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Alternative Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Study

2 TOMORROW... 5/10/1866 Big Picture
Presenter: Zant Doty Big Picture Salt Lake City is historically a rail hub. Time to be a leader again! Develop the process and show the way! TOMORROW... 5/10/1866

3 Salt Lake City Las Vegas
Presenter: Zant Doty Scope of Project Connect Salt Lake City with Las Vegas and So. Utah Mobilize economy Infrastructure development Salt Lake City Las Vegas

4 Presenter: Zant Doty Scope of Project

5 Presenter: Zant Doty Study Objectives Provide alignment alternatives for high- speed rail from Salt Lake City - Las Vegas (McCarran Intl’ Airport) Provide UTA with engineering basis of design Promote UTA as continued leader in public transportation Provide work that can be used to gain political & economic support

6 Alignment Alternatives
Presenter: Zant Doty Alignment Alternatives Northern Alternatives Central Alignment Southern Alternatives

7 Northern Alignment N-1) Tooele County N-2) Provo-South
Presenter: Zant Doty Northern Alignment N-1) Tooele County N-2) Provo-South N-2-A) Tintic Mountain Cutoff N-2-B) Chicken Creek

8 Central Alignment C-1) Consistent for any selected alternative
Presenter: Zant Doty Central Alignment C-1) Consistent for any selected alternative

9 Southern Alignment S-1) US-93 S-2) St. George Alignments
Presenter: Zant Doty Southern Alignment S-1) US-93 S-2) St. George Alignments S-2-A) St. George S-2-B) Bulldog Canyon S-3-C) Gunlock Alignment

10 Evaluation Criteria North: Ranked 1-3 South: Ranked 1-2
Presenter: Daniel Thomson Evaluation Criteria North: Ranked 1-3 South: Ranked 1-2 Higher = Better The best alternative should… be the most cost-effective ensure the shortest and fastest trip provide the highest possible ridership have the least environmental impact

11 Cost Criteria General Track Mileage Alternative Track Mileage
Presenter: Daniel Thomson Cost Criteria General Track Mileage Alternative Track Mileage Cut & Fill Estimates Easements & Ownerships Interferences Structural Features Drainage Features

12 Ridership Criteria Major Hubs – 2.19 million Minor Hubs – 740 k
Presenter: Daniel Thomson Ridership Criteria Major Hubs – 2.19 million Salt Lake City – 1.06 million Las Vegas – 1.13 million Minor Hubs – 740 k Provo – 578 k Cedar City – 127 k St. George – 35 k

13 Travel Time & Speed Criteria
Presenter: Daniel Thomson Travel Time & Speed Criteria Consistency Average Total Travel Time 250MPH % 175 – 250 MPH % 125 – 175 MPH % < 125 MPH Average Speed Distance / Travel Time

14 Environmental Criteria
Presenter: Daniel Thomson Environmental Criteria Protected Wildlife Vulnerable: Desert Tortoise Near Threatened: Greater-Sage Grouse Least Concern: Pronghorn Antelope, Deer, & Elk Wetlands National Forest Joshua Tree

15 Northern Alignment Alternatives
Presenter: Grady Mensel Northern Alignment Alternatives

16 North: N-1) Tooele County
Presenter: Grady Mensel Description Beginning at Salt Lake City Int’l Airport Heads west past Oquirrh Mountains Runs south through Tooele until reaching the Chicken Creek Alignment Connection Distance miles

17 North: N-1) Tooele County
Presenter: Grady Mensel Major Alignment Constraints Oquirrh Mountains Recommendation: Tunnel Approximate Length = 3 miles Description Turns southwest before junction of Highway 201 and Interstate 80, cuts through mountain, and exits north of Lake Point Constricted Area near Stockton Recommendation: Two Cuts First, 1800 ft long by 200 ft deep Second, 1200 ft long by 100 ft deep Description This area is constricted due to the South Mountains on the west and the Oquirrh Mountains to the east

