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ZULFIANDRI Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Esa Unggul


3 DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH Memaparkan perlunya merancang organisasi dengan memahami perilaku dan budaya organisasi serta hubungan perancangan organisasi dengan pengelolaan SDM. Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan suatu organisasi dan mengetahui bagaimana mengatur suatu organisasi agar berjalan dengan efisien dan efektif.

4 OUTLINE (1) Pegantar dan deskripsi mata kulia, Pengantar Perancangan Organisasi Desain Struktur Organisasi, Budaya Organisasi dan Pengembangan Organisasi Hubungan Perancangan Organisasi dan peran strategis manajemen SDM Kepemimpinan Organisasi dan Motivasi Perencanaan Visi dan Struktur Organisasi Perencanaan SDM dalam organisasi Analisis Jabatan Rekrutmen dan Seleksi

5 OUTLINE (2) 8. 8-9. Mengatasi Konflik dan Pentingnya Norma Organisasi
10. Penilaian Kinerja dan Sistem Konpensasi Hubungan Industri Manajemen Perubahan Manajemen SDM Global dan Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi

6 REFERENSI Organization Design A guide to building effective organizations. Patricia Cichocki and Christine Irwin. Kogan Page Limited. 2011 Organization Design: The Collaborative Approach Naomi Stanford. Elsevier. 2005 Organizations Behavior, Structure, Processes Fourteenth Edition. James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, James H. Donnelly, Jr. Robert Konopaske Hani Handoko MSDM. BPFE. Yogyakarta

7 UNSUR PENILAIAN Kehadiran, partisipasi kelas, kedisiplinan & attitude (10%) Tugas individu/kelompok (10%) Quiz (10%) UTS (30%) UAS (40%)


9 The Nature of Organizational Design
What is organizational design? The overall set of structural elements and relationships among those elements used to manage the total organization. Organizations change continuously For large organization, it can be incomprehensibly complex

10 Why Are There Different Types of Organizations?
Depending on what the product or service is, the management has to structure the organization to met the customer’s needs. Two universal (one best way) perspectives of OD Bureaucratic model & Behavioral model

11 The Meaning of Organizational Design
Organization Design A dynamic process controlling outcomes and process

12 The Meaning of Organizational Design
Management’s Role Redesign: needs change as organization's needs change

13 The Meaning of Organizational Design
Management’s Role

14 The Meaning of Organizational Design
When a design should be reconsidered Severe performance problems Change in environment that affects internal policies New programs or product lines Leadership change

15 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Mission Specificity is important to determine design

16 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Future Environment Changing demographic characteristics Public and consumer sophistication Range of services provided outside traditional hospitals Increasing range of services being provided outside of traditional hospitals Ambulatory care programs, home care, long-term care, community health centers, etc. Growing involvement with the community to address underlying health issues Teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and violence Chapter 10

17 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Future Environment Involvement in community to address underlying health issues Increasing competition Increasing regulatory pressures Increasing range of services being provided outside of traditional hospitals Ambulatory care programs, home care, long-term care, community health centers, etc. Growing involvement with the community to address underlying health issues Teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and violence Chapter 10

18 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Future Environment Changing reimbursement systems Expanding private sector involvement Involvement of trustees, physicians, and other health professionals in strategic planning External standards for professional conduct

19 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Future Environment Demand for accountability and value Focus on patient safety and quality of care Rapidly developing medical technologies Information demands Development of information systems Artificial intelligence

20 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Organization Greater emphasis on teamwork Social contract accountability for governance Corporatization of health services organizations Demands to improve the quality of care

21 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Organization Demands to control costs, efficiency, productivity, and value Comprehensive and integrated clinical and financial information systems Constrained financial resources

22 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Organization Changing working relationships Increasing use of information technology Increasing need to coordinate activities internally The Organization, cont’d Changing working relationships Two or more supervisor systems Increasing use of information technology in the workplace Increasing need to coordinate activities internally and to manage conflict creatively Increasing recognition of the need for inter-organizational collaboration among public and private organizations to more effectively deal with preventable diseases Examples: SARS, influenza and AIDS. Chapter 10

23 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Organization Managing conflict creatively Collaboration among public and private organizations to address preventable diseases The Organization, cont’d Changing working relationships Two or more supervisor systems Increasing use of information technology in the workplace Increasing need to coordinate activities internally and to manage conflict creatively Increasing recognition of the need for inter-organizational collaboration among public and private organizations to more effectively deal with preventable diseases Examples: SARS, influenza and AIDS. Chapter 10

24 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Culture Focus on "customer" and patient-centered care Patient satisfaction surveys to modify care Broad sets of performance indicators Community-based care

25 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Culture Use of evidence and health outcome measures Challenges to traditional ways of operations Value of employees committed to organization Value of employees who are adaptable

26 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Culture Value of nonhierarchical leaders who can lead change processes Emphasis on teamwork and collaboration with nontraditional partners

27 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Culture Integrating functions and clinical processes Trust development Creating a culture of patient safety Promoting ethical work practices Increasing importance of physicians and other health professions to collaborate in developing trust in health services organizations Chapter 10

28 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources Acute shortage of nursing personnel Emphasis on cross-training vs. traditional professional training

29 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources Emphasis on horizontal teams and collaborative practices Pressure to substitute "cheaper" health care workers for more expensive health professionals

30 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources More women in management require flexibility Accessibility of day care and job sharing Greater ethnic and cultural diversity of workforce Need to experiment with new work arrangements Greater numbers of women in managerial positions requiring flexibility such as accessibility of day care and job sharing Greater ethnic and cultural diversity of the workforce Greater need to experiment with new work arrangements Self-managed work teams CQI/TQM strategies Many physicians who historically have had considerable autonomy becoming employees Shortages of key health services professionals Examples: pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists Chapter 10

31 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources Physicians becoming employees Shortages of key health services professionals Increasing need for managers with professional training Greater numbers of women in managerial positions requiring flexibility such as accessibility of day care and job sharing Greater ethnic and cultural diversity of the workforce Greater need to experiment with new work arrangements Self-managed work teams CQI/TQM strategies Many physicians who historically have had considerable autonomy becoming employees Shortages of key health services professionals Examples: pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists Chapter 10

32 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources Increasing unionization of workers Closer scrutiny by unions as some organizations retrench Need to educate all employees in strategic management Adopting a marketing orientation

33 Influences on Future Organization Designs
Human Resources Succession planning, career planning, and management development Pressure to provide continuing education, especially for clinical managers

34 Influences on Future Organization Designs
The Political Process Informal leaders may be helpful Better management to identify key players in redesign process Informal leaders may be especially helpful Identifying how a change in organization design might be received Communicating ideas about change to the grass-roots level in the organization Repressing incorrect rumors that could damage the implementation process Chapter 10



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