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Sub-Saharan Africa Introduction

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1 Sub-Saharan Africa Introduction

2 Facts to Know Africa is the 2nd largest continent
Africa is a giant plateau Important physical features include: the Congo River, the Great Rift Valley, the Nile River, and the Sahel Facts to Know

3 Sub-Saharan Africa: Climates

4 Sub-Saharan Africa: Climates
Africa is large so it has many types of climates. Major climates are tropical rain forest, tropical savanna, and steppe Sub-Saharan Africa: Climates

5 Sub-Saharan Africa: Climates

6 -Cultural Barrier-Some thing that keeps cultures separated
-Cultural Barrier-Some thing that keeps cultures separated. -Mountains, oceans, thick forests, and deserts are cultural barriers because they are so hard to cross. -Other things can be cultural barriers, too! Language, religion, prejudice can all keep cultures separated. -In Africa, the Sahara Desert has been a cultural barrier between North Africa and sub- Saharan Africa Africa, SOTS

7 Sub-Saharan Africa: Resources

8 Sub-Saharan Africa: Resources
Africa has abundant natural resources. Mineral resources such as diamonds and gold have caused conflict and helped some countries’ economies. Fossil Fuels such as petroleum is also found in SS Africa especially on the Ivory Coast Sub-Saharan Africa: Resources

9 Sub-Saharan Africa: Resources

10 Sub-Saharan Africa: History

11 Sub-Saharan Africa: History
People originally came from Africa so they have the longest history Several Kingdoms existed long ago Probably the most important part of African history is European colonialism Sub-Saharan Africa: History

12 Sub-Saharan Africa: History
Label a piece of paper: “South Africa: Mineral Wealth vs. the Legacy of Apartheid” Define, on your own, what these words mean: Poor Working Class Middle Class Rich Sub-Saharan Africa: History

13 Sub-Saharan Africa: History
European Colonialism is important for Africa today because the way Europeans ran their colonies helped create some of the big problems African countries have today. Sub-Saharan Africa: History

14 Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges
The AIDS epidemic is a problem that has reduced life expectancy for many countries. Governments in African countries can be very corrupt. Ethnic groups in many African countries often conflict and sometimes fight. Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges

15 Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges

16 Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities
The people of Africa are very young. The countries of Africa are starting to work together. Natural Resources help create economic growth Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities

17 Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities

18 The United Nations and Africa, SOTS
The United Nations’ humaniatarian relief includes the following activities: -Protect people from other organizations like the Red Cross/Red Crescent -Set up refugee camps -Provide some education and health care The United Nations and Africa, SOTS

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