18 Total Cost ($) / Category
North: N-1) Tooele County Presenter: Grady Mensel Total Cost Breakdown: Score = 2/3 Category Total Cost ($) / Category Cost ($) / Mile Track Materials $ ,095,000 $ ,000 Alternative Track $ ,000,000 $ ,285,714 Cut & Fill $ ,000,000 $ ,857,143 Easements/Ownership $ ,950,000 $ ,524 Interferences $ ,350,000 $ ,857 Structural Features $ ,709,548 $ ,073,424 Drainage Features $ ,738,000 $ ,171 Totals Cost / Mile (125%) = 11.9 M Grand Total (125%) = 1.3 B

19 North: N-1) Tooele County
Presenter: Grady Mensel Travel Time & Speed: Score = 3/3 Alignment Total Length (mi) % Track at 250 mph % Track 175 – 250 mph % Track 125 – 175 mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Average Speed (mph) Tooele County 104.6 80 12 7 1 27 232.4

20 North: N-1) Tooele County
Presenter: Grady Mensel Ridership: Score = 3/3 Salt Lake City Population 1.06 M Percentage of for Northern Section 65% SLC International Tourism

21 North: N-1) Tooele County
Presenter: Grady Mensel Environmental Considerations: Score = 1/3 Great Sage Grouse Length of track within habitat 65 miles Pronghorn Antelope Length of track within habitat 75 miles

22 Most Environmental Impact
North: N-1) Tooele County Presenter: Grady Mensel Scoring Breakdown Applicable Values Score Percent Weight Weighted Score Total Cost Breakdown $11.9M / mile $1.3B total 2 40% 0.8 Travel Time and Speed 27 min. Trip Time 232.4 mph Avg Speed 3 20% 0.6 Ridership 1.06 M people 65% of Northern pop. Environmental Considerations Most Environmental Impact 1 0.2 Weighted Sum: 2.2

23 N-2-A) Tintic Mountain N-2-B) Chicken Creek
North: N-2) Provo Connector Presenter: Krystal Harman N-2-A) Tintic Mountain N-2-B) Chicken Creek

24 North: N-2-A) Provo –Tintic Mountain
Presenter: Krystal Harman Description Connects Provo to the Western Alignment Curves around southern Utah Lake and north of the mountains heading west Distance - 48 miles

25 North: N-2-B) Provo – Chicken Creek
Presenter: Krystal Harman Description Connects Provo to the Western Alignment Follows I-15 for 45 miles heading west at Chicken Creek Distance - 83 miles

26 Major Alignment Constraints
North: N-2-A) Provo – Tintic Mountain Presenter: Krystal Harman Major Alignment Constraints Smaller Turning Radius Recommendation: Lower speed Approximate Length = 1 mile Speed = mph from mph Cost Time Mountain Range (Unavoidable) Description: Short peaks or high grade west of Utah Lake along mountain range Recommendation: Tunnel or Cut & Fill 0.5 miles of tunnel, along Tintic Range Cost Variable based on type of earth present

27 Major Alignment Constraints
North: N-2-B) Provo – Chicken Creek Presenter: Krystal Harman Major Alignment Constraints Smaller Turning Radius Recommendation: Lower speed Approximate Length = miles Speed = mph from mph Cost Time Mountain Range (Unavoidable) Description: Uneven earth for miles followed by a sudden elevation increase Recommendation: Tunnel or Cut and Fill 7 miles total Cost Variable based on type of earth present

28 Total Cost ($) / Category Total Cost ($) / Category
North: N-2) Provo Connector Presenter: Krystal Harman Total Cost Breakdown (Tintic): Score = 3/3 Total Cost Breakdown (Chicken Creek): Score = 1/3 Total Cost ($) / Category Cost ($) / Mile $ ,272,000 $ ,000 $ ,750,000 $ ,458 $ ,400,000 $ ,000 $ ,035,000 $ ,063 $ ,000 $ ,458 $ ,148,750 $ ,482,266 $ ,076,000 $ ,750 Cost / Mile (125%) = 10 M Grand Total (125%) = 471 M Total Cost ($) / Category Cost ($) / Mile $ ,637,000 $ ,000 $ ,500,000 $ ,295,181 $ ,400,000 $ ,096 $ ,325,000 $ ,639 $ ,000 $ ,614 $ ,022,928 $ ,036,421 $ ,271,000 $ ,229 Cost / Mile (125%) = 13 M Grand Total (125%) = 1.1 B

