16 1) What is the longest cave system known in the world
1) What is the longest cave system known in the world? 2) What is the largest exposed mass of granite in the world?

17 1) Mammoth Cave in KY 2) Stone Mountain in GA

18 1) The climate of the SE is an important role in the vegetation, why
1) The climate of the SE is an important role in the vegetation, why? 2) What are the 5 main natural resources found in the SE region?

19 1) The long, hot growing season and fertile soil make this area perfect for farmers. 2) crops, trees, oil, natural gas and coal Crops: rice, sugarcane, tobacco, peanuts, and fruits

20 What is the huge wetland called that covers most of Southern Florida?

21 Everglades

22 1) The Southeast climate, due to the fact that this region is closer to the equator than most parts of the country, has what kind of winters and summers? 2) It also has a lot of what?

23 1) Mild winters that are not very cold Not, humid summers 2) it gets quite a bit of rainfall

24 This granite sculpture that is carved in the side of a mountain has 4 US Presidents carved into it. What is it called? 2) What are the presidents that are carved into the mountain?

25 1) Mount Rushmore in SD 2) Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln

26 What is known as “Gateway to the West” 2) What is the tallest building in America?

27 1) The Gateway Arch in MO 2) Willis Tower in IL

28 What are the names of the 5 Great Lakes?

29 Superior Michigan Huron Erie Ontario

30 1) Because the land is so fertile and provides much crops for farmers it is known as what? 2)The Midwest’s climate can change severely from state to state and season to season. Winter and summer seasons experience in temperatures. This extremes area experiences frequent tornadoes and therefore part of the region is called what?

31 1) The Bread Basket 2) Tornado Alley

32 What are 5 of the Midwest Natural Resources

33 Crops, cattle, pigs, chickens, iron ore (steel) crops: wheat, corn & soybeans

34 1) What is the climate of the SW
1) What is the climate of the SW? 2) Because of this climate this region is mostly made up of what?

35 1) Hot and dry with little rainfall 2) deserts

36 1) What steep canyon with the Colorado River flowing through it is in this area? 2) What is NASA’s center for astronaut training, research and flight control that is in this area?

37 1) Grand Canyon in AZ 2) Johnson Space Center in TX

38 In this region, Texas and Oklahoma are two of the largest producers of this natural resource that is found here, what is it?

39 oil

40 The deserts in this region also have valuable what? Name a few.

41 Minerals copper, uranium, iron, silver

42 What forms a border between Texas and Mexico and brings this dry area much needed water for crops and wildlife?

43 The Rio Grande River

44 1) Every state in this region has these mountains in it
1) Every state in this region has these mountains in it. 2) What is the lowest and driest area in North America that is found in this region?

45 1) Rocky Mountains 2) Death Valley

46 1) This suspension bridge is over 3 miles long and took over 4 years to build. 2) What is the worlds first national park that is found in this region?

47 The Golden Gate Bridge in CA 2) Yellowstone National Park in WY

48 1) Second most climbed mountain in the world
1) Second most climbed mountain in the world. 2) How many main islands make up Hawaii?

49 1) Mt. Hood in OR 2) 8 main islands

50 What is the climate like in the West. Give a couple examples.

51 Varied climate Alaska – cold and wet receives as much as 100 inches of precipitation California – hot and dry and receives about 10 inches of rain *Death Valley only 2 inches of rain every year

52 Name 4 Natural Resources found in the West Region

53 Coal, farmland, cattle ranches, oil

54 Final Jeopardy

55 What region has the corn, squash, and beans that is sometimes referred to as “The Three Sisters”?

56 The Northeast Region

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