29 North: N-2) Provo Connector
Travel Time & Speed (Tintic): Score = 1/3 Travel Time & Speed (CC): Score = 2/3 Alignment Total Length (mi) % Track at 250 mph % Track 175 – 250 mph % Track 125 – 175 mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Average Speed (mph) Tintic 85 43 30 26 1 36 141.66 Alignment Total Length (mi) % Track at 250 mph % Track 175 – 250 mph % Track 125 – 175 mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Average Speed (mph) Chicken Creek 83 35 23 17 25 34 146.47

30 North: N-2) Provo Connector
Presenter: Krystal Harman Ridership (Both): Score = 1.5/3 Provo Population 578 K Percentage of Northern Section 35% Third Largest City Tourist attractions

31 North: N-2) Provo Connector
Presenter: Krystal Harman Enviro. Considerations (Tintic): Score = 2/3 Enviro. Considerations (CC): Score = 3/3 Pronghorn Antelope 19.39 miles – Tintic Mountain 1.25 miles – Chicken Creek Great Sage Grouse 7 miles – Tintic Mountain

32 North: N-2) Provo South Connector
Presenter: Krystal Harman Scoring Summary North Alternative 2-A (Tintic Mountain) North Alternative 2-B (Chicken Creek) Applicable Values Score Total Cost Breakdown $10M / mile $471M total 3 $13M / mile $1.1B total 1 Travel Time & Speed 36 min. Trip time mph Avg. speed 34 min. mph Avg. speed 2 Ridership 574 K people 35% of North pop. 1.5 Environmental Considerations Medium Environmental Impact Least Environmental Impact

33 North: N-2) Provo South Connector
Presenter: Krystal Harman Scoring Comparison North Alternative 2-A (Tintic Mountain) North Alternative 2-B (Chicken Creek) Total Score Percent Weight Weighted Score Overall Cost of Alternative 3 40% 1.2 1 0.4 Average Travel Time 20% 0.2 2 Ridership of Alternative 1.5 0.3 Environmental Impact 0.6 Weighted Sum: 2.1 1.7

34 North Alignment Alternatives Evaluation
Presenter: Krystal Harman Tooele, Tintic Mtn., & Chicken Creek North Alternatives Comparison N-1 N-2-A N-2-B Overall Cost of Alternative 0.8 1.2 0.4 Average Travel Time 0.6 0.2 Ridership of Alternative 0.3 Environmental Impact 2.2  2.1 1.7

35 North Alignment Alternatives Evaluation
Presenter: Krystal Harman Tooele, Tintic Mtn., & Chicken Creek North Alternatives Comparison N-1 N-2-A N-2-B Overall Cost of Alternative 0.8 1.2 0.4 Average Travel Time 0.6 0.2 Ridership of Alternative 0.3 Environmental Impact 2.2  2.1 1.7

36 Presenter: John Horn Central Alignment

37 Central: Central Alignment
Presenter: John Horn No Stop Option Distance: 215 miles Speed: 250 mph Vertical Grade: 0.3% - 3.3% Time: 52 minutes Lynndyl - Beryl

38 Central: Central Alignment
Presenter: John Horn Cedar City Loop Additon Distance: 259 miles, Speed: 240 mph Vertical Grade: 0.3% - 2.4% Time: minutes

39 Major Alignment Constraints
Central: Central Alignment Presenter: John Horn Major Alignment Constraints Both Routes Cedar Loop Option Cut and fill areas Speed Land purchases River/stream crossings Alignment Total Length (mi) % Track @ 250 mph 175 – 250 mph 125 – 175 mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Central 215 92 4 3 1 50-55 Central and Cedar City Loop 259 88 8 70-75

40 Southern Alignment Alternatives
Presenter: John Horn Southern Alignment Alternatives

41 South: S-1) US-93 Route Breakdown Beryl to 319 319 to Panaca
Presenter: John Horn Route Breakdown Beryl to 319 319 to Panaca Bennett Springs Road/Pass US 93

42 South: S-1) US-93 319 to Panaca Short mountain mountain range
Presenter: John Horn 319 to Panaca Short mountain mountain range Grade: 4-5% Minor cut and fills Speed: 90 mph 125 mph

43 South: S-1) US-93 Bennett Springs Road/Pass
Presenter: John Horn Bennett Springs Road/Pass Larger mountain mountain range Grade: 4-5% Major cut and fills Speed: mph

44 South: S-1) US-93 Panaca Avoids grade changes 32.2 more miles
Presenter: John Horn Panaca Avoids grade changes 32.2 more miles Never drop below 150 mph

45 South: S-1) US-93 Panaca to US-93 Red-South Yellow-West
Presenter: John Horn Panaca to US-93 Red-South Flat- high speeds, little infrastructure Rugged canyon Major cut/fill and tunnels Yellow-West Flatter Two smaller cut and fills <3.0% grades

46 Total Cost ($) / Category
South: S-1) US-93 Presenter: John Horn Total Cost Breakdown: Score = 2/2 Category Total Cost ($) / Category Cost ($) / Mile Track Materials $ ,410,000 $ ,000 Alternative Track $ ,000,000 $ ,842 Cut & Fill $ ,000,000 $ ,684,211 Easements/Ownership $ ,837,500 $ ,303 Interferences $ ,000 $ Structural Features $ ,722,140 $ ,019,590 Drainage Features $ ,722,000 $ ,274 Totals Cost / Mile (125%) = 6.4 M Grand Total (125%) = 1.2 B

47 South: S-1) US-93 Travel Time & Speed: Score = 1/2 US-93 189.4 60 14
Presenter: John Horn Travel Time & Speed: Score = 1/2 Alignment Total Length (mi) % Track at 250 mph % Track 175 – 250 mph % Track 125 – 175 mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Average Speed (mph) US-93 189.4 60 14 13 58 196

48 South: S-1) US-93 Ridership (Both): Score = 1/2 Cedar City only
Presenter: John Horn Ridership (Both): Score = 1/2 Cedar City only Population 35 K Percentage for Southern Section 22% Tourism National Parks

49 South: S-1) US-93 Environmental Considerations: Score = 2/2
Desert Tortoise 45 miles Joshua Tree National Forest Area

50 Least Environmental Impact
South: S-1) US-93 Presenter: John Horn Scoring Breakdown Applicable Values Score Percent Weight Weighted Score Total Cost Breakdown $6.4M / mile $1.2B total 2 40% 0.8 Travel Time and Speed 58 min. Trip Time 196 mph Avg Speed 1 20% 0.2 Ridership 35 K people 22% of Southern pop. Environmental Considerations Least Environmental Impact 0.4 Weighted Sum: 1.6

51 South: S-2) St. George Alignments
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments 3 Alternatives Provided St. George Alignment (SGA) Gunlock Alignment – (GA) Bulldog Canyon Alignment (BCA)

52 Major Alignment Constraints
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Major Alignment Constraints Beaver Dam Wash Critical Habitats Speeds dependent on radius of curvature

53 Total Cost ($) / Category
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Total Cost Breakdown: Score = 1/2 Category Total Cost ($) / Category Cost ($) / Mile Track Materials $ ,655,000 $ ,000 Alternative Track $ ,000,000 $ ,482,759 Cut & Fill $ ,000,000 $ ,517,241 Easements/Ownership $ ,500,000 $ ,517 Interferences $ ,000 $ ,379 Structural Features $ ,025,240 $ ,691 Drainage Features $ ,276,000 $ ,938 Totals Cost / Mile (125%) = 15 M Grand Total (125%) = 2.1 B

54 South: S-2) St. George Alignments
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Travel Time and Speed: Score = 2/2 Alignment Total Length * (mi) % Track @ 250 mph % Track mph % Track mph % Track Below 125 mph Estimated Time (min) Average Speed (mph) St. George 145 77 18 1 4 48 181

55 South: S-2) St. George Alignments
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Ridership: Score = 2/2 Cedar City and St. George Population 162 K Percentage for Southern Section 100% Tourism National Parks

56 Environmental Considerations: Score = 1/2
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Environmental Considerations: Score = 1/2

57 South: S-2) St. George Alignments
Presenter: Alex Sprung South: S-2) St. George Alignments Critical Habitats  Category SGA Alignment GA Alignment BGA Alignment (Track Miles) ANIMALS Pronghorn 12.30 12.70 0.00 Bighorn Sheep 4.30 11.00 Desert Tortoise 43.00 23.00 25.00 Greater Sage Grouse WETLANDS 63.00

58 Most Environmental Impact
South: S-2) St. George Presenter: Alex Sprung Scoring Breakdown Applicable Values Score Percent Weight Weighted Score Total Cost Breakdown $15M / mile $2.1B total 1 40% 0.4 Travel Time and Speed 48 min. Trip Time 181 mph Avg Speed 2 20% Ridership 162 K people 100% of Southern pop. Environmental Considerations Most Environmental Impact 0.2 Weighted Sum: 1.4

59 South Alignment Alternatives Evaluation
Presenter: Alex Sprung US-93 & St. George South Alternatives Comparison S-1 S-2 Overall Cost of Alternative 0.8 0.4 Average Travel Time 0.2 Ridership of Alternative Environmental Impact  1.6 1.4

60 South Alignment Alternatives Evaluation
Presenter: Alex Sprung US-93 & St. George South Alternatives Comparison S-1 S-2 Overall Cost of Alternative 0.8 0.4 Average Travel Time 0.2 Ridership of Alternative Environmental Impact  1.6 1.4

61 Alternative Review North Alignment N-1) Tooele N-2-A) Tintic Mountain
Presenter: Jeff Thomas Alternative Review North Alignment N-1) Tooele N-2-A) Tintic Mountain N-2-B) Chicken Creek. Central Southern Alignment S-1) US-93 S-2) St. George Thanks Alex, This feasibility study has gathered all information on each of these alignment possibilities to help inform UTA engineers about the best path to build this unprecedented high-speed rail line between Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.

62 Alignment Scoring Summary
Presenter: Jeff Thomas Alignment Scoring Summary Alternative Comparison Summary Total Cost Weighted Score North Alternative 1 $1.3 B 2.2 North Alternative 2-A $ 471 M 2.1 North Alternative 2-B $ 1.1 B 1.7 Central Alignment $ 1.2 B N/A South Alternative S-1 1.6 South Alternative S-2 $ 2.1 B 1.4 My team members have detailed the decision factors for each alignment and provided their respective scores. This table summarizes the score information; the scores include the cost, but that also has been included on the table to provide a better idea of what scale of project this will be. The alternatives were considered, and a preferred alignment has been recommended.

63 Preferred Alignment North Alignment N-1) Tooele Alignment
Presenter: Jeff Thomas Preferred Alignment North Alignment N-1) Tooele Alignment N-2-A) Tintic Mtn. Alignment Central Southern Alignment S-1) US-93 The preferred alignment takes the alignments with the highest scores from each section. We recommend the alignment that strikes the best balance of cost, environmental concerns, ridership and travel time.

64 Preliminary Alignment Scoring
Presenter: Jeff Thomas Preliminary Alignment Scoring Alternative Comparison Summary Total Cost Weighted Score North Alternative 1 $1.3 B 2.2 North Alternative 2-A $ 471 M 2.1 Central Alignment $ 1.2 B N/A South Alternative S-1 1.6  Estimated Cost:  $4.171 B A preliminary estimate of total cost of project construction is $4.17 billion. While this could be a very low estimate, we have thoroughly examined the costs of other high speed rail projects and developed what we are confident is a good feasibility study estimate within plus or minus 50% of the final cost.

65 Presenter: Jeff Thomas
Next Steps Develop preliminary design calculations based on a preferred alternative from Salt Lake City - Las Vegas (McCarran Intl’ Airport) Meet with UTA to determine this alternative Provide UTA with Preliminary Engineering Design Report Allow future planners a place to start Present the report to UTA and Community to Gauge reception of the design Our next step is to meet with UTA to set in stone a preferred alternative. With this information, the team will continue to develop preliminary design calculations on the selected alternative. This next design study should narrow the cost estimate to within plus or minus 30 percent. The calculations will be included in the Preliminary Design Report, and should provide a great starting resource for any future planners looking to initiate this high speed rail project.

66 Questions We hope that we have provided you with solutions and alternatives that you had not considered on your own, and have discovered some of the hazardous and preferable areas for the project. Do you have any questions for the team?

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